My photo
No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Sent by my friend, Pat A.

Written by Regina Brett, 90 years old, writer for the Cleveland Plain Dealer, Cleveland, Ohio.

"To celebrate growing older, I once wrote the 45 lessons life taught me. 
It is the most requested column I've ever written.  My odometer rolled over to 90 in August, so here is the column once more:"

1. Life isn't fair, but it's still good.

2. When in doubt, just take the next small step.

3. Life is too short – enjoy it.

4. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends and family will.

5. Pay off your credit cards every month.

6. You don't have to win every argument. Stay true to yourself.

Cry with someone. It's more healing than crying alone.

8. It's OK to get angry with God. He can take it. (I am thinking this is not good advice-Kim)

9. Save for retirement starting with your first paycheck.

10. When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile.

11. Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present.

12. It's OK to let your children see you cry.

13. Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.

14. If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn't be in it.

15. Everything can change in the blink of an eye, but don't worry, God never blinks.

16. Take a deep breath. It calms the mind.

17. Get rid of anything that isn't useful. Clutter weighs you down in many ways.

18. Whatever doesn't kill you really does make you stronger.

19. It's never too late to be happy. But it’s all up to you and no one else.

20. When it comes to going after what you love in life, don't take no for an answer.

21. Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie.  Don't save it for a special occasion. Today IS special.

22. Over-prepare, then go with the flow.

23. Be eccentric now. Don't wait for old age to wear purple.

24. The most important sex organ is the brain.

25. No one is in charge of your happiness but you.

26. Frame every so-called disaster with these words 'In five years, will this matter?'

27. Always choose life.

28. Forgive

29. What other people think of you is none of your business.

30. Time heals almost everything. Give time time.

31. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.

32. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.

33. Believe in miracles.

34. God loves you because of who God is, not because of anything you did or didn't do.

35. Don't audit life. Show up and make the most of it now.

36. Growing old beats the alternative of dying young.

37. Your children get only one childhood.

38. All that truly matters in the end is that you loved.

39. Get outside every day. Miracles are waiting everywhere.

40. If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back.

41. Envy is a waste of time. Accept what you already have, not what you need

42. The best is yet to come...

43. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.

44. Yield.

45. Life isn't tied with a bow, but it's still a gift."

I highlighted those which were most significant in my mind, or my heart, and bolded ones which were extra important to me. I hope you find these to be as 'inspiring' as I did!

Friday, August 30, 2013

Where was this weather?

Where was this weather when Linda was here??? Today was a lovely mid-90's day (I guess it depends on just how lovely when you are a yard man....) The pool water did not reflect the heat of the day however; just a bit on the coolish side. When my friend, Fran, put her toes in, she winced at the temperature. I was okay as long as the sun shined on me, but once the clouds took over, I had to get out.

People came and went most of the afternoon, including Lee, Nancy, Cynthia, Fran and Rick. I had my lunch poolside, eating with Fran and Rick. Lee had eaten a bit ahead of me, having the shrimp special. I had my standard cheese burger and Fran had a big, fat hot dog. She just got good news from her blood work so it was time to celebrate!! 
This is a picture of Fran and I in the pool, but her hat hides her cute, little face...

Loved the politics talk, the book discussions, and other banter around and in the water. I sure do miss Maureen and those folks who are back in their classrooms because I enjoy the school discussions as well. The day before the topic was about real estate and best times to buy/sell. Nancy recently got an offer accepted to purchase a townhouse on our property, and she closes on it November 1st. She will be my neighbor soon!
Wednesday night I had gone to Happy Hour. I found Nancy sitting in the bar area with her Realtor, to whom I had directed her, having a celebratory margarita for the accepted offer. Nancy then came in to join us at the tables in the garden room. She left before I did, and I later walked home with my other neighbor, Kathy M. She and I both wanted to be home for O'Reilly. Betty and Kathy stayed a bit longer, with Kathy H. planning to watch O'Reilly later at 11:00 pm.

Well, I was settled in for the night, watching TV while under my covers. I am not able to recall what I was watching but likely it was "Frasier". All of a sudden, I heard something, like someone yelling. I leaped from my bed to hear better and sue enough, someone was yelling for help. I grabbed my phone and went outside. 

From all around me I heard footsteps, folks running to see who needed help. I went toward the voices and there, between 1st and 2nd floor, was a lady on the steps. I knew who it was...Miss Chardonnay had taken a tumble trying to get up to her unit. She had called for Kathy H. to help her, and when she could not get her upright, Kathy began yelling for help.

Justin, in the meanwhile, already sleeping, heard the sound of feet running, thought it was knocking at the door. He heard me open the door and then leave, not closing the door behind me. So, he had to come to see where his mama went, thinking a bad guy came to the door and I opened it up, and was taken!!! Oh yes, that's going to happen...He came around the corner and could see me standing at the rail, and figured out what happened. I assured him I was fine and he could go back to bed.

