This afternoon, my mom and I are going to see my older sister, Carol. She was not present at Dusty's graduation nor is she going to the wedding this coming weekend so the mountain will go to Mohammad---or Kimberly,WI, as the case might be! She has lived there for years and years since moving up from Milwaukee. Both her hubby and she still work, Carol at a grocery store in her neighborhood. My bro-in-law, Harvey, used to see her when he delivered bread to that store. According to mapquest, which never fails us (ha!), we have about an hour's ride. At first my niece, Alayna, wanted to go along but had to work earlier today than at first expected, so will have to pass this time.
Last night I made us a delicious meal of roast pork, sauerkraut, carrots, and added some frozen dumplings, called bullets, toward the end. The bullets were just how they sound, in my opinion, but the rest of meal I liked. Jill joined us after her employee meeting and even took a dishful home to have for lunch today. Aw, shucks, I'm honored! We have had several meals at home since I arrived in Manitowoc---good ones, too!
I had the most wonderful chat with Justin yesterday, a phone call one so I could hear his voice vs. the Internet chat with no voices. Either way we talk over each other! Anyway, he was wildly excited about something he did that morning----after I failed to guess correctly, he informed me that he called in to Neal Boortz's radio show and got on the air with Neal! He was equally thrilled to have spoken with Belinda, the producer, but then to have air time and not be called an ignoramus is icing on the cake! His question, phrased differently than he originally intended, was about whether a new president, other than the one in place at present, would have any better success in the face of this oppositional Congress seated now. I cannot recall all that Neal responded but Justin likely can, word for word. I am so proud of him and tickled to pieces for him being able to get on the air and speak his piece.
We talked a long while as he had much other stuff to tell me, including that he was going up to my house to do the vacuuming and put things to right before I came home. If you recall, I had left my home "rain ready" in case we had water leaks during the storms in recent weeks, so that my neighbors did not have to worry about taking care of it for me. It is quite messy looking, however, and I dreaded returning to a torn-apart home. He was going to see to it my bathroom floor was vacuumed as I had spotted some hair in there and cannot tolerate that, either! I am sooo "Monkish", as Justin calls me....
Joanne called last night to report she was back at the condo and had put things back in place, moved the furniture against the walls again, and the glass pretties onto the shelves by the windows. All is right with the world, at least, in MY world! My Florida friends have begun calling me (I think they are starting to realize that I am gone) wondering when I am coming home, etc. First order of business will be to work on the postcards for VBS, if they are large enough to work with. Bonnie from Victory wrote me that they sent theirs back because the size was too small to do anything with. Hmmm.....I thought they would be uniformly sized at least 3"x 5". I can reduce what I have already done to fit, if need be.
This a.m. I am going to work down at church, giving Linda a hand with her service folders for Thursday night and Sunday worship. She told me the pastor was going to be late coming in this a.m. because of being with a family who lost their husband and father the night before. He was elderly and had been ill for some time, so it was not unexpected that he would pass. Pastor R. has some final touches to do on the service folder before she can go to press so I am going later on to lend my hands before heading to Kimberly.
A few years ago, actually four, because Manny was a baby, all the sisters, six of us, got together in Appleton to have dinner. We had not all been together since my dad died in 1996, and when Timmy died, youngest sister, Kerry, was not with us. So, in 2005, all six girls plus some of our kids, had dinner together. It is so sad that it is mostly funerals and occasionally weddings when families are all together.
Lisa, my niece, is recovering from another of her strange maladies. Over the weekend, she felt sick and had cramping sensations in her abdomen. She thought perhaps an infection or similar, but had felt an obvious "snap" at one point late in the week. It turns out she had a ruptured ovarian cyst! Oh, for heaven's sake, what next? I will tell you what next---Manny broke out with hives for no apparent reason. So he had the miseries and Lisa had the miseries, with Lynn to the rescue. She went to Lisa's Monday night and made dinner for them, taking care of her babies. Manny felt so miserable that he could not be comforted, would not let Lynn hold him or anything. He had Children's Benedryl to take and some special bath stuff to soak in. Lisa assured me they would be at the wedding this weekend, so Justin is happy to hear that, since he wants to see the boys so badly.
Tomorrow morning I will be picking up Justin at Milwaukee's airport and then we must go collect his tuxedo at a Mall right along the freeway toward home. Justin recalls a Cheesecake Factory at that Mall, so guess where we will be having lunch! Last night he was going to be measured again for the tux because he has lost lots of weight since his originally sizing just before Easter. Jill's knee is acting up (must be catchy) and she thinks the two ushers, Dustin and Justin, will have to carry her down the aisle! I wonder if they knew what they were getting into when signing on to serve as ushers!
Thursday night we are going to church at First German and then to dinner with Jachimstals and some of the Hackmann's at the Green Street Tavern---again! Mona has a couple of earthenware jugs for me from my in-law's house, and Linda said Tom can ship whatever needs shipping for me, so, good deal! I have a couple of those ancient jugs already and having one from "the farm" will be a good memory piece for me. Hopefully it won't be too heavy and cost a fortune to have sent to me. I am hungry now so will go forage a bit, perhaps at Copp's or the gas station where I met my new friend, Laurel. They have sugar cookies, too, you know!
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