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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Back from the meeting....

....with no bloodshed! Tonight's Palace Annual Owners' meeting went along famously, with little or no arguments, and in fact, one of the pot stirrers even begged for no more controversies! And here I had prepared my special speech just for the meeting, with no need for me to deliver it. But I did anyway, in a greatly modified form, turning into praise for our Board, thanks for their efforts, and for that of the committees. I told the assembly that I had been approached by more than one Board member to serve but I respectfully, repeatedly declined, because "my heart is like a tiny china doll" and I could not take "the heat in the kitchen" which is where the Board finds itself. My remarks were well received and the newsletter complimented, which was quite nice to hear, of course!
We are still going to have at least one more major assessment, which I am prepared for, that being the caulking, repairing of stucco, and painting of the building. A huge undertaking, much involved, but will hopefully put to rest many more of the leaking problems remaining. Somehow I avoided being on the Team making the color selections as I just finished that job at church. One of the non-resident owners is taking the job with help of Maureen, a woman with most excellent decorating sense. We will have three color choices to vote on, majority wins. The north end bulkhead needs to be repaired/replaced after the damage from TS Faye last August and they would like this done before the season starts again, for fear of additional erosion of our property.
So, the good news is I got out of there with the same jobs I went in with, editor of the newsletter and on the social team---yippee!!!
Saturday on my way to the Tupperware party at Wendy's house, I saw a sign for the Urgent Care facility in Oakleaf. Urgent Care----makes one think of cuts needing stitches, an ear infection, or a broken arm, right? Oh, no! This sign, under the name Urgent Care Center listed several items including Botox injections, laser hair removal, dermabrasion, and other seriously non-emergency health problems. What in the world??? I just had to laugh at the prospect of making a quick trip to the Urgent Care Center for a necessary laser hair removal!!!


Anonymous said...

Good morning,
Glad to hear the meeting went so well!! I bet your speeck was really good, too! How are your plans for New York coming? Tom has my ticket for November already!!!

cloudy hugs from Wisconsin,

Anonymous said...

Good to here there was no anger at your board meeting. I guess some people must feel that Botox and such would be urgent care. Makes you wonder if insurance covers that at all. I did not hear that Manny got his enrollment forms. More tears coming. I suppose I should get a move on. Easy day today. I am participating in a job fair at UW-Manty for youth. They are special needs youth and looking for some part time work. I really do not know the extent of their disabilities but I kow that most of them are very eager to do things even cleaning bathrooms. Have a great day!

Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Linda J.!!

My speech was good, not the one I wrote and was ready to present but off the cuff, did okay. Of course, many of the ideas were the same but given a more positive turn.

The plans have stalled, I must get on them before prices go up. You are pencilled in for November and I am going to wash the sheets on the guest beg to get ready for you.....oh, too soon?



Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Jill,

Yes, Manny is getting to be big boy now, too! His birthday is next month already, same day as Jimmy's. Maybe a joint party would be fun, they are about the same age in some ways........

Is that not funny about the Botox and laser hair removal being "urgent care"?? I just sat and laughed about it. Maybe insurance does cover these treatments if done urgently!

A restaurant I go to nearby uses special needs people to bus tables and wipe them off, always with a supervisor to make sure they do a good job. I hope you have a nice day doing this fair.

Hoping the sun comes out,


Linda M said...

Dear Kim,

I need some liposuction and trust me the need it quite URGENT!!!!!!

For Jill, we had some special needs adults helping us out at a non profit facility I was associated with and they were wonderful.They are eager to do anything you ask.They show up everyday and stay till everything is done.What a concept!!!

Dodging the Rain in WI

Linda M

Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Linda M.:

That is so funny about the emergency lipo!

I like what you had to say about the special needs people and their work ethic! Great to hear!



kathy b said...

Well, Linda beat me to the urgent comment. It's all a matter of how you look at "it"!

Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Kathy B.:

I really got a kick out of that sign! Of all things......

Yes, you have to get up awfully early in the morning to beat Linda to the punch!

See you Wednesday!!!
