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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Why are my eyes wet again?

Oh, it might be because I was just writing to Judy R. in Winona, responding to her e-mail about the lovely weekend she enjoyed. Saturday she was leader of a women's Bible study, based on "Taste and See That the Lord is Good", which was the theme of the retreat she attended recently in Stillwater. She had the ladies hum the melody to "Go, My Children" while she read some closing passages and said the prayer. Judy reported it was well received, with some of the ladies wiping their eyes at the closing.
She told me that when she was at DMLC and toured with the choir, they sang "Now the Light Has Gone Away" in German for their closing, and knew they hit a home run if some of the ladies were wiping their eyes. When I wrote back to her, I reminded her about how Pastor Hahm sang that hymn to Mom at his farewell dinner, but said he could not look at her while he sang. He gave her a foretaste, because he has promised to come back and sing it again for her funeral....but she will already be in heaven, singing God's praises full-time! I sent Judy the hymn in German, shared with me by Gretchen, my friend from church.
Pastor Hahm addressing the assembly at his farewell dinner. A dear man, missed by his former members, but appreciated by his new ones!
Speaking of Gretchen, she met me at my car this a.m. before Bible study and gave me blue gift wrapped present. She finds these treasures in her home when she is going through her things, and today, I got a treasure! It is a wall plaque that looks like a mini-chalk board, with the message: "If God meant for me to cook, He would not have invented restaurants!" We just had to laugh about this, and I told her I was in full agreement, as she knew I would be! She is so thoughtful, doing the things for people that make them feel so special!
Well, I stood with binoculars at the ready and listened to the radio announce the count down and lift off of the Space shuttle Atlantis.....but, where is it??? Karen, my next door neighbor, was also watching from her patio and neither of us could spot it, which means it must have been either too cloudy that direction or it went in a more northerly direction, over the top of our building and out of our sight. Nuts! I so enjoy the shuttle launches and am disappointed that I could not see this one. Hopefully the rescue shuttle will not have to go up, but I will certainly watch for it, if it does have to be launched.
The radio is also reporting a double tragedy on the northside of Jacksonville, the kind of tragedy I am familiar with. It seems a set of twin girls, aged 18 months old, were found floating in a retention pond, were air lifted to Shands, and are in critical condition. I hope that God, in His mercy, will take them home if they are badly brain damaged. Justin and I often talk about that, because one of his teachers at St. Johns had a son drown, only to be resuscitated, living the next seven years in a vegetative state in an institution, and then finally dying. Prayers for the family of the twins would be most appreciated, asking for God's will to be done for these girls, and support for their family.
For the next few days my nest is empty, as Joanne is going to visit her sisters in Atlanta. We think we solved the mystery of the smelly refrigerator and it was not really fish! Even though all the finest noses in northeast Florida sniffed and squeezed, no one, except for perhaps Martie, seemed to find the cause of the fish odor. She had taken out the potatoes and washed them, sniffed them, and put them back in the drawer, dismissing them as the offenders. Well, yesterday, Joanne was in the fridge again, rooting around while making her supper, determined to get to the bottom of the mystery. She had me smell the potatoes, and sure enough, there it is! The smell is solved!!! And I owe her an apology, accusing her of "fowling" my fridge with her wretched fish, and instead, it was her wretched potatoes!!!!


Anonymous said...

Hi Kim,
Hope you had a great mother's day! We went to see Amanda and Matthew and Alicia. Amanda is so precious!! I will have to share pictures with you.
Once again you had me laughing and crying! I love the email about the speeding ticket!! lol! And then the story of the twins in the pond! crying out loud! I surely will keep them in my prayers!

Love and spring time hugs,
Linda J

Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Linda J.:

I did have a very nice day, low-key but just as lovely. How wonderful that you got to spend time with your boy and his daughter!

Glad you enjoyed the e-mail, it really made me chuckle, too!

I checked the local news on-line for updates but have found nothing yet about the twin girls. Sorry I made you cry out loud but I know also this would touch you greatly on several levels. Certainly your prayers are going up, as are mine!

I love you,


Anonymous said...

I got teary eyed just remembering Pastor Hahm singing for mom. I was just thinking of them today and that I best fulfill my promise to send them Cedar Crest Ice Cream. Before I forget you may be able to see me on TV. Channel 5 was there taping last week and you may be able to see it online on their website. I don't know if I will be on or not but our ice cream will be. It should be on Wednesday. I am tired so off I go. Cool May hugs!

Kim Lahaie Day said...

God morning, Jill!

I think we have caught what you guys have been having up there---cloudy skies! No sun in sight but wind and greyness prevails!

Thinking of Pastor Hahm singing for Mom was the first thing that popped into my head when Judy mentioned singing this in her choir. What a precious gift he gave her!

I will look at the website to see if you are starring in any of the footage! How can you send them ice cream---dry ice or what? Or were you teasing???



Anonymous said...

Good morning;I've heard that you should NEVER put potatos in the fridg. There seems to be so many children having drowning accidents.....there was just one where the care taker left two little kids in a bath drowned.Thanks to Gretchen for the German translation....did she sing it for you?......meaning Now the Light etc.Mom

Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Mom!

Does putting potatoes in the fridge make them smell like fish? This might be so!

No, Gretchen is not a singer but she did share that with me because of our conversation about Pastor Hahm singing for you....

The drowning of the child in the bathtub, was that a local story? The twins yesterday took place on the northside of Jacksonville. People in the house, no one noticed the kids getting out and wandering off. I wonder if one tried to help the other or what....We won't know, just like we don't know what happened to Timmy.

Did you like the picture of Pastor Hahm? You did not mention it, hope you can see it on your computer.



Suzanne Chappell said...

HI Kim!
Gretchen's plaque is just perfect for you, isn't it! Made me LOL! She's so sweet! She often gives the kids little gifts, just because she was thinking about them.

I don't know about potatoes in the fridge. I always put them in the bottom drawer. I do, however, always give the bag a sniff before purchasing, because if you get a rotten one, it can be a stinker!

I just love that hymn, Go, My Children. I may need to add that to my "funeral list".

Once again, I feel completely uninformed! I didn't know there was another space shuttle launch! Wish I'd known, I would have kept a look out!



Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Suzanne!

Yes, that Gretchen is such a treasure herself! Seems to always be thinking of others and what will bring them joy!

I thought these were Joanne's potatoes but now I am not so sure, as she also has some out on the baker's rack in the kitchen...might I be the offender????

"Go, My Children" has such a wonderful message for us, sending us our way with His blessing, the reminder of our baptism, what Jesus did for us, speaks to the trinity------yes, an excellent hymn to add to your funeral list. But who will play the viola for your funeral??? You might have to record it for future use!

Between NASA and me, we cooked up a plan to keep the news of the pending launch from you.......

Love and squishy hugs,
