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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Friday, September 30, 2016

Pent up anger

Is the anger pent up or is spewing forth like a fountain? A couple weeks ago Pastor H. mentioned at Bible study how he doesn't remember a time people were so readily angry. The election cycle has really triggered a great deal of animosity developing between people who were previously friends. Most of this is evident on the relatively faceless social media where folks feel they can take much more liberty with their remarks than they would (hopefully!) in face to face conversations. Wow, not a whole lot of reasonable discussing going on, more along the lines spewing forth in sound-byte form. There is little to no hope of even having other people listen, much less change their minds on an issue, especially when heavily laced with venom. 
A lady just waiting for someone to ask, "Why don't you smile?" so she can go off on them

A couple of my friends enjoy posting somewhat taunting posts knowing that some of their 'Friends' list will take the bait and respond to counter the point of the posting. Sometimes it gets a bit rough, and people get 'accosted' by others whom they don't even know. One lady is my friend and really got her butt handed to her by someone responding to our mutual friend's posting. Not good, not good at all. 

Someone I know is full on into the trigger word stuff being encouraged via the university system and seems to lie in wait for just the right social media posting to pull out all the retaliatory ammo (oops, trigger word!) for an assault against whoever posed the offending topic. Abortion---check! Women's rights---check! White privilege---check! Male superiority---check! Black Lives Matter---check! Refugees---check! Rubbing hands together, wondering 'what is the topic de jour to set things off'? 

There are civil ways to discuss topics, and then there are arrogant and ugly ways. I've even had a couple phone calls in recent weeks go badly or take a turn when the person with whom I was speaking took something the wrong way or felt attacked. It was nothing, really, but I felt myself on the defense end of the conversation when I really should not have had to. Posing a question or making an inquiry about nothing even political or controversial, and away we go. Calm down, people, calm down!
I'd like to say everything is going to be all right, but that would not be true. It will not, particularly in the political realm since we find ourselves in the midst of a kakistocracy. The national elections are and will be a disgrace, there is no getting around that. But, in the meantime, we might be doing irreparable harm to our friendships and even family relationships by behaving in such a way toward others, knowing that our disagreements will not change or affect the outcomes of whatever it is being discussed. IF you can even call it discussion. Verbal attacks, using words as clenched fists is not appealing at all. No one wins. Knock it off!

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

We had a sweet time

Last night Justin finally got his wish---he took his mama to Sweet Pete's Candy Store. They were having a special deal for the month of September, offered only on Monday-Wednesday and it was tough finding a night when it worked for us to go, and for Terri to join us. She had been before, as well, and loved it. The deal was getting a $5 box of candy for $3, bulk, our choice. Wow, the decisions we had to make!! 
 Terri and I posing with our purchases on the beautiful chairs on the porch 
 Does this chandelier make me look fat????
It almost looks like my house in here!

I chose dark chocolate covered cashews plus bought nonpareils in addition to black cherry cotton candy. Nonpareils are among my all time favorites so I was pleased as punch. Justin got something mint and Terri got malted milk balls plus they each bought other stuff. I got what I came for, except for chocolate covered cherries and angel food. Guess I still have to go to Manitowoc for them!
  I don't usually do selfies but did allow Terri to take this one, a 'groupie'!
 These chandeliers took my breath away!  So did the steps in the store!
We dined on the porch after our shopping and that was wonderful also. This place is really a special treat type of experience. As much as Justin likes to think 'the ladies' would love it, my suspicion is that few of the church ladies would be as taken by it as we three were!! 

Monday, September 26, 2016

God Lives Under the Bed

Shared with me by my neighbor, Kay


I envy Kevin.  
My brother, Kevin, thinks God lives under his bed.   
At least that's what I heard him say one night. 

He was  praying out loud in  his dark bedroom,  and I stopped to listen,   
'Are you there, God?' he said. 'Where are you?  
Oh,   I see. Under the bed...'

I giggled softly and tiptoed off to my own room.  
Kevin's unique perspectives are often a source of amusement.
But that night something else lingered long after the humor.
I realized for the first time the very different world Kevin lives in. 

He was born 30 years ago, mentally disabled
as a result of difficulties during labor.
Apart from his size (he's 6-foot-2),
there are few ways in which he is an  adult.

 He reasons and communicates with the capabilities
of a 7-year-old,  and he always will. 
He will probably always believe that God lives under his bed,
that Santa Claus is the one who fills the space
under our tree every Christmas
and that airplanes  stay up in the sky
because angels carry  them. 

