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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Well, that is the price I pay for sleeping!

All the missed sleep has been made up, and then some! After going to bed early, at some point during the night I woke up. I started looking around on the channels for something to lull me back to sleep, as I knew it was not morning by the color of the sky. I have no clocks in my room, relying on the sun or light to tell me when to get up. Must be the Indian in me!
First I found "Roseanne" and let a couple of those go by, reminding me of my sister, Lori. When I got married and moved "away" from home, an hour and half south of my home town, she reported not missing me so much anymore when "Roseanne" was on TV!! On one particular episode back in '74 or '75, someone dropped dead in Roseanne's house and as the gurney is being wheeled passed her, she addresses the corpse with the words, "Say hello to Janis from me", prompting my phone to ring---some of my sisters calling---wondering if I heard that. Neat memory-stirrer, that one. I quit watching her program after it was not so funny anymore, cannot say exactly when that happened.
Finding nothing else besides infomercials to listen to at that hour, I decided to use "Seinfeld" as my lullaby. The disc in my machine is one which has the "100 Episodes" recap, which is normally quite amusing and causes me to burst out laughing, but not this time.....back toward sleep I went. (If I put on Fox News Channel when trying to fall asleep, it has the opposite result, stirs me up as I get involved in the debate or discussion, certainly not lulling material!)
At some point I woke again and realized the DVD had ended, so I just pushed the buttons until regular TV came back on, and went back to sleep again. Dream time! My cropping friend, Carol, was joining Martie and me for an afternoon of "work", but her hubby called with an urgent request for her to come home. We walked (now I know it's a dream!) with her to see what was going on, only to find their lawn under water from the sprinklers. Only, it was about a foot deep! Some lawn, and some sprinklers! Her hubby, not her real one in the dream, came out and was arm waving, cursing and swearing at her, all excited as if this was her doing. I reprimanded him for speaking that way to my friend. I guess his father had caulked the sprinkler heads open, thinking he was helping. These males were of Asian descent, another strange angle to the dream.
Next we were on a huge airplane which had a workroom just for us to crop in, looks like a kitchen. Before we could work, though, we had to sit in seats for take-off and I realized I was cradling my friend, Ellen, in my arms and comforting her, as she held a photo of Billy in her hands. I told her how glad I was that she decided to go with us on this magical mystery trip, as I had no clue where we were going. She tearfully reminisced about how long she knew us (Justin and me) and how much we meant to her, sort of out-of-whack yet from her hubby's death.
My project was making a housewarming present for someone with a pumpkin theme going on, but before I could get busy, I had to go change my baby's diaper. Where did the baby come from? You got me, but it was my baby! Through the glass windows on top of the plane, it appeared we were dangerously close to rocks, as though flying through mountain passes or something, but I assured all on board that we were fine. As if I knew!
All of a sudden, as I finished with the diapering, a decision was made to land in Da Nang and someone was going to have get off and take another flight. Of the men on the plane, one was afraid to get off because he had been a prisoner of war, and since there was only a handful of people, including my now former spouse, but for the dream, still my spouse, and the baby, I volunteered to get off. One man cautioned me, gave the serious warnings about the danger, drama, and possible death, but I still said I would go. And my spouse was going to let me, and leave the baby with him! The other man said there are no bathrooms in Da Nang so I said I would take some diapers with me, and he said, "All we have are toddler size", as if those would not quite do the trick. I think I could have made them work, but we will never know, because I woke up.
I used to tell Justin to write down his dreams because his were so interesting. A fortune could be made by us and for others, in the book stores and on the analysts' couches!
Once he was relating a dream to Mom and me and I could tell he was pausing, thinking, and then going on. I said, "You're making stuff up" to which he replied, "I'm just adding details for interest." Mom and I lost it, just lost it, and realized that's why we HAD to send him to St. Johns!
Dreams seem to be recap of a day's events or a lifetime of events, some real, some too real, and some not real at all!


Anonymous said...

I wish I could remember more of my dreams....they seem to fade quickly. The one I do remember is losing my teeth!! Glad it hasn't really happened.
Here's to a good day and relly good dreams coming true!


Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Dee Dee!

For some reason, the early morning dreams stay with me, and if they are awful ones, haunt me the rest of the day. Last week I dreamed how someone in my group of people, unknown, fell backward about three floors and landed on their backs at the bottom of some stairs. Frantically I glanced around to make sure it was not my son, Justin, who was standing at the hotel room door, opening it for us. Whew! But it bothered me all day, that something might happen to Justin!!! Not good!

Thanks for the good and powerful wishes for the day!


Anonymous said...

You really do have some strange dreams. A friend once told me that dreams are our subconscious getting rid of unnnecesary info. I once had the dream that Dan's dad was wqalking down the sidewalk carrying his dresser. My friend said that it was the subconscious letting him go finally. As for you had to deal with alimony papers, you were going to eat or ate an Asian restaurant and Timmy's flower bed. I don't know how the plane fits in but those things could have spurred your dream. We are going to go to Green Bay so we touch back later. Love Me

Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Jill!

Letting go, seeing the dresser being carried down the street....hmmmmm, perhaps. The unnecessary info? Wow, my head must be bulging at the seams with unnecessary info!

So, the arm waving, wildly upset man was about my alimony papers; the baby represented Timmy and me leaving him behind (or him leaving us) which reflects the work on this flower bed at church, and the Asian people and country reflects the plans to have lunch next week with Linda O. Interesting, interesting.

Have fun in Green Bay and be careful of the snow!

Hugs to all of you!


Anonymous said...

Hi Kim,

You do seem to have so many dreams, I don't remember mine which is good I guess. I wouldn't read much into them tho, because they are busy pictures in the brain, not really meant to be more then that, not remembered usually.

Glad you got more sleep tho, you needed it. Have a good time cleaning and getting your hands dirty today!

Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Anon.:

Thanks for the advice about the dreams. It might be best not to put much more thought into them, other than like Jill said, empties the unnecessary info, like doing a defrag on the computer! I like the remark about the "busy pictures" in our brains, though, I might use that another time if you do not mind!


Suzanne Chappell said...

You seem to have incredible recollection of your dreams! They are odd, too! I rarely remember having dreams anymore.

I don't set my alarm clock, mostly because the sun shines right into my bedroom, and I have the blinds cracked so it hits me in the face when the time is right! If I don't get up at a "reasonable" time, the kids do for sure! Things will change for awhile after next week when the time changes.



Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Suzanne!

I do not think, with your fair coloring, that you have any Indian in you, but perhaps you're like Kramer who tells time by the sun. Except at night, then he's off a couple hours.....

Since the goofy dreams are right before I wake up, they stay fresh for me, and I have been blessed to remember them--good and bad ones!

When does the clock/time change again? Spring forward!!

Hugs to you!
