This morning there is no cable for me to watch, at least not in my bedroom. As odd as it seems, the cable might be working in the family room but not in here. Hmmmm....Fortunately for me, for us all, it would seem, I have my downloaded podcasts on iTunes from the time I was away to catch up on. And making me laugh! Oh, what did I miss when I was in WI??? Well, for one thing, all these interesting takes on what is going on in the world. "From high above Times Square in New York City---Hello you sick, twisted freaks!" I am looking over at my desk and see the stacks of stuff which could be dealt with, but....I used to laugh out loud all the time when watching "Frasier" and "Seinfeld", with the TV on, and now, merely the laptop or desktop listening will cause me to roar----all by myself in my house! I just love that!
The river was lovely last night with the moon being full and the water quiet, as it is quiet again this a.m. At bedtime I did open the sliding doors for a bit to let the breezes through but almost immediately the A/C kicked on. Since the temp was set at 81 already, it didn't make sense to keep the doors open, making it warmer in the house than that. So, I got up again and closed the doors. With the cable being out, I was struggling with going to sleep, and thought the wind in the palms would lull me. Somehow the lull of the A/C running does not have the same effect. Brilliantly, I put on a "Frasier" DVD which would play about 6 or 7 episodes back to back, and off to sleep I went. At some point I was awake again and simply started the cycle over again, falling back to sleep only minutes into the first episode. Great sleep saver, having the dulcet tones of "Frasier" in my brain.
My A/C is running right this moment and I do not know what that is all about. It does not seem that warm to me in here and I am yet on my bed. This afternoon I have a hair cut appointment over near Whitey's and will try to get together with Brenda there afterwards. Barb will have to make sure to get all the hair schnibbles (excuse my language) out of my ears and off my face before I go out in public, however. Normally I would be getting my toes done too right around this time and might just make the appointment with Lisa in Middleburg. I could use a nice breakfast at Nana's or Black Creek Cafe one of these days. Just now I looked at my great toe and I see a boo-boo on the tip, quite possibly I was bitten by a brown recluse spider. Better get to the ER and have that checked out. No, wait, I guess it is just a boo-boo. Sorry, Dusty, I just had to pick on your a bit.
Yesterday Justin and I went to Bible study at Victory, continuing the study of our adoption as sons of God through our baptisms. We have one more lesson left in this book and suppose that we will continue in this format for the rest of our Thursday studies. We were down to six people in the class, due in part to one man recently going back to work after being off, and folks traveling over the summer. The previous two weeks we were off since Pastor had a conference in south Florida one week, and supposedly because I was going to be gone another week. Oh, come on! Judy was going to be gone, too, not just me!
Justin was going to meet his friend, Ron, at the beach after Bible study but he was going to have about an hour between 'events' to spare. He drove us to WOKV to pick up the certificates. We did not open the envelopes until we got into the car again. He tore open the Adventure Landing packet and found four tickets to everything at the park except the water features. Rats! That counts me out, as I have no interest in the video arcade, laser tag, or go carts. I wonder if Justin knows anyone who would share that 'adventure' with him?? Oh, yeah, he snapped those up without a second look. The trip to St. Pete's is a three day/two night stay at the Trade Winds Resort which allows for a room, breakfast and unlimited use of the slide. Can't wait to jump on that slide! Justin indicates that he is interested in going along and with that information, I rejoice! For one thing, he can share the driving and for another, he is really my favorite travel companion because we mesh nicely. A different thought I had was to book during the time when Kerry is down here but then I remembered how fearful she is about driving and cancelled that idea.
Justin had time to have some lunch and I was simply famished, since we had eaten dinner somewhat early the night before at The Club's Happy Hour. Justin suggested the something Panda place where we got Chinese-style food and ate outside. After he placed his order, the man from the kitchen brought out the Kung Pao Chicken which he wished he would have ordered. This, of course, brings to mind the "Seinfeld" episode where George enjoys this chicken during his lunch but proceeds to perspire all afternoon. He was constantly mopping his brow, even during a meeting where the boss was trying to get to the bottom of someone stealing from the Yankees. George was sweatin' like a pig, looking very guilty, but "it was from Kung Pao!!!!" Justin was also sweating but more because of it being 90 degrees outside and we were sitting out there!
While I was eating my sweet and sour chicken, Mike Kelley called me from Floor and Decor where he was trying to pick up my flooring. They could not find the order nowhere, no how, and in fact, he told me they had to put the order together while they waited. No one had an explanation as to why the order was not already pulled and Mike said they were ready to give them the store just to get them out of there! I had left my doors open so they could drop it off, where the boxes now line the bedroom hallway. Fortunately for the guys, I had also turned the A/C on for them so it was over10 degrees cooler in the house than outside. They were still carrying it into the house when I got home and poured them each a glass of water to cool them when they were done. It looks like they will be back to do the tear out and install the middle of next week so that buys us yet more time to get things ready. I was sort of thinking that perhaps I could live without having the 'big' gas-powered computer hooked-up but Justin insists it is no problem to do so. Guess it will be fine if he is fine, right? Now that I have extra room in my closet since we unloaded all those boxes on Mother's Day, much can be placed in the closet for safe keeping rather than messing up my other rooms so badly. I am not sure where Mike and Andy will put my larger pieces of furniture, they can put it anywhere they want, as long as I can keep coming and going fairly freely from my home. My suitcase will remain packed and moved to the guest room for my uses until after the project is completed.
I worked for a bit on the newsletter, as I am still awaiting some contributions from various sources, in particular now, the preschool. Certainly they have some news about their end of year events and what is going on during the summer, etc. I have one photo taken of the graduation that I can use, not putting as many photos in the newsletter any more. Some folks had trouble opening the e-mailed Flock Talk last month as it was quite photo-heavy so I have to be careful about that. But the pictures are really worth more than words sometimes, you know?
Supposedly the cabana last night was to have been open for dinner, but I guess they closed at 4:00 pm. Rats! I saw people sitting down there so I went down empty handed, not realizing that I could not buy anything to drink once poolside. My gracious neighbor, Rosemary, brought me a can of Diet Coke as she was going back upstairs to refill her drink. They take good care of me, to be sure! We had some good laughs and I even got to meet a fella who lives in the area condos not next to ours. His kids have attended St. Johns, as did he and his siblings, so we had some notes to compare. Mike has custody of his 17 year-old son and shared many funny stories of what that is like, such as harping about the kid leaving these giant-sized footprints on the dark wood floors. He has to remind his son to keep his shoes on instead of taking them off when he comes in! Such laughs!
While enjoying my pot pie for dinner I watched "Selling New York" in the family room before coming back to my room to read. Since the cable was in and out, I could not plan on watching anything, even though I was reading, I have the noise in the background. Somehow the digital in and out of programs does not do it for me! I remember going to sleep at long last to "Good night, Seattle, we love you!" Time to head out to the pool, y'all!