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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

A repeat of a message from my friend, Suzanne.....

I remember so much about that week in detail! I remember wiping the dining room table off, because it was covered with icing from Caitlyn's first birthday cake, and the phone rang. It was Chris Douglas telling me what had happened, and that you were all at the hospital. I remember him asking me to make calls to other families, asking them to pray for a miracle, and I remember Chris calling me again and telling me Timmy had died, and then having to share this news with the same families again.

I remember sitting in the church with Mark Vance, alone, staring at our stained glass picture of Jesus for hours, and wondering WHY babies die, and what was the purpose, but mostly I remember saying... "You made it Timmy! You get to see Jesus before me! See you when I get there!"

I remember seeing you at the funeral home, wondering how in the world you were functioning, and thinking you had amazing strength! I remember that you had just had surgery, and that you had had your eye surgery just before that as well! I remember sitting with my friends on the left side in the back row of our church, and that it was so full we didn't have enough chairs, and people were standing outside the doors! I remember seeing so many grown men, big burly contruction workers in tears! And I remember the funeral procession to Jax Memory Gardens, and thinking this was probably the longest ever seen on Blanding, and what a traffic jam! I remember standing at the cemetary seeing his little white casket, and thinking how small it seemed, and the flowers from the wreath beside it that went on top of it! I remember sending a card to you as well as one to Justin, and telling Justin I was praying for him, because I hoped that he wouldn't be forgotten in the sorrow, that it wasn't just the parents that lost a son, but he lost his little brother!

Kim, I remember so much about that week! I'm telling you all this, and I hope it doesn't upset you! I tell you this because I love you so much, and that little boy was a bookmark in my life! A bookmark in my faith, and I want you to know Timothy made a difference in my life!
...and that, folks, is what makes a Christian friend and helps sustain us through our trials and tribulations and joys. We know Timmy is with the Lord, soaring around the throne and singing "Holy, holy, holy" in his deep voice!


Anonymous said...

Dear many memories...Suzanne said it all....



Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Mom,

She does say much about what those days were like, as does Cindy S. in another comment to those blog postings.

We think sometimes that this only affected us, but that is so not true! It resonated through the congregation, the extended family, the neighborhood, the construction business, and even the guys at the cemetery, who see it all the time!

God be with you today and always!


Suzanne Chappell said...

Well, you made me cry again! Pass the syrup!

Love you my dearest friend!


Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Suzanne:

I will pass the syrup, after I have licked it off!

I love you too, my friend, dearly!


Anonymous said...

I could not have said it better than Suzanne did!

You are in my thoughts and prayers today as always.

Maybe Timmy and my little Rachel are singing together!

God bless you my friend!
I love you
Linda J

Anonymous said...

Goodness ... there are no words for such sadness. Love to you, Kim.

Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Jami!

As my mom said, Suzanne said it all in her posting. She summed up the events of the evening from her perspective, and I cherish her recollections. It's great knowing my child, her Sunday school student, is a bookmark in her life!

Blessings and love to you!


Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi my dear friend, Linda J.:

That was why I chose to post Suzanne's comment as my blog posting today---it said so much, from her perspective. We do not live in a vacuum and it warms my heart to know others loved Timmy like we did, or very nearly, like we did, do!

Yes, our children enjoying the bliss beyond compare in heaven, "what comfort this sweet sentence gives"!

Teary hugs,
