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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Enough running to the door already!

I am freaking out my cat, Lynx, because three times now I've gone scooting to my door to see who is there, only to find no one banging. Someone must be doing remodeling or moving or something making a sound that makes me think my door is being banged upon. From now on, I will only go and check if I hear the doorbell!
Poor Lynn! She is most likely going to arrive in the midst of heavy thunderstorms tomorrow late afternoon. As much as she hates to fly, she hates it worse when it is storming. Oh, there's the banging again, and it's all I can do to stay in my chair........I'm like a puppy that goes running to see who is here. At least I don't tinkle on the floor from the excitement! Years ago when Tarren worked in the church office, she had a puppy she brought to work with her. I came in the door one day and she said, "No tinkling on the floor" to the puppy (I can't remember its name) and I said, "Okay, I won't!" And, I didn't!!
The fog has lifted but the sun has failed to show itself thus far. I just checked the radio website and it shows the temperature is at 76 above zero. How do I then explain my fingers being so cold? Maybe I should get my heating pad out again and keep it "handy"---te, he, he...
Kathy B. wants to know the recipes mentioned in earlier blogs and comments. I can give you all the recipe for Joanne's dish, which made a large batch, filling a 9 x 13" Pampered Chef cake pan to the top. If you know the dish, you know it's deep! Her recipe was layered mashed potatoes, French fried onions (like the ones used in green bean casserole) and shredded cheddar cheese. It was the cheese shredder which kicked her butt yesterday because the cheese was soft and plugged up the holes in the grater I had. It's a Pampered Chef crank grater and we surmised, when conducting the post-mortem, that it must be intended for Parmesan cheese rather than soft cheddar. It broke my heart to tell Joanne that the cheese comes already shredded in a plastic bag........of course, she already knew that and gave me a good smack!
This morning I accomplished the small task of preparing a handout to given the parents of the children attending CHRISTmas 4 Kids on Saturday. We wanted something to tell about the special worship dates and upcoming events to encourage the non-members to return. I forwarded it to church so the secretary can make the copies, half pages, for distribution Saturday. Normally that would be my role, to hand out the hand outs! But, since Lynn is going to be here and I will be possibly hostessing an event at Great Hang Ups that day, someone else with have to handle the registration table duties.
Friday night is a cocktail party at Janet's and I am so excited about that. Judy C. is going to make sure she's at church for scrapbooking so no one will be locked out of cropping! Now I hope that the ladies who said they were coming show up! Last weekend I missed two parties by attending the T-H Show with Martie and church family, but one wouldn't have been a good one for me anyway. My friends in Middleburg have a party every year and purposely do not invite me because I'd be "uncomfortable" around their other friends, Bruce's co-workers from the NAS Depot. It's for my safety that I am omitted, and for their being conscious of this, I am thankful. I appreciate the concern, the regard, they have for my sensitivity to filthy talk and foolish behavior. We have plenty of other times to be together when it won't be a problem so this one party each year I don't mind sitting out, especially since I had this wonderful event to attend instead!


Suzanne Chappell said...

OMG! What will we do without you at the registration table, Kim!? I don't know if I've ever not seen you there!

I can share the "easy" recipe for the cheesy crock potatoes..
1 bag of shredded hash browns, 1 can cream of chicken soup, 1 cup of sour cream, 8 oz. cheddar cheese. Put in the crock pot for a minimum of 2 hours.. I recommend 4-6 for ooey gooey cheesiness! I tried these in my roaster oven, and got crispy cheese on the sides too! Mmmmm.

I've been running to the window everytime I hear a truck, waiting for the UPS man to deliver a gift I've ordered for the kids! It's a jeep w/a pull behind camper (toy of course). I called the dealer where we got our camper, and asked if they had the one I saw, and he said he'd ship it!

I haven't tinkled on the floor yet either!

Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Suzanne,

Wow, this must be the easiest recipe! Even I might try it someday.

I hope your delivery comes while the kids are away, it sounds like a fun toy!

It turns out the racket was movers on the 4th floor. Another Unit probably on the market now......

See you later on!


kathy b said...

Thanks for the recipe - I'll try it soon!

Suzanne Chappell said...

Tarren could tell you, the recipes I "swear by" are really easy, yet can fool everyone into thinking you spent hours! I have a great one for yellow rice! *wink*

Sorry we didn't make it to church. Hanna had a GREAT day! WooHoo! But, the kids seemed very tired the last few evenings, and given our schedule for the next week and a half, I figured we better kick back and let them have a quiet night, rather than rushing around and getting home after bedtime, and still needing a bath!

Suzanne Chappell said...

Oh yeah, my package came too! It's so cool! I'll enjoy, I mean, the kids will enjoy playing with it.. ha ha!

Tarren Prange said...

I made the yellow rice for dinner last night!!!! Too weird that Suzanne would mention it today!

By the way, the dog was Daisy, and if I remember correctly she was not as good as you at following directions! =)

Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Suzanne,

We did miss you but I must say that I am not surprised, since you have so far to go and two littles one to bring with you. After last weeks rush, rush, rush scenario.................

I stayed for rehearsal and then had to go clean up in the Fellowship Hall, although much was done before I got in there. At the end of rehearsal, I realized I'm not even going to be there to sing on Sunday since we're going to Victory on Saturday night because of the game!

Glad your delivery arrived and that you are enjoying it already!



Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Tarren!

Yes, I remember Daisy!!!! I can't help the effect I have on people---or dogs! I love it that you had the same rice dish that Suzanne mentioned, that is so cool.

We were having pouring rains and some high winds, but it seems to be settling down now, just in time for Lynn to arrive!

Hugs and blessings,
