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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Whew! What a day yesterday!

Yesterday began with a thud as we had no water and did not get water service restored until early afternoon. My heart was breaking for my neighbor, Ellen, who had to get ready for her husband's funeral and probably had a houseful of company with no flushing toilets. Many folks took the initiative of scooping pails of water from the swimming pool to use for the toilets. Imagine in the Bible days, and even presently in some countries, the people carrying water in giant jugs on their shoulders. You just do what you gotta do. I did not see anyone bathing in the pools, however.
When I arrived at church to clean, some ladies were already there making preparations for the funeral later in the day. Carol was there tending the altar and such so we got to chit chat a bit before I got busy. I did manage to vacuum the chapel but just as I was getting to the breezeway door, the suction part of the vacuum cleaner quit working. The beater kept going but no picking up. Humphf! Instead, I picked up the obvious schnibbles (sorry, Lisa!) and considered it good enough. Maybe Richard can take a look at it to see if it needs a fresh bag or has an obstruction or something like that. I was not about to do that at this time.
Carol told me the tragic tale of losing her "pocketbook" on the way to a wedding in VA last weekend. She inadvertently left it in a booth at a Wendy's and by the time she realized it was not in the car with her, they had traveled an hour and a half from the "scene of the crime". By the time they got back to the restaurant, it seemed as though the workers had sort of put together a denial as to any knowledge, claiming another lady called to report the missing purse and described it to them, so they gave it to her..............yeah, right.....Not pointing any fingers or anything, which would be without proof, they had to set about cancelling credit cards and such for protection. Their cash money was in the purse as well as car keys, all her identification, medication, irreplaceable information often found in ladies' purses. She does not wish to discuss it anymore though because it is so upsetting, as I heard her tell this to someone at the funeral reception last night. I told her about Lifelock, a type of insurance one can get to secure your identity and such in these situations. She may look into that so this will not happen again! Fortunately, Joe had his credit card with him or they would not have been able to buy gas or make other payments the entire weekend with their own cards being stopped.
Originally I had planned to wash my hair at church but since the kitchen was being used to prepare food at the time, I thought it best not to even try putting myself in the kitchen. I would just take my chances that the water was back on at home and I could clean up there----not!
Justin and I were privileged to be personally invited to the funeral service of my neighbor, Billy Powell, and I was charged with asking a select few of the other neighbors to attend as well. All came that were invited so The Palace had a good showing of support. Justin came here first but since I was going to another funeral later and he was driving his friend, Jesse, around, we took two cars. Arriving in plenty of time, we found the church without problem and were not bothered by the security. I wore my red coat in honor of Billy and because it was blame cold outside.
Some of the neighbors were already seated so we went in the row behind them. Two went up to see the memorial display in front of the church so I did, too. There was one beautiful photo of Billy at the piano, leaning back and laughing---yup, that was him! Others were some awards including the induction into the Hall of Fame. The sound crew was still getting things fixed up and were not reverential but we were early so I excused them. As more folks arrived we kept wondering who was who, and Justin made the remark to me, "Look at all those mullets!" Must be trademark, especially in aging rock 'n rollers. Lots of hugs and 'good to see ya's' were going around, as I imagine many of these people hadn't seen each other in a long time. It was interesting to watch the interaction and reaction of people and speculate privately over who was who.
As we left the condo, two huge limos were parked in front of Ms. Huntley's house, apparently waiting to go pick up the family and entourage for the funeral. Just before the service was to begin, a set of doors in the front of the sanctuary opened and in they came. At least 5 or 6 rows of people came in, the band and their spouses or "dates", family, close friends, Kid Rock, and Hank Williams Jr...............Yes, you read that correctly. Ellen came in toward the end and sat in the front row, aided by her daughters and a walking stick. From our vantage point it was difficult to see her but what we could see just broke my heart.
On a screen pre-service was a slide show with background music by the Christian band Billy used to play with, Vision. Most of the shots were of his career but the most moving for me were the family shots, their wedding, eating wedding cake, Billy playing with the kids, Ellen and Billy in the back of limos on tour, and so on. Quite moving! And the way, we, his neighbors, remember him, a family man, out walking his dogs.


Anonymous said...

Good morning,
The name of the game show you are trying to think of is "Don't Forget the Lyrics". I watch it sometimes, and also think you would do well on there!
See you on Wednesday!!
Love and hugs,

Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Linda!

I believe I might have seen a portion of that program perhaps when I was in WI but did not know many of the songs the participants were doing. I think they were top 40 songs at one time and not in my genre. I will try it again though to see if I recognize anything!



p.s. counting the minutes.............