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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Taking a break from the newsletter

This afternoon as the time eased by, my friend, Kathy called me. It appeared she was coming back from a school board meeting and asked if she could drop by with some more surveys for the Synod Team. Since I will be at church tomorrow night for Bible study, she asked if I could just take them along. Sure! It was a welcome break to have Kathy come by and enjoy some time on the river with me. I mixed a drink for us and we discussed a few of the items on the agenda of the School Board tonight. Nothing good coming as far as the budget discussions go. Hopefully the powers that be will come to a favorable agreement regarding the teachers and the funding.

We sat and discussed many other things including music, which is particularly close to her heart as a musician and singer. Another topic was about fixing up our homes, the timing thereof of projects and the lengths of our do-it-yourself updating. It was perfect timing for this conversation as just this afternoon I was wiping things down in the kitchen and tried to wipe finger prints off the door frame around the pocket door. When Bruce replaced the trim, the painter had already left, which means the frame was never touched up. I just may try it myself, because, after all, I used to do it for a living! Why does it seem like a much bigger job now, merely touching up, than painting an entire house inside and out used to be???

Ever since Suzanne brought up this subject in her blog the other day, I have been pondering the age factor in my life, our lives. As I walked from my car this afternoon, carrying my grocery bags, and wishing Dave the Doorman was still here, I considered my age. Exactly at what point do we (I) cross over from being one of the young ones to being the same age as the ladies 20 years older than I am? Like some of those with whom I have lunch on Mondays. Would I be their age if I still had a 13-year-old to raise? I will bet not. My point of reference would be entirely different, my focus redirected, my 'freedoms' limited. Physically, if I lost some weight or grew taller, perhaps I would have increased stamina or an interest in running or riding bike, like my church friend, Jennifer, does. Bearing in mind Jen is much younger than me and has young kids at home.....

Kathy and I talked about when people, such as parents or in-laws, no longer are interested in receiving things as gifts ("I have no use for flowers") and start to purge their homes of as much as possible. For years and year now, Gretchen has been going through stuff in her home, sorting and getting rid of things, and coming up with fun pieces or articles to show us. People at her age like to say they don't need another thing in their homes, like my mother-in-law used to say when it came to gifts. I just wonder when that will happen for me, if it will. I remember my mom did not like it when I moved my rooster collection to a back bedroom here, but, for me, I was done collecting roosters, I had enough. I hope I never get tired of colored glass!


Suzanne Chappell said...

Good Morning, Kim!

First of all, you wouldn't be YOU if you were any different!

Gretchen was telling me about an old phonograph she has and how she has a few records for it, and they all play! I told her, don't ever get rid of it, it's a treasure! Just think, when my grandchildren are older, they'll find an old tape and tape player in my house, and say.. "What's this old thing?"

Indeed, where does that crossover happen in life? When we cross that point, they don't ask to see our driver's license to buy wine or beer at the grocery store, and when we realize it's "sick" to covet the young bagger, he's just a baby! When I was talking to Kristen the other day about the Mom's group, I referred to the young girl that's been showing up with her baby as "that little girl", and Kristen was confused... I had to explain, I was referring to the mother. I'm kinda of stuck somewhere in the middle, with little ones, yet, I'm also in the nearly 40 group.
John realized one day, driving through his mom's neighborhood, he was "the old fart" he used to refer to as 40ish..

I guess it's like transitional bifocals.. it just kinda blends in...

You need a new picture! That one of me is old!

Foggy Hugs,

Kim Lahaie Day said...

Foggy greetings to you as well!

I happen to like that picture of you---last year, was it not???? I have another one of you playing the viola but cannot see your face well. I will keep looking.

I love the "old fart" remark! You were telling Kristin about Kendra, George's mom, and you are correct---she is a little girl! Like Tara!

Ever since I had that bout with sciatica in October of 2007, I have been freaked about getting older, having goofy back discs sort of does that to you.

I have some 8-track tapes, too, to add to your collection of cassettes and players!

Have a great day!


Suzanne Chappell said...

That picture was taken when Daniel was a baby! So it's 4 years old. You do have the one I just sent you from Christmas, it's much better, but is starting to show my age. :)
I think when I write my blog later today, it will expand on age as well... and how we see more clearly as we are older. Apparently, 39 is going to be the year I am reflective of my life...much like turning 30 was!


Kim Lahaie Day said...

Yes, I DO have the picture sent at CHRISTmas! Okay, the next time I mention you, I will try to remember to use the older Suzanne.....thought you would like that!

I look forward to reading what you come up with about age. Not aging, age. I liked your comparision with the transition glasses, another reward of age!



Tarren Prange said...

I happen to like that picture of Suzanne! I can't say too much about the feeling of getting older. Pete tells me that the kids and I keep him young. I know that I feel a lot older in school this time around, especially when I hear other students talking about not being able to get a certain cell phone because "My mom and dad don't want to sign a contract". That was a reality check for me! Now I AM the mom (and I sign the contract)!

Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Tarren!

I think Suzanne looks quite glamorous in that shot, right after Daniel was born. I am going to find a more "realistic" shot of her to use (wink, wink!).

I did not think about age being a factor for you but that was just silly of me, as you are a returning student. You can sign your own contract, after reading it thoroughly, but those "kids" will sign anything just to get a better, bigger cell phone, etc. Oh, oh, I am on a rant now.....

I used to say I have fillings older than Pete, and I still do have those fillings, but do not consider myself to be THAT much older than he is. The equivalent to my age and Gretchens', right?

My head is spinning,



Linda M said...

Dear Kim,
At most jobs I've had, I have shoes older than most of the kids I work with. Although I did a major shoe purge about 2 years ago, so maybe that isn't true anymore.
I have a chicken collection in my kitchen that needs to leave the building, got any room in your bedroom??
I can't imagine I will ever get that old that I start getting rid of things,trust me I should start NOW!!!
My Feet Are Frozen in WI

Kim Lahaie Day said...

Ha ha, Linda, you got me with that one! The stuff folks are getting rid of is finding its way into your home!!

No, all my chickens have come home to roost, so you can keep yours!

A shoe purge, what a novel idea.....