I asked Kathy if I should call for the rescue squad and she shook her head no, as Miss C. had already said not to. Since I was in my gown, I didn't go all the way down there, but plenty of other folks, including a cardiologist and his wife, had come to the rescue. About 7 men and ladies from as far up as the 5th floor had come down, but one lady was especially helpful in getting Miss Chardonnay scooted up the steps on her butt, and then to standing. Nothing broken and nothing bleeding, but boy, were our hearts pounding!!! Good thing we have a cardiologist in the building...

I am told Rosemary got her into the condo, and situated in the bed. When I got back to my own bed, it took me a while to settle down. Kathy was so shaken that she stayed awake until after 1:00 a.m. And Miss Chardonnay slept like a baby! But, boy, do we have wonderful neighbors here or what???

Thursday, August 29, 2013

A different Martin Luther King, Jr. speech excerpt

Martin Luther King, Jr. speech given at Barrett Jr. High, in Philadelphia, in 1967 

"What I'm saying to you this morning, my
friends: Even if it falls your lot to be a
street sweeper, go out and sweep streets 
like Michelangelo painted pictures! Sweep
streets like Handel and Beethoven
composed music. Sweep streets like 
Shakespeare wrote poetry. Sweep streets
so well that all the host of heaven and
earth will have to pause and say, "Here 
lived a great street sweeper who swept 
his job well!"  

If you can't be a pine on the top of a hill, 
be a scrub in the valley, but be the best 
little scrub on the side of the rill.  Be a 
bush if you can't be a tree. If you can't 
be a highway, just be a trail. If you can't 
be a sun, be a star.  It isn't by size that 
you win or you fail; be the best at 
whatever that you are!"

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Where did the time go?

Today I got a message from one of my friends, Kathy, wanting to get together with Linda before she left. Oops, too late! My upstairs neighbor, too, wondered if we could spend some time together but it was not to be. Linda has returned to her home and to her desk, running the show at FG. Or running her legs off, getting the bulletin printed, folded and stuffed for Thursday night's worship and for Sunday. Whew!

Several folks asked me at Happy Hour what Linda and I did while she was here, and as I ticked things off, we sounded quite busy. We were, and we were not, if that makes sense at all. Linda and I have skills that way---easily entertained.

First of all, Thursday, was Bible study and then our lunch at The Club. When we were about to leave Victory, it was pouring so hard that one of the men, Wayne, took our keys and went to get our umbrellas from the cars for us ladies. He is a true gentleman! 

Because Linda and I are wide loads, we could only protect our heads from the rain, while the rest of us got wet, including my booklet and Bible. We ate our lunch at The Club still a bit damp, and had to go out in the rain again to leave. Yech!

That night I made some of my delicious (I am proud of them!) sloppy Joe's for our dinner, and we spent the evening sitting around and talking. Justin was working in the kitchen prepping his beer cheese and bratwurst soup, making the house smell wonderful. 

In the morning on Friday, we were expecting a visit from Dee but Julia came instead. She brought a matte sample to match against Timmy's hug but we chose a different one for Justin's, which will hang on a different wall. She left the sample with me because 'it is your blue...'. We all went upstairs to Debbie's to look things over, as Julia was going to do an assessment of her wall space and room colors, etc. Debbie is looking for FL art and Julia can help her out!

Linda fell in love with the paint colors in the kitchen/dining area. She had brought her sample along for her new counter tops and we were going to look at colors for her. She found them upstairs! It's great to see them applied and how they work.
     Linda, Lee, Jacquie, and me (under the hat)

Friday was also our tea at Basketique with Lee and Jacquie. Linda had not met Jacquie before that day but had only heard about her. I am so glad when my friends can meet each other and put faces/personalities to their names. Linda bought a gift for her friend, Angie, at the store, for watching over the cats while Tom and she are gone.

We watched our radio show together and then The Five, with no hopes of going to the pool that day due to weather. Nuts! Justin served us our beer cheese soup while we watched the Packer game together. Stayed up late for that!!!

Saturday Linda and I went to breakfast at Honey B's and then snooped in the scrapbook store a bit. Since we were already dressed, we went to Beall's. Linda found some place mats for her new kitchen and a mat for by the sink, also in the new colors not yet painted. It's all about the accessories!

She helped me find a new purse, too, after I gave her my parameters. Since 2004 I have carried a red purse, my first being purchased in Florence from a street vendor. I also told Linda if we cannot find a suitable red one, a colored one would do, just not black or brown, and not fabric. Linda found me a perfect purple purse, and it was the same brand as the one I was carrying. Half price on top of all that!!! Now my check book fits, and my pocket Constitution, too!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

...and now she is gone!