I remember wondering if Kevin realizes he is different.
Is he ever dissatisfied with his monotonous life? 

Up before dawn each day,
off to work at a workshop for the  disabled, 
home to walk our cocker spaniel,
return  to eat his favorite macaroni-and-cheese for dinner,
and later to bed. 

The only variation in the entire scheme is laundry,
when he hovers excitedly over the washing machine
like a mother with her newborn  child.

He does not seem dissatisfied.

He lopes out to the bus every morning at 7:05, e
ager for a day of simple work.

He wrings his hands excitedly
while the water boils on the stove before dinner,
and he stays up late twice a week
to gather our dirty laundry
for his next day's laundry chores. 

And   Saturdays - oh, the bliss of Saturdays!
That's the day my Dad takes Kevin to the  airport

to have a  soft drink,  watch the planes  land, 
and speculate loudly on the destination of each passenger  inside.
'That one's goin' to Chi-car-go!  'Kevin shouts as he claps his hands.

His anticipation is so great
he can hardly sleep on Friday nights.

And so goes his world of daily rituals
and weekend field trips.

He doesn't know what it means to be discontent.

 His life is simple.

He   will never know the entanglements of wealth or power, 
and he does  not care what brand of clothing
he wears or  what kind of food he  eats.
His needs have always been met,
and he never worries that one day they may not  be.

His hands are diligent. 
Kevin is never more happy than when he is working. 
When he unloads the dishwasher or vacuums the carpet, 
his heart is completely in it.
He   does not shrink from a job when it is begun,
and he does not leave a job until it is finished.
When his tasks are done,   Kevin knows how to relax.

He is not obsessed with his work
or the work  of others.  His heart is pure.

He   still believes everyone tells the truth,
promises must be kept, and when you are wrong,
you apologize instead of argue.

Free   from pride and unconcerned with appearances,
Kevin is not afraid to cry when he is hurt, angry or sorry. 
He is always transparent, always sincere.
And he trusts God.

Not   confined by intellectual reasoning,
when he comes to Christ, he comes as a child.
Kevin seems to know God -
to really be friends with Him

in a way that is difficult
for an 'educated' person to  grasp. 
God is his closest companion.  

In my  moments of doubt and  frustrations with Christianity,  
I envy the security Kevin has in his simple faith. 
It is then that I am most willing to admit
that he has some divine knowledge
that rises above my mortal  questions. 

It is then I realize that perhaps he is not
the one with the handicap.     I am.
My obligations, my fear, my pride,
my circumstances - they all become disabilities
when I do not trust them to God's   care.
Who knows if Kevin comprehends things I can never learn?  
After all, he has spent his whole life
in that kind of innocence,
praying after dark and soaking up
the goodness and love of God.

And   one day,
when the  mysteries of heaven are opened,
and we are  all amazed at how close
God really  is to our hearts,

I'll  realize that
God heard  the simple prayers
of a boy  who believed that
God lived  under his bed.

Kevin won't be surprised  at all! 

Monday, September 19, 2016

Lots of thinking going on

This afternoon, after lunch with the Monday ladies, I came home to wait for a phone call from a financial adviser. It was time for my review, and I opted to do it over the phone. Much to my embarrassment, my time with Frank was meant to be in person, and not a phone review as had been originally planned. Ugh! After logging in a number of times to access my records, we finally were able to look at things together, each on our own screens. Thankful for modern technology which allows us to do this, miles apart. Glad that's out of the way for another year, or 6 months, whichever comes first (ha ha).

One thing he asked me to think about, however, is a bit upsetting. Not really upsetting, but really gives me pause for consideration. What might be generally simple for some folks seems to cause me angst.  At present my dear boy stands to inherit from me when I shuffle off this mortal coil. I am cool with that, as is he, primarily hoping to live a long time in this condo after I'm gone. But, Frank asked me who gets my stuff, my estate, if something happens to Justin (may the Lord forbid!!!), or if something happens to us when we're together. Gulp! I have been asked to assign a back-up beneficiary(ies) for just such circumstances. Now, I struggle....who or what should I select? This is tough!

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Painting With A Twist

Today a group of ladies from church gathered for a Fellowship event at 'Painting With A Twist'. The 'twist' part of that name comes from the opportunity for folks to enjoy adult beverages, or what have you, prior to and during our time in the studio. Many of us brought refreshments to share, with me contributing muffaletta and crackers. They proved quite popular with me sending the balance of them home with Janet. Lynn even asked me for the recipe, and when I mentioned I got it at Basketique, she told me she'd never been there. We have to fix that!  

