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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Guess I feel a bit grumpy this a.m.......

.....but at least the Live Feed meter lets me know someone is reading my postings! Mom, you told me the other day that you read the comments and you can add your own just by clicking on the same box you use to read the comments. On the upper right hand side of the page you'll see the box in which to write your remarks. When you are done, type your name in and then scroll or arrow down the page a bit and click the dot in front of the one marked "anonymous", and the publish button. To set up an account, all you have to do is type in your sign-in name and select a password to use, and then you won't have to remain anonymous, unless you really wish to. I hope to get more feedback from folks, particularly in these coming days......


Anonymous said...

Good morning Kim,
I am here, reading your blog every day! You are in my prayers as always, but especially in these next days. You know I am thinking of you and am counting the days till I get to visit! Remember the Lord is in control and he has sent angels to be with you!

Love you lots,

Kim Lahaie Day said...

Yes, I remember, because He is sending me you!!!!!!



Anonymous said...

I guess even the most beautiful roses can feel a bit thorny at times. I know you won't let yourself go there too long... the sweet smell of the love of your friends, family and most of all your dear Jesus, will pull you up and out of your muck.

Our snow today reminds me how we must look to God, thanks to the work of his son!

May you feel as white as new snow!
in love.... Jusy

Kim Lahaie Day said...

Dear Judy,

Truly you should be the one writing the blog! Your words ring as clear as a bell in my ears and fit perfectly!

What a beautiful picture you paint of our appearance before our Father.....

You did it, you put the smile back on my soul!

Love and hugs,


Suzanne Chappell said...

Hi Kim,
Do you know how many times I click into your blog during the day, not to mention my own to see what kind of comments if any have been left for me to read?

Reading just now, I've gone back a week or so, to Pastor's sermon. You know the one! Your soul is smiling, even if your heart is not!

I was feeling "a bit grumpy" yesterday, but wasn't sure if I should post the subject or not, so I've left it alone... also remembering what Pastor Hoyer told me years ago..words come first, then emotions follow, often suggested by the words spoken.

one of these days, you and I will have to have lunch or something! I'd love that!

Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Suzanne!

Oh, faithful reader, and faithful commenter! As a fellow blogger, you know what a blessing it is to have feedback. I check yours, too, a couple times a day and love love love reading what is going on in Ginko Springs!!!!!

My heart, soul, and face is smiling now, so no worries, please! And I do love lunch!!!

Hugs and blessings,


Linda M said...

Hi Kim,
I have been reading your blog everyday since you invited me to read it.I look forward to all your "everyday adventures."
I admire your postive outlook on everything you do.
Keep up the good work
Frozen in WI
Linda M

Kim Lahaie Day said...

Thanks, Linda!

I think I'll have to change the name of this posting, you guys have all talked me out of it!!!!

My adventures are a bit fewer these days but hopefully will pick up soon. I am at my best when I am busy, out and about, tending to the Flock or spending time with my friends, etc. I am getting musty like an old basement sitting in the house!!!!



Anonymous said...

Good morning; You know that my thoughts are with you to-day and always....Hearing "Childen of the Heavenly Father" on Sun.renewed memories.That night and that week will never leave my mind...of course it was the worst night of my life ....but God was and is in charge....we have to keep that in mind....God Bless you and Justin. Love Mom

Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Mom!

Congrats, you did it! As we spoke about the other day when you told me about hearing the hymn with same tune as "See This Wonder in the Making" does bring back memories flooding back. Sometimes we don't even know what will trigger a recollection or fleeting thought. So much took place that day, that night, that week,.....glad you were there to experience it because it was beneficial to be there.....