As I lie here on my bed, keeping my puffy foot up, I await word that Linda has landed in Atlanta. Her flight left JAX at 8:15 and she will arrive in MKE around 11:30. It will be the wee hours of the morning when she gets under the covers in her own home for a short night's rest before being back at her desk tomorrow. Bright-eyed and bushy tailed? Not likely!

After getting back from the airport, a surprisingly traffic-light trip, I helped Justin get his mattress situated on his bed. At long last, after work, he was able to get his mattress from the storage and also a chair with ottoman which did not sell from their estate sale. My upstairs neighbors expressed interest in it so he brought it over to here to get it cleaned up, make it presentable.

Prior to his getting his nice mattress back, he had used a twin mattress on his full-sized box spring. Now, he can sleep on his cushy memory-foam mattress padded bed, with a pedestal fan situated to blow air in his face as he sleeps. I helped him get the garters on the sheet to keep them in place, because, as he describes himself, he sleeps "like an alligator wrestling some kill...". So funny, and so entirely opposite of how I sleep. Plunk, and I am out! No alligator wrestling in this bed...

Today, Linda and I opted to stay in from water exercise class (too cold and cloudy out there) to watch the opening service of Martin Luther College. The pastor from our home church, FG, was taking part in the service, along with his father, installing his brother as a teacher at the college. We wept, of course. One man was being ordained and installed by his father, and the dad got a bit choked up when doing so, as did we. That is what we do!

When it was over, the sun was out and it was above 80 degrees, so we two went out to the pool. I had put some cheese curds in my bag, grabbed Linda's bag of pretzels, and some grapes which had been purchased for her breakfast, to have for a snack. (We had both had breakfast, me having half a bagel with veggie cream cheese on it.)

When we walked out in the courtyard, I saw a tablefull of ladies, so I went back into the house to grab the other bag of cheese curds which Linda had brought along at my request for Ollavan. She had been so grateful for the ones I brought back for her in June, sending me a lovely card with Mojo gift cards tucked inside! This time she was thanking Linda for them and wants HER address!

I was so glad the ladies were out there and that Linda got to meet them and chat. They had ordered lunch from the dining room, so Linda ordered the soup and salad from the menu. Since I had eaten earlier, I was not ready to eat yet but did enjoy some Diet Coke. We shared our grapes, and I ended up sending them home with Susie, who was making chicken salad for her dinner that night. Otherwise, they would go to waste here.

After the other ladies left, Nancy, my newer friend, hung around with us. At one point I was getting warm so we went to try the pool water. Having been cautioned that the water was quite cold, we braved it for a bit to get cooled off. Yikes! We have had so much rain and clouded skies which makes for cooler water temps. While some don't mind it, I sure do! 
Around 3:30 or so we came back in. Linda heated up her leftover shrimp from the night before and then commenced her packing for the return trip to Wisconsin. The swimsuit was likely nearly dry but she had a plastic bag to transport it home. I had the last of my sloppy Joe's from Thursday night's dinner, without a bun. I told Linda it's bad form to compliment my own cooking but I just love my sloppy Joe's!

We watched the first half hour of our show, "The Five", and then had to leave. Justin had done his good-byes the night before, not being sure of getting home in time. He did pop in, all smelly and dirty, and had to leave again right away, so simply waved to Linda from the doorway.

I really hate to let people go at the airport but the security folks make sure I do! We got there right on time, no traffic problems, and I released Linda to Southwest Airlines. I have since gotten a text message that she is safely in ATL at her next gate, waiting for her connecting flight. Hoping all goes well and she gets tucked into her own bed before the light of dawn! 

Monday, August 26, 2013

What do we do?

People often ask Linda what goes on down here when she visits me. The same questions are asked of me when I am in WI but I at least have my people up there to hang out with besides Linda. She gets stuck with mostly me when she is here, poor thing. One thing we do is cry very nicely together! In racking my memory, I can't remember who said it recently that we are either laughing or crying. We do a good share of talking, too, which usually triggers one or the other response from us.

This morning Linda and I went to Bible study at church. Before she came for her visit, I had gone to Winn Dixie to get some supplies for her as she eats breakfast and I normally do not. Well, when we got to Bible study, we  were faced with a tray with some leftover baked goods from the previous days' Fellowship Sunday treats. Judy C. had made a couple different type of bars, of which I had two. Almond something or other---so very good! I can eat breakfast when I have to!

The class was interesting as we continued our discussion about church fellowship. Many folks have questions which start with the words, "Well, what about....?" as things are often case by case. Hopefully by the end of the study folks will be able to see things more clearly---some perhaps for the first time, and others, again.

We went to lunch at Longhorn, as usual, and had a very nice meal and time together. There were 7 of us, including Linda. Some of the ladies were upset when they got their bills for the food, since they usually don't pay extra for the soda when ordering from the kids' menu. The assistant manager came over and said it is not policy to give free soda to those over age 11, but took it off that day only. Guess the days of free soda are over. I wonder if that will change our Monday plans...I wonder if I can adjust??

