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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I think I am losing my poof!

I only got home a short while ago from Vacation Bible School and I am bone tired! How does Bonnie do it, managing those kids and their crafts, in such a short period of time, too! Quick, quick, quick we dash from one center to the next with our little children who really do not take direction well......We no sooner get them situated at a table for crafts and it is time to move to the next area. As usual, it is my "cat herding" analogy that comes to mind.
Tonight my job was to help Jennifer with the little ones, moving them from Point A to Point B without losing anyone, taking kids to the bathroom (or pee pee, as the case might be!), help with their crafts, etc. I so prefer kids in the 1st and 2nd grade than the older ones, believe me. Some of the girls are feeling their age, since we take up to age 12, and have taken to coloring their hair with blue stuff, wearing partial gloves, all the hip stuff. No thanks! Not for me, my patience would be worn to a frazzle. Mike C. has that group, and he is no stranger to middle school kids!
This is the fabulous backdrop and GADGET the robot, borrowed from Victory!
Kathy B. is leading the music and allows the kids to play little instruments like rhythm sticks, shakers, and gizmos that make a cranking sound. She also plays a song on the guitar that they sing along with and can clap their hands in time with the music. There is a DVD and CD that comes with the program that they learn hand and arm motions to, but I was really slow catching on to that! It went too fast for this old girl...
When I went to get the pizza for the staff and those cleaning in the classroom building, I saw a rainbow over the river, taking the place of the space shuttle in the sky for me. Nuts! After exercising today at water aerobics and then having a lovely lunch with Maggie O., and then VBS, I am bushed! Good night, y'all!!


Anonymous said...

I am finally caught up on your posts. I wish we could get just a little bit of your rain. Yards are looking terrible. One good thing is that it is good for business. Just watched the MLHS graduation on cable. Always such a good service. I am going to go. Hugs!

Dave Schipper said...

HA... I know what you are going thru

Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Jill,

How nice that you got to see the graduation service, probably heard some wonderful music! And Word!

Glad business is flourishing even if the yards and gardens are not!

Hugs back to you!


Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi David!

Oops, I got peanut butter on my 'V' when I typed wonder I have ants!

Yes, you certainly do understand what I, we, are going through! Lori told me what a good guy you were, taking off from work and everything to help make VBS a success! Last night we had two more kids come which is fantastic-o!!!

