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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Still no sunshine but my commenters are back!

Another dreary day, the type calling for a quick nap before our evening at the "theater". It was drizzling earlier and my car was wet from overnight precipitation. Joanne was hoping and praying it wouldn't "rain on their parade" at RE/MAX as this is the big day with outdoor activities and picture taking with the mascot from the Jaguars. When I drove past before noon, all was set up and I saw Richard outside on Highway 17 to direct traffic in case there was a back-up if folks tried to enter the driveway, and not notice it is roped off. I honked and waved, and he saw me since he called later to say he did.
For some strange reason I slept a bit later this a.m., most likely because the sun wasn't out. Earlier, at some untold hour, I heard the furnace kick in which means it dropped below 73 in here....I adjusted it lower for the comfort of my friend who is staying with me. When I rolled over, I realized I smelled coffee brewing, which meant Joanne was up and about. The Fox News Channel told me it was 8:15, and it occurred to me that Justin was going to be arriving in less than 45 minutes and I'd better hustle. I took my shower and got dressed for the day, and then out to greet Jo. She was reading a magazine in the river room and enjoying a cup of coffee. I told her Justin was looking forward to seeing her this a.m. because he's not seen her since before she went to MI.
(I just got my favorite message----No misspellings found!)
Jo and I chatted a bit as we waited for Justin to arrive, but then he called to report that once again, his alarm clock failed him. We agreed to meet at the Museum instead of him coming here first. Yesterday he had troubles with the alarm clock almost causing him to be late for work. That might make for a great CHRISTmas present, now that I think about it. He said he needed one that reached out and slapped him! If he is lying on his right side, his deaf ear won't hear the alarm going off at all. The slapping one would be the way to go in his case.
Allowing enough time for my sleepy-head boy to get himself ready to go, I came in to check my e-mail. Normally I do that first thing but since Joanne was still here, I spoke to her instead. Imagine that! Live vs. machine! Overnight the JEA statement arrived and I was able to figure up amounts each of Justin's condo roommates owes, the totals for electricity, carpet shampooing, and moving expense. We have only one more thing remaining to settle up, once this is paid, and that's the security deposit after the professional cleaners get through. I am quite disappointed with that situation because I feel the boys could have worked harder on scrubbing the tubs and polishing the stove top! Whatever.........
So anyway, off I went to meet Justin at the Cummer so he could study some of the Baroque art pieces from which to write a paper. While I absolutely love the Museum, the piece he decided to write about is one he could have examined on-line. We discovered something quite wonderful while there. I saw this piece in the hallway that was primative yet attractive and said, "I can do this!". Justin made a remark about some of the other pieces, like "Oh, come on!", or "That's a landscape?" until we stepped further into the display. It turned out the art work was all done by blind women who have taken classes at the Cummer, with a video showing the method used to allow for these women to apply paint to canvas and other surfaces. Wow! It was truly inspiring and incredibly moving, even Justin felt it. This is something I might wish to get involved in, helping these mulitcultural women use their memories and imaginations instead of vision to create a masterpiece!
Once back here, I mixed up a kettle of corn and potato chowder from a mix I'd gotten in Door County, WI for our lunch. I added a can of creamed corn and we waited for it to finish simmering. Also, I had a brownie mix in the pantry that I used for my "sweet" offering to take to for the Youth Group party tomorrow afternoon. All the girls are bringing a sweet and the menfolk bringing something "salty". The brownies smell so wonderful, it will be a struggle not to cut into them before tomorrow. Justin got my Friends and Family plate down from on top the fridge so I can use it for the brownies.
While I was being Suzy Homemaker, Justin was busy getting the tree out and the ornaments ready to go. He set up my little snowman near the front door, propping him in the pot where the lemon tree used to be, using the Advent wreath to conceal the soil. It looks so cute! I'd fallen in love with this snowman after seeing it at Kirkland's so my former spouse had gotten it for me oh, so many years ago. I put up my wreath which Linda's niece made for me last year when they were here. It's already beginning to look a lot like CHRISTmas at my house!
Justin and I also bustled about getting stuff relocated from the room where Joanne is staying into the spare room (i.e. Lynn's room!) where she stayed in August when visiting here. We didn't get everything straightened out and decorated so he is going to come back tomorrow after worship to finish it up, while the Jaguar game is on. I don't have to leave here until about 4:00 pm for the next social event so we can accomplish a great deal in that time frame, depending upon how much we stop to talk!!! I'll have to call a "no talking rule" so we get things ready for Lynn and the house decorated!


Anonymous said...

Hey, Kim,

You can read my new blog at

Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Jami!

Thanks for letting me back in! I was getting a bit concerned about not being able to access the new address....should have known to use the new one to get in and not the former one. Still so much to learn!

Love and hugs,


Anonymous said...

Hi Kim-
It is my first weekend off till April 1st. I have been spending the whole day not doing a whole lot. Dan and I finished decorating the tree and it looks beautiful. I bought a prelit one from Wally World and it turned our great. Now if the cats would jsut leave it alone. If anyone ever wonders if they is a God and angels all they have to do is ask me. In the mail today I received a statement form school that I no longer owe tuition for this year. I cried! Then I thanked God and asked Him to bless whoever did this. I hope they know what an impression they have made on both Dan and I. So remember this person or oersons in your prayers tonight.

Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Jill!

What? Did someone actually pay the balance of Danny's tuition? That's such a wonderful blessing! I wonder if they'd forward a thank you from you if you sent one. Wow! What an incredible week of blessings it has been.

The cats sure do love the tree being don't they? Lynx is snuggling under ours, lying on the tree skirt like she owns the place. Justin is coming back today to finish the decorating and then doing vacuuming for us. He works for me now because I let him move into his new place instead of moving, God forbid!, home with his mother!!!

Pre-lit trees are a blessing, too!