We had to stop at Beall's to make some returns and exchanges (I failed to mention our shopping excursion on Saturday!!! We went up and down the aisles just throwing stuff into our carts!!). I, at last, have a new swimsuit at the end of the season. And, then, to the pool!

But, it was too cold to enjoy the pool very long. I called my mom while we sat out there, asking the question of "What are the poor people doing today?". That is something Linda and I like to ask each other when we are doing something fun or interesting. Today, Mom was enjoying some unseasonably warm weather which was good. She had gotten some wonderful peaches at the farmers' market and dropped them some off for my auntie, too. Glad they getting some good weather at last. It was warmer there than here, I think!

For dinner, Justin, Linda, and I went to Koko's. We were treated royally, again. We had a new chef and he told us how the boss man told him he had to "take good care of her", so made sure we were happy. I had ordered extra onion and he did that for me. Huong had come out to our table to greet us when we first sat down and then went back to the kitchen to prepare food. I just love him, and this new chef too. Lots of leftovers came home with us, as Linda's shrimp came out a bit late in the meal, an oversight by whomever set up the cart. I'd be happy with the soup and the rice, and skip the meat but that's not the way the meal comes.
                      Debbie holding the glass.jpg
This is Debbie holding a piece of glass we found at Great Hang Ups last Saturday. Julia brought it over to try it on for size, on Friday morning. The colors are gorgeous and perfect for her rooms. The fused glass was made by Helen, who is Julia's sister. All in the family! 

As we walked to our car, we heard our names being called, and there was Julia summoning us into the shop. Linda had not seen Dee this visit and now was her chance! We had a nice after-hours chat, with Julia sending home some artwork for me to show Debbie and Dick (my neighbors) for their living room. She is going to give them a very good price on it, if they like it. Other people close up bars, but we close up art galleries!!!

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Sunday's wrap-up

Our Sunday went as it does most weeks, as Linda and I left for Bible study and worship, with Justin meeting us at church at service time. He was running a bit late on his departure and then caught every red light on his ride over. Linda was warmly welcomed by the folks who knew her, and distributed hugs to those for whom my mom sent them. 

We started a new Bible study about life-style witnessing. This could get interesting. I knew of this pastor, the author of the study, when he served at my sister-in-law's church in Coral Springs. It is no more...There were a good number of folks in Bible study, which was also the first day of Sunday school. I think that we had about 9 kids to kick things off.

Linda got to see some more folks she knew when it was time for worship, sitting with Mike S. and Judy J. Justin and I came to join them in the pew, me after finishing taking attendance. A lady who was member years ago came back today, and was warmly greeted, especially by me. Kathy R. was the organist, but more than that, a good friend to my family. 

Back in 1988, I had to attend church one of our first Sundays in FL without my spouse, who had a bad reaction to some food we'd eaten in St. Augustine the night before. I struggled with the diaper bag, my purse, and getting my baby into church, arriving a bit late. I looked around as I stood in the back of the church and saw this lady summoning me to her pew. I sat down and this lady took Justin from my arms so I could get settled. Between her husband and her, they held him all through worship. Danny and Kathy would go on to babysit Justin on Wednesday nights so my spouse and I could attend Bible study. How about that??? 

When Timmy was baptized, something took place which was not normally done---Kathy played the organ while Kristi sang an anthem, "A Thankful Heart", and then the baptism continued. 5 years later the two ladies would again sing and play for Timmy's funeral.

Eight of us went to lunch at Chili's and I was able to share the stories of Kathy and Danny with those at the table. Some of them did not know Kathy so it's nice for them to have this introduction to her through these reminiscences of mine. Certainly others have memories of her too, as Terri mentioned Kathy playing for her wedding and Kristi singing The Lord's Prayer for the service. So glad to have Kathy coming back to our midst.

We had such good laughs at the table, as the rain poured down outside yet again. Ugh! Linda and I had stayed up late the night before watching the Jaguar game which was not a bad or hard game to watch. We were a bit drowsy in the afternoon. Because the weather was not good, we opted to stay in and watch "Fox News Sunday", and then "Gifted Hands", a movie made about Dr. Ben Carson. Wow!

What a great movie and story that is, and what an impressive man he is. In case the readers don't know, he is a man of color who grew up in very poor circumstances and overcame that adversity to become a renowned pediatric neurosurgeon. One major accomplishment he had in his career was the successful separation of conjoined twins in Germany. Talk about tears flowing! 

Next we watched a movie Linda brought along about a young boy in England who had a brain tumor and was trying to get a million greeting cards with prayers in them to help heal him. They were believers in the Lord and knew it was His hand which would heal their son. It was such a sweet movie. The influx of prayers in the cards supposedly helped Craig to bear up. A billionaire in the US offered to pay for his medical needs here and the doctor, played by Richard Thomas, was able to help him. Craig was an adorable child and I simply fell in love with his face. Based on a true-story, which makes it even better. So, more tears!

