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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Abundant Sunshine

Yesterday I finally made up my mind to have the window cleaners come to remove the filth from my windows, to give me some clarity of vision. You know how it is with your hair, one day it is fine and the next day it is an emergency run to the beauty shop? That is how it is with my windows, at some point I cannot bear it any longer! As I told my friend, Jen, last night---I have to give in and spend the money. She reminded me that it is not a regular or ongoing expense, and I said she was right about that, only twice a year to have the windows done. It is nothing I can do myself either, or even so, would not do well. These guys make such quick work of it, something which would take me an entire day to complete and end up breaking something in the process!
The appointment was made for a window washer to come today but no fixed time set. I arose early to begin the process of moving my junque away from the windows and sliding glass doors, that which is in my reach. Only a few moments ago did Mike, the head guy, call me to say he thought it was going to rain today so told his guy he did not have to come, and wanted to schedule for Friday instead. I explained that my friend was arriving tomorrow at noon and that was why I wanted them done before she got here. We were both checking the weather and he called back to say he was trying to get a different guy to come as it shows "abundant sunshine" on the weather map with no rain forecast. Yippee! I am waiting to hear something firm before I clear away more stuff such as around my desk as I do not wish to do that twice!
Okay, where was I?? Oh, yes, the window cleaner has since called back and indicated that tomorrow, first thing, I will have a man here to do my windows. Yippee! Nothing like last minute work, right? 'First thing' means 8:30 a.m. so not too early getting up tomorrow as all I need to do is clean the area around my desk and windows. Nuts, though, because I would so much have liked to have this over with and things put back to right before Linda gets here. Let's hope that is the case! I am not unreasonable, for sure, and when I called to make the appointment Mike had a guy lined up immediately due to a cancellation so it would have been perfect for today. Abundant sunshine to me is not what I would call a "rain day". Abundant sunshine works for me!

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