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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

I am just the saddest girl

My friend has left my house and I am so sad! I miss her already as she is likely boarding her plane right this minute. Her fun continues though as she meets her hubby in Las Vegas tonight and tomorrow will celebrate their wedding anniversary. They have plans to visit the Grand Canyon, Death Valley, and possibly the Hoover Dam if time and ambition allows. Through her conversations with Tommy these past couple of days, it seems Linda had far more fun here with me than he did playing cards in LV. OF COURSE she had more fun than he did regardless of how he did at the tables!
We had lunch at Olive Garden and enjoyed social time at The Club Wednesday; Bible study and lunch with Justin on Thursday and then our feast for supper; Friday was Wal-Mart, Hang Ups, Koko's, Target, and the Symphony, with Justin; Saturday was the Pampered Chef party, Steinmart, and then church at Victory with Justin, followed by supper at 5 Guys; and today, Bible study, worship, lunch el fresco at Aron's with Kathy B. and later, Judy J., and then late afternoon, the airport. Full fun days, with our down time taken up with talking and movie watching. Since she got here we watched "Freedom Writers", "Grey Gardens", "My Life in Ruins", and "The Women". We do "down time" very well!!
I am yet waiting to see the moon rise on the river although it may be too cloudy tonight. It got quite windy later this afternoon and grey clouds moved in, which I guess may be hints of Hurricane Ida coming up from the south. At least the weather stayed decent while Linda was here and we did not need either the heat or A/C, keeping the sliding doors open for ventilation. I just love my fuzzy slippers!
For some reason or another I am weary tonight, all the emotion and drama of saying farewell to my friend, I guess. My supper tonight will consist of leftovers from the feast including mashed potatoes and gravy with some cranberries on the side. Mmmm! Some of Janet's wonderful apple crisp from Thursday will make the best dessert. I can barely close my freezer as Janet brought 2 containers of ice cream to go with the pie, plus the 2 I had gotten when shopping on Tuesday. Oh my! Where is Joanne when I need her?? I miss her too!


Anonymous said...

Missed a very nice worship today at FG. We had quite a nice attendance today. we sang two of my more favorite hymns: My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less and Abide with Me. Yours truly and other veterans were honored by the grade school children. They gave all the veterans magnetic flags. Most of us gathered in front of church to have our picture taken. After that they had the social studies fair and ed Apple Books were available. Just an enjoyable morning. Later on mom came and picked up some stuff I have for Repeat Performance.I hope they have someone to help her. with my hours they are not open when I can get there. I also took over mine and Dan's summer clothes and showed mom the place. I am off to do other things. Talk to you soon.

Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Jill,

Linda told me about the event for the veterans today and was sad she was going to miss it. Like me, there just is not enough of Linda to go around!

I am glad you enjoyed the special thing the students did for you guys. Lynn's favorite hymn is "Abide with Me", makes her cry, and me too!

"When He shall come with trumpet sound, oh, may I then in Him be found, clothed in His righteousness alone, faultless to stand before His throne...."

Mom told me about the stuff for Repeat Performance and seeing your apartment---says yours is better in many ways!

All other ground is sinking sand,


kathy b said...

Cheer up my friend - you shall have a reunion w/Linda in a matter of days!
Had a great time with you girls!! Thanks for the treat! Besides your hairdo you 2 have another thing in common - not enough of you to go around!
Have a good week - see you Wednesday for choir practice!

Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Kathy!!!

You are most welcome, my salad-eating friend!

Yes, on the 20th we will again be together in WI, hopefully having a plate of perch at the Green Street Tavern.

She is a copy-cat of my hair-style, and it looks so cute on her! We do have the same physique although she has a brand-new knee to up the ante! Linda gets up early to ride her bike, do physical therapy exercises for her knee, goes to Curves three times a week, and belongs to Weight Watchers. Such a busy busy bee, besides running that big church single-handedly....

Not enough to go around!



kathy b said...

There you go with the perch again!! One day I hope to be able to share a table and some perch with you!!

Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Kathy B.:

It will be my pleasure to share some perch with you, as well as my table at the Green Street!

Tasting it already.....


Rosalie said...

Hi Kim,
Nothing important. Just want to know I'm reading your blog now that I don't have to complete another project while I wait for your blog to come up. Still need to drop a few lines to your mom. There is so much to learn relative to my new website. Because I do lots of reading and make phone calls for assistance, I neglect my personal e-mail acccount. I am not exactly computer literate but I sure feel like I'm getting a crash course. It's hard to teach "old dogs" new tricks. It can be very confusing. I woke up at 3:45 and couldn't get back to sleep and did more reading and got more confused so I decided to take a break and catch up on your blog. It is now 4:00am in Houston. Have to take my Synthroid. You have to take that medicine separately. Then wait one hour before you eat or take anything else. Thanks for the pics of the Vances. They look great! Hal is recovery quite nicely from his hip surgery. The physical therapist gave him water exercises. Yesterday he did his pool routine and I went on the treadmill. We have a great exercise complex, taxpayers' money, not far from where we live. I've been wanting to buy my own treadmill, now I don't have to; I'm paying for this one indirectly. I'm down to the bottom of the page so will close for now. Have a blessed Tuesday in the Lord. Love you my friend.

Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Rosalie!

Glad you are "up to speed" these days, finding your way around your website. I will have to get that address from you again so I can check it out. Hope you get lots of shoppers at your site!

Please enjoy the exercise facilities as long as you can, since you are paying indirectly! So funny!

I told the ladies at Bible study Monday about Hal's new hip, Pastor Schuppe visiting you, and your church being written about in the Mission Connection paper. Maybe your ears were ringing???

Having a blessed Tuesday!

Love you too, Kim

Anonymous said...

I am playing catch up again!
Oh what a blessing friends are!
That's all!


Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Dee Dee!

Yes, friends are really a blessing and as I mentioned to you last night, it will be wonderful when we see each other face-to-face instead of only on Facebook. But, for now, we thank the Lord for the Internet!

Hugs and blessings to my friend,


Rosalie said...

Hi Kim,

Nothing like "chewing my cabbage" twice. I had no idea I posted my comment twice. At least I had a good excuse. I had my eyes half opened so early in the morning. Thanks for sharing in bible study. While I have your attention my website is You did not post today. Are you doing okay? Hugs and kisses.

Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Rosalie!

How funny to say you chewed your cabbage twice...I did not realize it actually came through twice, but you did send it twice.

You are welcome, I cannot help but talk about you! Thanks for the info about the website, I will check it out!