Justin had made dinner for us all on Friday night, making beer cheese soup with cut-up brats in it. A new recipe to which he added celery, which really added to it, in my opinion. Sunday night we had a buffet of our leftovers accumulated over the weekend, and still had things leftover after that!!!
I suggested to Linda that we watch something to make us laugh since we'd wept much of the afternoon so we ended up watching the movie, "Gran Torino" on TNT. NO, it was NOT funny but it is a good story. We especially like it because the story is about how a hardened, yes, angry, white man at first despises his Hmong neighbors, yet eventually gives his life for them. Spoiler alert in case you have never watched it. Watch on TV where editing has taken place...more could be done but it might lose some of its "flavor". 

Linda and I stayed up later than Justin did, and watched an episode of "Frasier" before going to bed. See? We did watch something funny eventually. But we had to laugh softly (yeah, right!) since Justin was already in bed!!!

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Boo! Hiss! on this weather

After Linda and I enjoyed a lovely breakfast at Honey B's this morning, we came back home in hopes of soaking up some rays. It was just not to be! We stayed outside at the pool for a couple hours, part of that time in the rain, and even got into the water for a while. It was too cold for me and I stayed chilled for several hours after we went back inside. Before we gave up, though, we got to chat with Maggie O. and Marissa. Maggie wanted to do some exercises and Marissa hoped to rest in the sunshine. But no, it had to sprinkle on us. 

Oh, I forgot to mention that we poked around in the scrapbook store near Honey B's where I saw my friend, Carole. It has been ages since I've seen her (Facebook doesn't count) so it was great to hug each other again. It also felt good to be back in a scrapbook store and I am proud of myself for leaving empty handed. As Justin encouraged me the other day, if he can get rid of his Magic cards, I can get rid of some of my craft supplies. Yes, dear....

Friday, August 23, 2013

Four for tea!

Today Linda, Jacquie (in black top) and I went to Over the 2nd Cup/Basketique Tea Room for lunch. Oh my, was it good!! The owner of the shoppe took this photo with her new camera so she could post it on her Facebook page. I am a star!!!
We have been served our strawberry soup to begin our meal. We enjoyed such interesting delights which so surprisingly filled us up...really! I amaze myself with the things I eat there but never would elsewhere. Jacquie gave me the hat to use at the pool this summer but it works so much better when seated in the tea room!
Lee is looking with interest at the tray of mini-sandwiches presented by Pat as Linda is looking on. One of those I like the best, oddly enough, is an endive leaf wrapped around pickled asparagus and carrot stick, with Swiss cheese and ham to hold the veggies in place. I just love it! So glad Linda wanted to go here again and she got to meet Jacquie at the same time!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Linda in the swim of things!

This morning Linda and I drove to Bible study at Victory, sad that Justin had to work instead of being off. We worked together to fold the bulletins and inserts for Sunday's worship. Class was so good again, a smaller group of only five of us. Linda got to meet Suzanne and Wayne, and saw Marilyn again. 

While we were in class, we saw the rain was coming down in buckets. Nuts! No pool for us, it seemed. Wayne very nicely went to our cars and carried back the umbrellas for us so we could get to our cars. He is, indeed, a gentleman!! We got soaked regardless of the umbrella including inside my purse and my Bible. The two of us protected our heads but that's about it!!!

We drove home in a torrential downpour, slow and steady won the race. I dropped Linda off close to the door at The Club, assuming she'd go in. I parked on the other side of the building and used the umbrella to walk to the door. I went into the lobby of The Club when I didn't find her, and asked if she'd gone in to sit down already. No one had seen her. Somehow we missed each other, possibly when she went into the bathroom and I came into the building. 
This is my umbrella---I wonder why I don't like to use one since this is so cute!

At last we found one another and were seated. The mini-buffet offered their renowned fried chicken with mashed potatoes, greens, salad, and soup. It was just delicious. Linda loved the salad was sort of citrusy in its flavor. The soup was cream of broccoli and so tasty. Linda loved her meal and the whole thing. Oh, almost forgot the dessert of which I had the regular cheese cake and she the chocolate cheese cake, which was 'yummy', she said.

We 'swam' our way back home, and got settled in for the rest of the day, not expecting the rain to let up at all. We watched our radio show before our TV show. Later, I went to the kitchen and made a batch of sloppy Joe's for our dinner. Justin came in from work, thoroughly soaked, having worked all day in that pouring rain. What a guy!

Tonight we watched some TV and talked until we were hoarse, and then switched to laughing, before toddling off to bed. No moon for us to look at due to the heavy cloud cover tonight. Maybe tomorrow??? 

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

It's time!

