I guess it's not a crazy busy month but more like the next couple of weeks. Dee invited me to attend an art reception at the Thrasher-Horne Center celebrating the local artists represented in the gallery over the past 25 years. Dee Roberts was one of those artists who had an entire show of her work, so she asked me to be part of her "plus two" group. It is an honor to be part of this event, with her. She is taking her little group to dinner at Koko's afterward and then to her house for dessert. I look forward to this tonight!
My friends, Hal and Rosalie, are coming to town next week and will be staying two nights with us. Their daughter is treating them to the Daytona 500 which is next weekend. They are flying into Orlando, driving up here to visit, and then driving down to Daytona on Saturday morning. They have a couple requests on their list of things to do: see Joe Z. and eat at Grumpy's!! Cool beans! I am having some people over on Friday afternoon to spend time with them, as I did a couple years ago when they were in town. Mainly they want to see Joe, and the rest will be icing on the cake.
Saturday morning, they are leaving here and I will be going to Park Avenue Bistro (formerly Honey B's which was owned by former owners of The Sister's Tea Room). Park Avenue is owned by the former owners of David's Restaurant, which is now Grumpy's. Get it??? I ate lunch there with Kathy H. on Wednesday and it was good. I hope the church ladies are all satisfied with their meals and such, as many of them will remember how David's was known for its salad plate. That starts at 11:00 a.m.
THEN, from there, I am heading to Baymeadows area for a going away party for our friends who are moving back to Green Bay after 2 1/2 years in Jax. Suzanne just lost her mother this week, too, who was in Hospice care in Green Bay. I have not heard that the party is cancelled yet, as details are pending. I had offered to bring fruit on a stick to the party but then realized that it would be tight making it from one event to the other in time to get my fruit there, if they were eating right away. Rita, who is in charge and hostess for the party, told me to not worry about my fruit, just come to the party when I can, because Wayne and Suzanne want me there, not necessarily my fruit!
The next day, Sunday, is the anniversary of the first service at Victory. Justin and I were there for the first service as was my mom, former spouse who also ushered, and Timmy. I remember there being wheels on the chairs in the room in which we worshiped at UNF, and nothing says 'church' like a kid on wheels! Anyway, we are going for the worship and the meal afterward, being catered by Maggiano's Italian Restaurant.
During the week I have a Republican Women's Meeting at The Club, a luncheon meeting. Then, on Friday, Justin and I are invited to a surprise birthday party for Nancy M. Her hubby, Bill, asked me to contact a few people to go to Koko's. One couple he asked me to invite are not able to make it so I will ask him if he would like me to invite someone else. Nancy W. and Bob will be there, too. There is only room for two more people at the hibachi table so he might be okay with just the six of us. I am so glad they like the place, as we dined there within the month for Bob's birthday and they loved it. Justin and I ate dinner there on Monday night, and I am going again tonight with Dee and Julia, which means I must love it, too!
March begins a flurry of activity as well with the Martin Luther College choir coming to sing at Christ the King, in Palm Coast. Judy C. and I are going for sure, and I am not sure who else is interested in attending. Guess I will drive for that event. The LWMS Spring Rally being held in Gainesville on the 8th. Judy is driving to that and it looks like we might have a nice size group going.
On the 10th of March I am flying up to WI yet again to attend a women's retreat with Linda in Oshkosh. Two years ago we watched the recorded sessions of this retreat where Prof. Deutschlander presented on his book "The Theology of the Cross". We sat in Linda's living room with the laptop playing the session. Linda and I found ourselves making the exact same sounds at the same places as the ladies in the room, which was so funny to us. When she heard he was coming back this year, and told me, we just had to go!
I will be in Manitowoc/Oshkosh for two weeks this time, a shorter visit, as I am returning in July at attend the Worship Conference. Judy C. will be accompanying me, or I her, to the Worship Conference, and we will likely travel together. My guess is we fly into Chicago and get transportation from there, or perhaps even to MKE. I will ask around to see if someone from Manty can give me a ride home to Manitowoc when the time comes. Much like I did in 2011 when the Conference was held in MN. I got a ride to Judy R.'s house in Winona and then my sister, Lori, who lived just across the river, came to pick me up!!
But, that is July, and I have time before then. I will have to rest up after my busy end of the month of February, and brace myself for traveling to frigid WI yet again. At least Mom's house is cozy warm and I will get to see her and my peeps again. My sister, Lori, mentioned she might come over to Manty when I am there,which will be awesome. Mom is still eating some of the meals I froze during my last visit, so I can make some more stuff when visiting in March. I will have to come up with some new recipes, though Mom really liked the stuff I made this last time. Perhaps that pork tenderloin Justin made for us this week would be good, but so good, we might eat it up right away!