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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy St. Valentine's Day

Well, at least it has stopped raining, but the sky is less than forgiving. No sun has peeked and the clouds remain in place as far as the eye can see. Nuts! I must rely on the heat pad for my warmth today! My day began quite early, the result of going to bed too early last night. Rain was coming down and should have lulled me back to sleep but not so this a.m. Sometimes I can talk myself into falling asleep again but today I talked myself into getting up and writing. Over 20 e-mails awaited me, some immediately to the Trash but some worth a reply.
One of my childhood friends from up the road wrote me a nice, long letter, recollecting how one day she came running down to our house to deliver a St. Valentine's Day card to me. What a sweet note to read first thing in the morning! Janet also wrote me an e-mail asking me to lunch tomorrow after church and then coming up here to show their friend, Bob, my home. Absolutely, without even thinking, the answer is "yes"! When talking with Kathy a bit later, I have asked her to join the fun and she said she would. Yippee! I sense a party! Or simply a great deal of laughing---more towels, please!
Tomorrow will prove to be quite full with a special speaker coming from one of our Synod schools to lead the Bible study and perhaps preach. The choir is on board to sing several different things, and we are quite short-handed, or voiced, as the case might be. Suzanne is away camping and Judy is watching their kids, so can't sing and watch kids at the same time. Somehow I managed it but oh, well........Of course, you already know what is happening after church.
Joanne is feeling somewhat better after her bout with what we thought was food poisoning, but now her daughter, who returned to OH, has it. Food poisoning is not contagious so the illness might be other than from food! Joanne asked me to pick up some scrips for her so I will be heading to Walgreens in a few minutes. Justin and I are going to church tonight at Victory before going to "Riverdance". He is hoping we have time to grab a bite at Times Grille but I have my doubts about the time. We shall see, but I fear the bistros will be busy with the holiday and all that. I was just glad to get tickets for the show at the last minute!


Anonymous said...

I may have to get out the heating pad also. The furnace is not working at the moment. There is a guy coming to work on it and I hope it is soon. Hot chocolate is helping a bit.

Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Jill!

Wow, is that not the second time this winter that your furnace went out? I hope you get heat back soon, but in the meantime, keep the heating pad and cocoa handy!



Suzanne Chappell said...

How wonderful that you got to see Riverdance! I've seen them once, and of course, I LOVE Celtic Woman, who I heard is coming to the Veterans Coliseum in March.

Hope you had a wonderful Valentine's Day!


Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Suzanne!

Yes, Justin and I went last night and just loved it. This is the end of their touring and I did not want to miss seeing Riverdance. A group of us from church went to see Celtic Woman a couple years ago and it was fantastic. I think my next event purchase might be for "Fiddler on the Roof" with Topol. Have to think about that one, though.

Thrasher Horne is featuring a Sunday Salon event at the end of March with my upstairs neighbor, Donna Wissinger playing her flute. Quite the show, as I have heard her play. She makes a living playing the flute......I am just sayin'................

Love and hugs,