Linda is here!! At this writing she is now hopefully resting comfortably in her bed, which was nicely re-assembled by Justin with the help of new nuts 'n bolts obtained from Home Depot. Not a squeak out of the bed, and none from Linda either!

Her flights and connections went smoothly, and I found her waiting outside the gate even a bit earlier than expected. We were back home here around 8:30 pm, before Justin had gone to bed. The moon was nice and full when it rose, and I was thrilled that she got to see once more with me from the river room.

Prior to going to the airport, I went over to The Club for Happy Hour. At first I was going to pass on going but a couple of my friends had contacted me about coming, so I didn't want to miss them. Sharon was going to be there, one of  the ladies whose photos I "borrow" some days when I don't feel like getting up for the camera. She starts choir rehearsal again next week so this her last chance to participate. My friends, Carol and Randy, also let me know they were coming and I was so glad to see Randy again. He has been absent from our exercise class this season due to a fall at home and his subsequent surgeries to put him back together again. He is certainly missed!

When I sat down at the table with Betty and Kathy, the waiter brought me a rum and Diet. I felt badly that I had to send it back for a plain Diet Coke due to my driving to the airport. I hope someone else was able to drink it. They were serving the mini-buffet tonight as well but I passed on that, not my favorite types of food, except for the mashed potatoes!

The morning began with rumbling in the skies but it cleared up enough for water exercise class. Only four of us showed up today, with there being 10 yesterday. (I missed again Tuesday because of my housekeeper and A/C man coming.) The water temperature was just about right and the sun warmed our backs and faces sufficiently. And then, just as class was over, it started to thunder again! Everybody out!!!
I love how nice and fresh my house now smells after the housekeeper did her thing. She used a spray on the floor when she mopped, instead of a mop and bucket situation, and the spray smelled like apple pie. My floors are all groomed for company. Tracy did a marvelous job, was efficient, thorough, and quite professional. Already this afternoon I was able to refer her services to another friend from The Club. I hope she works out for them. 

Let the fun begin---but, after a good night's sleep!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

A day or two in pictures

This magnificent sunrise yesterday summoned me from my bed to grab the camera and capture this glorious sight. A picture of heaven, perhaps??
Later that same day, as I chatted with Linda during The Five, I told her I could not see Mandarin any longer. It was not foggy, and was, in fact, bright and sunny out. There was white line (some of it visible on the left edge of this photo) which was a wall of rain, and then this brilliant rainbow. The end was right outside my windows---I could almost touch it! After a few minutes, I saw a boat go through the colors, and I bet they didn't even realize it.
This is the moon rising tonight, nice and clear in the sky. The tree is lit up from my camera flash.
A few minutes later it was entirely dark. Not the best shot but you can see the moon reflection in the river. I hope the moon stays so lovely and the sky as clear for tomorrow night's arrival of Linda!

Monday, August 19, 2013

A Monday of fellowship

This morning we were back in class, just like the government school kids in Duval County! Justin's and my Goddaughter, Sarah, started 3rd grade and I am blown away by this knowledge. She is so tall already! But the class I am talking about is Bible study. Our topic is "Fellowship" and has little to do with baked goods. It is a good study and something I consider necessary. I appreciate having my study topic suggestions being accepted. That is twice already this year! We had a nice group but still have room for several more. 

From Bible study six of us went to lunch at Longhorn, where we froze half to pieces. Most of us had our jackets or sweaters along, and I feel for those who did not. There is just no good way to do this, since the staff is running about madly and working up a sweat, and we diners are shivering from the cold!

From lunch I headed for home where I got some stuff boxed up to share with Jayne from church. Justin had gone through some more clothes and there are some items her boys can probably make use of. Jayne visits the resale and thrift shops in the area so I know she is not opposed to castoffs. Some of his stuff was never even worn--either wrong size or not his favorite type of shirt. 

This project done, I worked on my computer for a little while before it was time for The Five to come on. In the meanwhile, I had my scheduled phone visit with my friend, Judy, in Knoxville. So good to hear her voice once more! After we finished our conversation, I gave my mom a call, having to catch up since the weekend. And then, nap time!

The ladies from church were gathering for a social outing at The Pasta Market. Judy and I had just eaten there last week but I have been known to frequent places two days in a row, so no problem! Justin asked to use my car to run some errands so he dropped me off at the restaurant. Twila (Grandma Nichols) gave me a ride home. 
Terri took this photo using her cell phone as I left mine at home. I had it ready to go but grabbed it to photograph a lovely rainbow, then forgot about it. Though a bit grainy, you can pick out me, Betty, Jean, and Judy fairly clearly. Carol was next to me the other way, and Laurie across from us. I had reserved for the 16 ladies who signed up, but then three more came who had not. They were able to sit in booths alongside us, so sort of together yet not a tight squeeze. The waitress did a good job serving us all. 

