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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Different types of exercise

Yesterday I spent a great deal of time talking with someone in the near east in a United Airlines call center, who amazingly enough, did not have a Western name. His was Shabhaz and we valiantly attempted to have a conversation. I held up my end but had a dilly of time understanding his contributions. More than one time did I have to ask him to repeat the question to me, as my brain shuffled his words around into an understandable sentence. An exercise I do not care to repeat very soon!
Last Christmas my sister, Kerry, was coming down to visit me, us, but then found out that she had to work after all. So, since the ticket was not used, and was non-refundable, charges against the ticket value would be made, and only a portion would be available for application to the new ticket. The trip had to be booked before September 12th, the travel completed, I believe, as that was the date of the original purchase. The ticket would have to be issued from United Airlines and only issued in her name. 

In order to comply, I used the information from the original tickets, ID numbers, verified with credit card numbers, first and last names, travel dates.... NOTHING! When Shabhaz gave up trying to find the information, he put me on hold and contacted the 'back office' for help in locating the original reservation. Great! I am trying to picture exactly what a back office in Dehli or Punjab looks like...

Anyway, after nearly an hour of working with him and researching this, Shabhaz came back on the line and said, "The value of the unused ticket is zero." Just like that. He asked if there was anything else he could help me with (really????) and I said I would take it from here. Ugh! At long last, after my ear was dripping with sweat from holding my phone so tightly to my head for that period of time, I announced to Shabhaz I would make my travels arrangements via the Internet instead!
By my calculations, I might have had just over $100 credit on the unused ticket but by this time, I am so weary dealing with this, as the actual process began last December when I had to cancel her ticket. There is a price to pay for buying the non-refundable tickets, and that price might be just over $100! Travelocity showed me the available flights for the period when Kerry wants to come, has secured her vacation time, and her travel arranged NOT on United Airlines. Instead, she will fly on Delta and I will earn frequent flyer miles for her trip. So there! Okay, now Kerry is all set to travel here starting Labor Day weekend and forward.
So now I must find someone to borrow fishing equipment from as Kerry loves to go fishing. My neighbor, Miss Chardonnay, reports that there are no fish to catch off the bulkhead or the breakwater, but I see guys out there attempting to do so. Suzanne has offered to lend Kerry her equipment and even take her fishing, plus we can fish off of Twila's dock on Doctors Lake. It would be nice for her to be able to fish in the wee hours without the assistance of me, if you know what I mean, as 4:00 a.m. is a bit early for me and fishing a bit boring. Now, floating around in the pool is not boring for me but might be over the top dull for Kerry....we shall see!
Today there is no Bible study at Victory as the Hoyer's are in MN, taking Elizabeth to her new domicile in St. Cloud. She just turned 28 years old and has been struggling without a job or direction for some time. Betz is going to make a fresh start in MN, she hopes, and has a friend or two in place to help her with that. Hoyer's served a congregation in Litchfield years ago so this is like going home for Betz. We wish her well but I cannot wait for Bible study to resume! I could have attended water aerobics this a.m. but I am invited to a luncheon and seminar with my buddy Frank regarding investments and such. Frank, like my friend, Diane, does these periodic reviews and it is in my best interest to attend since they often involve dining as well!
Since summer began I have met the most interesting and fun people, mainly through The Club and cabana. Penny is one of those folks and she has introduced me to her neighbors from the Winterbourne area of the compound. Her friend, Susie, whom I met last night, was a Neenah girl, and I will tell you this, she could give Shabhaz a run for his money! Man, could she talk and rapid-fire. Wow! I had to listen closely as her words tumbled out, not loudly, but quickly, as she told about her work and her home. She is involved in fund raising, as is Penny, only Susie is working for the Equestrian events in Clay County. She reports that it is simply amazing the amount of money that pours into the County when the horse events take place in Green Cove Springs. Folks even stay here at The Club when they are in town and spend plenty of dough in support of their riders and kids. Horses seem to be big big money!
Miss Chardonnay has been having lots of troubles with a bad hip, pain in her leg, and two days ago she finally got relief. She had a cortisone shot like Kerry did and already has been able to resume normal activities. In fact, she declined a ride home after dinner last night, wanting to walk instead, because she could! That really seems to be going around and I pray that I do not get that, my bout a couple years ago was enough for me! Thank God the injections do the trick and hopefully the results will be long-lasting. Perhaps now she can come back to water aerobics, once the doctor gives her the go-ahead. The more, the merrier!!

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