Linda has a very good friend, Angie, whom I've adopted as well and look forward to seeing when I am in WI next month. She is a doll, and reminds me very much of my friend, Terri, a person who never stops! Right now Angie and another lady friend are on a tour of Italy and Greece for 12 days. Angie is posting photos already, wonderful about how that works in this day and time!
Of course, this prompts memories for me and forces me to look back at my photos from my wonderful opportunities to travel to the Mediterranean. I am remembering the nice people I've met (trip in 2000 included) and those with whom I am still in contact. One lady I had the privilege of recently reconnecting with in person at the LWMS Spring Rally in Merritt Island. I am thankful that last 'big trip' for me was with this group. A month after my Retracing St. Paul's 2nd Missionary Trip I did go on an Alaskan cruise, which I regret in some way, because I was still 'hungover' from that Mediterranean trip. This means I didn't have a full appreciation for what was to be experienced, like the rest of the group (church and family) did.
Justin joined me in 2004 and again 2006. We took the same cruise line, same ship, and discovered some same staff the 2nd time. At one point on the 2006 trip I recognized one of the waiters, and he us. The guy came up to me and said, "You wear your hair the same?!" in his accent. Yes, yes, I do! Just think of all the thousands and thousands of people this fellow had seen pass through this vessel in two years' time, and yet he remembered Justin and me, and my hair!
Just look at the way this little guy is looking at me....
On the cruise in 2006, Justin and I were thrilled to have two families seated next to us for our meals. They were the absolute highlight of our time on the ship---we'd watch the doors to the dining room expectantly for them to come in. This little guy and I formed a friendship beyond the language and age barrier, and I weep now even writing about Rafi. This photo was taken the night before we had to disembark in Rome. Saying good-bye was difficult but I did okay, better than right this minute!!!
One mealtime Rafi came and stood at our table with his tablet and was drawing a picture. His parents, Rafa and Angie, were concerned he was bothering us but it was truly quite the opposite. As I watched him, I asked what he was drawing, and he kept answering me, emphatically at times, "Tu! Tu!" Justin looked at it and he said, "Ooooh, he is saying "you' in Spanish!!!" Yes, Rafi drew a picture of me! See my hair, my eyes, my smile, and my big earrings??? Justin took the picture of Rafi's picture with his cell phone, I think, was able to share it with me. I wonder if Rafa still has Rafi's tablet from that trip? I can ask him on Facebook!
You can see why I fell in love with him! I have to stop now because I am sobbing like a big, fat idiot.
We did see and enjoy and cherish great day trips, excursions on the shore outings. Justin and I particularly loved our time in Florence, the Amalfi coast, and mostly, for me anyway, the Greek Islands. I would have stayed if I could! But it just didn't make good sense logistically or financially. Glad I decided to stay here in FL, but again, so enjoyed my times away. Thinking now of the fun Angie and her friend are having, the memories being made and looking forward to following her on FB and talking with her when I'm in Manty!