Half of my meal came home, as expected, plus I ate my bowl of pasta fagioli soup with a piece of garlic bread dunked in it. Yum! Laurie, Carol, and I each had a nice glass of sangria with our dinners, and they shared a caprese appetizer. Such great food, great friends, and great times!

Justin successfully got his room in order after his errands, and Linda's room is all set up for her arrival. All that I need to do yet is stock up the fridge suitable for guests, and do a little dusting. So 'cited for my friend to come!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Good use of time

It seems like time just slides between my fingers like fresh spaghetti. One of my friends from church made the remark that I must eat out every day, and yes, this is very true. One of the other ladies said it was! A person's gotta eat, right?

In fact, I did so Saturday. Debbie and I went up to Great Hang Up where she found several art pieces which would work in her home. She is trying to coordinate with a painting they got in a silent auction and did find a couple that fit the bill. We arranged for Dee to come by on Friday morning to size up the space and give her recommendations. She has to come here anyway to match the matte on Timmy's framed hug, so she may as well take care of us both!

Debbie and I went next door to Saigon-Tokyo (Koko's!) for lunch, my second visit in as many days. Justin almost came along with us just to enjoy the dining, but then decided to stay home to continue working in his room and the one across the hall. Wise choice! Likely he will enjoy my leftovers anyway. Our meal was wonderful, as was our time together. Debbie met two young men who were dining by themselves at our table, 12 and 13 years old. She runs the Teen Court in Clay County and is always looking for young folks to get involved. We liked the looks of these two guys, and she gave them her card so their parents can call her for more info.

Saturday was a fund-raiser event at Victory. There was a spaghetti dinner, a silent auction, and trivia played for entertainment. In the e-mail which came on Friday it said to bring items to put in the auction. Oh oh....Terri T., with whom I had breakfast at Grumpy's Saturday, suggested I donate a painting. What a great idea! In fact, I took two.
Anne H. ended up winning both of the paintings and I am flattered she liked them well enough to take them home. Not sure how much money was raised from my donation but about $4000 was made by our small in number group. Thanks be to God! The funds go to help with the expenses experienced by the son of one of their members who is in need of a heart and lung transplant. Glad to be able to help and have a great time while doing so!

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Tonight's storm

I snitched this from my neighbor, Sharon's, Facebook page. She is a photographer, as you can tell. What an amazing sky she captured! I was driving across the bridge, which you can see in the distance, in much of this and am VERY thankful to be home, safe and sound! More later, it's football time!

Friday, August 16, 2013

An excellent day

Today I had planned to take some of my neighbors to Great Hang Ups to look at art work. One lady would like some Club Continental work, and another is looking for 'Florida' art, changing up her decor from Southwest-themed to life on the river. We had made these plans on Wednesday night at Happy Hour and I was firming them up on Friday morning.

I called upstairs to Debbie's phone a couple times but got the voice mail. Once I sent a text message, and then tried her hubby's phone. He was out, but told me she was at home, suggesting I knock on the door instead. That worked! She told me she had gotten a text message from a friend that morning, asking if they were still on for lunch that day. Oops! Debbie had sort of double-booked. No worries---tomorrow is another day!
Kathy, Betty, and I went downstairs to get in my car, and met our other neighbor loading her car for a trip. Karen has a gift shop in Charleston and is often in the process of loading or unloading stuff from her car right outside the lobby. This time the ladies spotted a galvanized Gator tub, suitable for icing down beer and soda. Kathy bought it right out of the back of Karen's car, freeing up space for even more stuff Ed was trying to squeeze in. Betty's entire family are Gator fans to the nth degree. Even her mini-van is painted and decal-ed in such a fashion!

The ladies loved Great Hang Ups but Betty did not really find what she was looking for. Her granddaughter had gotten married at The Club, so Betty wanted to get the young couple a piece of art to commemorate their special day. What Julia did have in the shop was lovely, but quite alot of money. Oh well... least we could have lunch at Koko's! Betty declared it the best soup she'd ever had. Wow! Both ladies enjoyed their meals, and Kathy, who was trying to save some of her meal for her brother, nearly did not! She just loved it! Even I ate almost all my food, which makes me wonder if perhaps the portions were smaller. It would make sense to have smaller portions for lunch than for dinner. I did bring some home though, to have later!

This evening Debbie came by to invite me out to the pool. She waited to knock until after The Five was done! We'd had a late afternoon storm which made me wonder if the cabana would be open but it was. We met Pat down there but she was heading to her friend's house for dinner. Others came out as well, including Tracy and Jeff, my downstairs neighbors. It was such a lovely evening! Before parting company, Debbie and I made plans to go to the Gallery tomorrow. Koko's---here I come again!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Feng Shui?

The other day at the pool I talked with my neighbor after our water exercise class, as we saw our other rascal neighbor sitting out on her window sill. Oh, that Maureen! She was reaching out and washing her windows. Now, I am under the impression the window washers come every month to do their sliding glass doors, as they have two sets on the river, so why not have them catch the 'back' windows, too, right away?

