My photo
No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Did anyone notice?

Saturday there was no posting from me and so far, no one has mentioned it. My blogging friend, Jami, who has found herself posting on a weekly basis, reported yesterday that she is taking a Facebook sabbatical because she was neglecting her blog too much. Jami also mentioned that she did not like some of the "rules" about Facebook etiquette that were being directed her way, and feels that people can comment and update their status as much or as little as they want to! So there! A sabbatical from Facebook---good luck with that!
It became obvious to me as well that there was competition between Facebook and the blog, some would choose one or the other, not usually both. Because I sit here in front of the machine most of the day and have no boss looking over my shoulder, I can do as little or as much as I wish. One of my favorite things is to look at the photos posted which really helps to get caught up on people's lives, if you've been separated or out of contact for a while. We like our "news" to be immediate and for our information to be regular, which is why I like my blog!
Last night as I laid on my bed watching a movie, I heard my phone make that pathetic "chirp" like it did the day I was looking at real estate in extremely warm houses. Only one puny chirp and it was dead. At least the buttons were dead, I could not "dial" out or send text messages or retrieve anything. Yikes! Good thing I did not have to call the rescue squad or anything with no home phone to use anymore. Immediately following worship I dashed out to the Island to buy a new cell phone. After the mail-in rebate, the new phone, complete with a keyboard for typing text messages, will cost the same as my "old" phone would have. Because my phone model is discontinued, I had to upgrade for an additional $18 fee, which I objected. I also extended my contract, which is no big deal. They can save all my phone numbers stored in the phone, but not the photos. Good idea to e-mail the photos in case this happens to others.
Is it just me or is it darker longer in the mornings? It seems as though it is taking longer for the sun to come up or I am finding myself awake before the sun usually comes up! Two days in a row I found myself awake prior to the sun peeking out so then I am unsure as to what time it is, since I have no clock in my room except on the computer, which also sleeps at night. If I wish to open my eyes all the way and check my cell phone, I can do that or change the TV station to the preview channel to see what time it is. Usually I can tell by the program on the TV when I wake up but weekends offer different shows which REALLY mess me up!
This is the sunrise as it progressed this morning. I told Linda about it via Facebook chat (no sabbatical for me!) and she wanted to see the pictures. The photo hardly does it justice, though. Come on down and see for yourselves!


Suzanne Chappell said...

I think it is dark longer in the mornings. I leave between 6:45 and 7am, and it's still dark. At the end of the school year, when I had the opportunity to stay in bed, I had the sun hitting my eyes at 6:15am! Definitely not the case these days.

I do, however, enjoy those brilliantly pink sunrises that seem to come with fall's later sunrise.


Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Suzanne,

The pink sunrises are just the icing on the cake....

As I sat and watched this a.m., I couldn't decide if it was salmon pink or rosie or what mixed with grey/blue/black/greige?????

Loving the sunrises,


Anonymous said...


I just talked to you, but seeing your sunrise picture made me think of the sunsets I get to see now. I think I will call them mauvish pink.....

Jill called right after you did and canceled our "dinner" date....we were going to Culvers but she had to change plans. That's o.k. 'cause I can go to Culvers anytime. She says she owes me for using my take Dan'l to the appt. in Green Bay.


Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Mom!

Now you did not say one thing about going to Culver's tonight! Rubbing my nose in it by saying "I can go any time..."---guess that is like when I call you from Clark's Fish Camp!

Yes, mauvish pink is probably correct, but in fact, the color kept changing. Of the three shots I took I posted the first one with no changes made to it. As is.



Anonymous said...

Hi Kim,
Love the sunrise picture!! Can't wait to see it in person!!! One more month!!! We just came home from Charcoal Grill, saw a beautiful full moon peeking out of the clouds!! Hope you can see it too! Watching "My Big Fat Greek Wedding". Also watched "Stepmon" shed a few tears!

Have a restful night,
Love and hugs, Linda J

Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Linda J.!

We shared the moon last night! Did you eat outside at Charcoal Grille?

I did watch "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" and I still laugh at the same stuff. I love the part when Ian says to Tula, "I started to live when I met you..." Also the part when she is walking down the aisle in her wedding gown and everyone is spitting on her. The in-laws scrunch up their faces and go, "Ew!" So funny!

I have arranged for lovely sunrises and a full moon for your visit!

Counting the days,


Anonymous said...

Good morning Kim,
We did not eat outside!! Lots to laugh at in Greek Wedding, I especially like the bridesmaid's dresses!!! What were they thinking?
It will be a quiet day here today, everyone is gone to Pastor/Teacher conference. I am in charge!!!

God Bless Your Day
Linda J

Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Linda J.!!!

The inmates are running the asylum!!!

Love and hugs,


(p.s. I know it was cold up there, but I had to ask....85 yesterday here)

Anonymous said...

Hi Kim,

Am I an inmate? It's kinda like it's a zoo and the animals are running it!

It might hit 60 degrees above zero here today! But the sun is shinning and it's not too windy!!

Go Packers, wipe the field with Brett!!

Warm Wisconsin hugs
Linda J

Kim Lahaie Day said...

Dear Fellow Inmate:

I, too, am working as church secretary as I fumbled my way through some tasks today. It will eventually come back to me but by then Lynne will be home from her trip!

You say "60 degrees" like that might be considered just make me chuckle, my friend!

Warm but overcast hugs,


Anonymous said...

Breathtaking photos..I wish I was able to see something that beautfiful in my life time!

Kim Lahaie Day said...

Dear Anon.:

Not for one second do I take for granted the gifts the Lord has given me, and I would be more than happy to share this joy with others!
