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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Some heart lifting took place

Last night at our Ladies' Group meeting, Janet presented a wonderful list of events and plans for the coming year, intended to instill a bit of excitement into the congregation. Our group numbers only a few regular attendees these days and the question has been raised as to whether or not we should muddle along or throw in the towel. Janet came up with some great "group tightening" plans for us, and we all felt much better about the future.
After the meeting, I suggested we recess to the church and begin the process of taking down the tree and putting away the decorations. Yes, I know, we were a day early but I felt that since we had people there and had to wait for Pastor to come anyway, we should just make hay while the sun shined! Pastor had out-of-town company last night and they were delayed in arriving, so he saved his pastoral report to the end of our meeting. We sat down in church while he gave his presentation, after he very kindly went to the garage and hauled in the giant ladder for us to finish our downtaking. It seems we don't have enough men in the congregation willing to take an Elder position, sadly, so we find ourselves without a Fellowship Elder. Brian had mentioned to me about taking it on, but I told him I could not because I am not an Elder, and cannot be an Elder. Well, guess what! The Ladies' have been asked to assume the role of Fellowship leaders (really???) and guess who the go-to person is...........
After Pastor's report, we sat around chatting a bit and I remarked to him how profound the portion of the sermon was Sunday, the part about how the soul is smiling even when the heart is not. I shared what Suzanne said, that she was tempted to turn and smile at me when she heard this phrase, but I was busy digging in my purse so I could write it down! While at Wal-Mart I met some of our members and we discussed the sermon and that particular portion while standing in the aisle! Bill said the entire sermon theme was about being cheerful and keeping a smile on your face (not sure I heard it the same way....) and he said that that was me! Wow, what a compliment, and even when I'm feeling weighed down by this financial junque. So, anyway, Pastor smiled and then said, "I think I stole that line from you", going on to say it probably wasn't word for word, but he said I was the source for that phrase. Somehow or another, my soul and my heart both feel happy now, even as I face this desk again today!!!! May yours as well!!!!


Suzanne Chappell said...

Hi Kim,
Hmm, I don't think I heard the message as keeping a smile on your face. I heard it more as the miracle and gift of faith! I guess that goes to show we all have our own interpretations.

Well, of course, Pastor was modeling that line after you! As I have said before, your faith shines even in tough times, and that's what is so amazing about you! I think your faith shines more in the toughest of times

Love You,

Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Suzanne,

Thanks so much for saying that, but it sets the bar incredibly high, with a great potential for failure! I hope and pray I can sustain!

Hugs and love,
