I am so excited because I have been in communication with my friend, Linda O., formerly a member at GS. She sold her house in town and is living full time at her condo in St. Augustine. Linda recently became a grandmother so this is even more exciting!
When Linda and I were together the last time, she was about to leave on a trip to Antigua to 'hang out with' some folks she had met at the LWMS Convention last year. Her booth in the mission displays was near theirs and they made fast friendships. For two months Linda was able to spend some time scoping out potential for helping soon-to-be mothers as part of her mission work. She has worked at the home for mothers our church body supports in CO so this is a natural extension of her gifts and abilities.
She wants to hear all about the Convention I recently attended as well so we will compare notes, though I am more interested in what she has to say to me, I think. We always have such good visits, and I am sure this one will be the same. When we were both working with Hospice, she would come over here after work (if she was in OP) and go for a dip with me. We plan to do so again when she comes on Thursday.
Today at the pool, the water exercise folks were introduced to a very nice couple who were staying at the hotel. They were on vacation, touring FL, fell in love with the place and went looking at available homes on the property with Pat A. Wow! They are retired and are in no particular hurry otherwise to make this move. He is retired Navy so the advantage of having the base nearby for services is appealing. Pat G. and I asked them to join us for lunch and how fun that was!
Both Mary Ann and Pat are first generation Italians, both blonde and hazel eyed, from the northern part of the country. They got to compare notes on their ancestors and immediate relatives yet in Italy. Pat, being a former drama teacher, was able to inform them on the area theater options and other cultural opportunities. The quiet of Orange Park (off the main drags at least!) plus the other entertainment options might have helped to sell the place. I hope so, anyway!
Our time poolside was cut short by an early afternoon storm, so Dick, my upstairs neighbor who had joined me at the pool, and I went inside just as the rain came. Before long it was just pouring, thundering, and lightning, which lasted for hours. No splash and dash storm with time. Poor Justin had to work in the rain but he said he was soaked in sweat already so it didn't matter.
There was no Happy Hour this week so I made sausage, peppers, and onions for dinner. Just before it was time to eat, Justin got a phone call from his boss and his wife to join them for the evening. He followed my lead of turning off the stove and leaving, which he did. I did not mind one bit since I was going to be watching the Synod convention proceedings in my room anyway. Nice that the boss called him to go out, even if it was for sushi!