Tamara had organized the event with two other ladies, and had requested my friend, Sonya, to be our teacher, but she was unavailable today. Instead Becky did a good job handling us and everyone had a nice time. One lady brought her mom along who went rogue, painting another picture she saw in the room that she liked better. Did a nice job, too!
 One group of painters hard at it! 
 My friend, Nancy, drying her canvas after the background was painted
This shot shows Lynn, Betty, and Ellen working on their palm trees, and Nancy on the opposite side
Here is our entire group posing at the end of the event. One of these things is not like the others....
My finished piece which Justin snickered at. This is a whimsical piece and I had fun, which is all that matters. I have promised it to someone in WI so they will appreciate it in their home, I hope!

Saturday, September 3, 2016

On her way home

This morning Linda and I were up early, even before Justin, to head out to the airport. I checked her flight first to make sure it was on time so we didn't waste a trip. We successfully got the luggage into the trunk, having gotten all the soda carried upstairs (16+ cases!), freeing up the space. Will need to restock!

We had the roads pretty much to ourselves and successfully got her delivered to the kiosk. A nice older man came over to help get her luggage out of the trunk and off she went. She texted me from the gate area, saying she was good to go. The best part of having to rebook was now she was changing planes in ATL rather than Denver, making for a shorter flight for her.

Justin, Linda, and I ventured out for dinner last night, the winds having quieted. Linda had not been to La Nopalera since she arrived so that was our destination. We left after The Five was over which proved too late for getting a parking place at La Nop. Cars and trucks were pulled up on the grass with no spots being available. Justin pulled right back onto the street and I directed him to the next driveway, which was Metro Diner. We had dined here for breakfast last Saturday but dinner is different. I had the patty melt, Justin the Vortex burger (two grilled cheese sandwiches, 1/4 pound meat patty, slaw, formed into a burger), and Linda ordered the stuffed beefsteak tomato. It had chicken salad in it. Justin and I ate half our sandwiches and took our side of soup home with us, too. Love their broccoli cheddar soup!

Linda and I had started watching "Les Miserables" but neither of us got into it. The run time was 2 1/2 hours but after about 45 minutes, we shut it off. They lost me with the teeth pulling scene---ugh! I can watch Law & Order episodes and not blink, but not teeth pulling. The DVD was a gift to me from Jackie V. for my birthday. I wonder if she's seen it. I should offer it to her for viewing at home. 

Time for me to go meet my lady friends at Grumpy's for breakfast before they head to church to clean. Good for them, for their dedication and ability to still do so. Terri had gotten some shots in her knees and seems to be doing better, for which I rejoice for her. Welcome relief! I'm feeling Grumpy today, especially after saying good-bye to my friend at the airport this a.m.

Friday, September 2, 2016

Weathering the storm

Linda's flight was cancelled so she didn't leave this a.m. as originally intended. Last night she was able to re-book for Saturday morning which was a relief. I was concerned about us venturing out in the midst of the storm to get her to the airport only to find the flight was cancelled or something. Whew! 

During the night, or quite early this a.m. I heard this shrieking sound. At first I couldn't identify it, but then thought it was a smoke detector. I got up to investigate and sure enough, it was my water alarm going off in the living room. Water was coming in behind the TV. Before Justin went to bed I asked him to get the roasters off the shelf of the pantry closet, which he did, grudgingly. He thought I was worrying needlessly but alas, I was not. 

I got him up to help me, as I'd already pulled the TV table out and turned the carpet back away from the wetness. Nuts! I was so hoping this wouldn't happen any longer. I am so thankful I opted to not replace the ceiling in this room the last time we had major leaks. Would have been a terrible shame! I am so thankful for the water alarm, which were a gift from Justin. 
The paint is bubbled on the wall, too, as you can see,  but hopefully will be okay once it dries

Fortunately, Linda never heard the alarm nor us up and about in the living room, far enough away from her room for it to bother her. I lined the enamel roasters with placemats to avoid hearing the drip, drip, drip. Justin laid dry beach towels down under the roasters after mopping up, and we went to bed. I was wakeful all night, waiting for the alarm to go off again if the leak spread to the French doorway, as its done in the past. Glad that didn't happen but I was still upset. Justin seemed to think we'd have no leaks since the storm was coming from the west, and I was also hopeful of such. But, that proved optimistic. Glad it wasn't worse than it was. We have a fan running to dry the area in hopes of saving the floor boards from additional damage. We shall see! Good thing it's behind the TV.