My neighbor and I discussed this, with her saying she has never in 18 years washed her windows and said she never looks out at the river, nor sits in her sun room. Huh...she is a painter so I would think she would LIVE in that room. She informed me it is neither heated nor cooled so that might be one of the reasons why not.
I told her of the companies I've used for window washing in the past, how one new company I have spoken with thinks they can do a good job without using ladders. Apparently they have a hose attachment that will reach to the 3rd floor to clean the yuck from my glass and the frame. I told her the cobwebs annoy me as I gaze across the water when seated at my desk. 

She was appalled, telling me this was very bad feng shui. Oh my! What? She stressed again, emphatically, that it was very bad feng shui to look through dirty windows. I guess that explains a lot!!! But, on the bright side, I have at least had mine washed several times in the seven years since I've moved in!! She is on the first floor, so really has no excuse for not having hers done.

And, speaking of windows, I was talking with Dick, my upstairs neighbor, at the pool the same afternoon. We talked about the window washing issue. He was telling me that they tip in for washing the lower pane but it's the upper pane which is difficult to reach. I told him how last time the guys were a bit rough when tipping them out and bent some of the works in the window.

Dick informed me he had a local glass company make the repairs to their windows and had no problems. The company which made our windows is no longer in business but one of their installers stock-piled the parts so he is THE guy to I thought. Now, it seems, the glass company might be able to come through 'just in case'. 

Last year after the tropical storms came through, I had to have a repair made to a lock on the window, as it had come loose from its frame. Likely it was loose the entire time since the last window washing, but not until the storm did the wiggle-room appear. I was holding my breath, figuratively speaking, the whole time, hoping Steve had the left-hand lock needed to secure my window in the frame. So glad he did!

Dick told me about getting prices to replace those windows but it was quite expensive to do so. The requirements now are for them to be able to withstand certain strength winds and to have UV filters, etc. Cha-ching! When I replaced my sliding glass doors, I asked the salesman about doing the windows as well, and he did not find any reason to do so. I like that about him! Jack could have easily sold me something I didn't actually need, and I shared this info with Dick. He thought new windows might be more energy-efficient, but I would rather pay for the A/C costs than go through the agony and expense of replacing windows which do not need to be replaced!!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Enjoying time with friends

Tuesday was a very good day for me, and I hope for my friends. My friend, Jacquie, wanted to meet for lunch and then we'd go to the pool. Sounds perfect to me! Except---I chose not to attend the morning exercise class. Caused a bit of a stir with my absence, even though I had sent a text message to Nancy to let her know I would not be there. People were puzzled because the sun was out, no clouds, it was hot---where is Kim??? According to Marlena, the class was nice and all that, but awfully quiet and no laughing...Justin wondered, later, if anyone ran down to the other end of the pool area to see if my car was there. Some thought Linda had arrived and that was why I was absent. They all know she is coming!
Ellen and Maggie O. in the pool

Let me back up at bit: Jacquie and I met at Pengree's at 11:45 which would have been a bit tight schedule-wise for me. Class would get out about 11:00 or so, time to dry off before going upstairs and then changing from wet clothes to dry ones, and get to the restaurant...Yes, I was just lazy! Since we were going back to the pool in the afternoon, why bother, right?

We enjoyed our lunch together and then did go over to the pool. Jacquie changed clothes in the cabana bathroom and I went upstairs with my leftovers, to change my clothes. I would guess by 12:30 were in the pool and I stayed out there until 3:30 pm! Jacquie got to meet Nancy, who had come back to swim some laps after having been in the morning class. She was NOT too lazy to get dressed twice for the pool!

Before I left for my lunch date, my friend, Judy C., called me to make plans for dinner. Originally we planned to meet at 7:00 pm at Pasta Market but later she called to say her son had gotten home earlier than expected from work, and we could dine earlier. That's good, for her, because she has to get up so early to get to their house in the morning. 
We had not had much time together without it being busy so our dinner time was nicely relaxed. Judy is going up to Charleston for the weekend so I won't see her again until next Monday.The proprietor at Pasta Market treats Judy like family, except he doesn't make her work! Our Ladies' Group is going there for dinner on the 19th, so we made all those arrangements right away. I had the fetticini Alfredo, and brought half of it home with me. Lots of white foam boxes in my fridge again!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

I ought to be in pictures

The other night Justin and I used my gift cards from Mojo's for dinner. We got a small order which was almost too much for us. They are so big, as big our heads!!
Richard B, was our camera man for the church outing to the Jacksonville Suns game a couple Sundays ago. He sent me the photos to use in the Flock Talk and other newsletters I do for church. I am holding my soda cup and my fan as we prepare to find our seats. Oooh, it was a hot one that night! Such a great time, though.