My photo
No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Saturday, April 30, 2011

A short story

This morning I had the distinct pleasure of communicating with Linda J. via the chat tool on Facebook. We exchanged our glorious morning greetings and then inquired of the plans of the day. Later today Tommy and she are heading to the confirmation and party at the church/home of their friends in Minocqua whose daughter is being confirmed. When the daddy was a Pastor at FG, Linda would sit with the mom and help juggle the children during the service. One of those babies is now the confirmand. Seems impossible but it really is not. I know they will all enjoy their time together and soon the family will be moving south to Mequon!

Linda’s first order of business today was to clean out her silverware drawer. We marveled at how ‘crumby’ such a drawer can get and my theory is that it the most used drawer in the kitchen. In Linda’s case, her toaster is right there so extra crumbs get down into the toaster.

This discussion brought to mind a story from the old days when we lived on Kel Lane. My mom had come down to winter with us. She had only been with us a few days when I opened the silverware drawer and discovered what appeared to be a handful of instant potato flakes piled in it. I asked aloud how the potato flakes got into the silverware drawer but none of the two adults accounted for this. Justin piped up, “Maybe Grandma put them there….She doesn’t know where everything goes yet….” He is so darn funny! When I shared that story at work (my other job - Sprint), the ladies just roared with laughter. They also thought he was a hoot! Like the time he excitedly told me about shopping for a Christmas tree with his father while I was at work: "We found a tree that is beautiful like you---broad at the bottom and comes to a point at the top!" A compliment from a 4 year old boy is greatly appreciated!

Friday, April 29, 2011

I love grammar!

Justin was unable to join us for Bible study yesterday as he was summoned to work at the old ‘new’ office again, although he did not specify exactly what was going on. The class was great, as we are now discussing the names of Jesus, perfect for post-Easter conversation. Somehow we manage to get onto current events which can so often be tied into what was happening in those Bible days, or can be addressed using Bible wisdom.

Pastor Hoyer was telling about having four families in church for Easter Festival service from their VPK program, three of them recently relocating from Japan. Wow! Language was a barrier, but hopefully they took away something wonderful from the service. The one family who has been here for 20 years and has a child in the class was able to help the guests, as well as one of the members who is Japanese. What an interesting mission opportunity! Pastor mentioned that they were given a booklet put out by the WELS called Promise, which is in Japanese. They also have English, Spanish, and possible Hmong, he wasn’t sure about that one. It would be a major hurdle to overcome the Japanese culture and deeply-rooted Buddhist or Shinto, whichever, belief system they have. Also facing being ‘excommunicated’ from their family for becoming believers in the risen Savior. We can pray the Holy Spirit moves them along, in His time!

I am a bit embarrassed to report that my feet and legs are a bit cold right now, even though it is 76 above zero outside. Before I went to bed last night, it began to rain against my doors so I pulled them shut but was too warm to not have A/C running. Yes, I turned it on, set at 78 for my sleeping comfort. It ran for a bit and then shut off, not running again until sometime this a.m. as far as I know. The breeze is moving through the house right now and the sunshine makes it all look so pretty. Joanne came up for a little while to see the manatees but then headed home after lunch. We dined at a new Mexican restaurant across the street from her office and were disappointed. Nothing measures up to La Nopalera!

This morning I made my travel arrangements, much to my mom’s relief, I am sure. She told me on the phone last night that it was not like me to let it go this long, although it is a month before I leave. Lori, my sister, and her family will pick me up from the airport on their way to Manty, saving an extra trip for others to come get me. My nephew graduates from MLHS on Memorial Day weekend so we’ll be there for his party and the service. My stay up north will extend through the church picnic in June, and then I will return home for a bit, until the later part of July. For 10 days in July, I will have the houseguests from CO staying here but I think little else will be required of me during their stay, besides the rooms and breakfast!

The other day on the radio I heard a report regarding a school system somewhere that was directing their grammar teachers to change the way they teach. The claim was that grammar was ‘too white’, no longer relevant to be taught, nothing was improper any longer and English was too exclusionary. Oh my goodness! I about drove up on the curb when I heard this. Stop it right now!!! No wonder symbols and abbreviations have been admitted to the Oxford Dictionary…the world is on fire!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Wrapping up the day

This morning I was catching up on the radio program I “watch” on the Internet, since I dozed off yesterday afternoon during the first playing thereof. Good thing Justin and I subscribe to the On-Demand feature of this program. One of the fellas got his lunch delivered during the fun fourth hour of the show, something he is slightly embarrassed about having show up on “TV”. The timing is just right that it comes when the camera is on him. The female producer orders his lunch for him because he is on a diet right, a program to lose 5% of his body fat, and Stu is also a vegetarian. When he opened the lunch ordered for him by Sarah, with his health in mind, he showed us a roasted vegetable sandwich. I threw up a little bit in mouth thinking about eating that! Blech!!

As I sat at my desk, eating my nice breakfast (a.k.a. Easter leftovers), I looked through the sale ad that came via the mail from Winn Dixie. They have great Buy One/Get One deals, and the meal deals. This week they are offering a deal where I would buy two Stouffer Family Size Entrees, and get free garlic bread, Steamin’ Vegetables, a Mrs. Smith bake-at-home pie, and a bottle of store brand soda. Nice! I believe that would be something I could share with Justin, as he could take one of the entrees and the garlic bread, and I would keep the rest! Another ad that came was from Hardee’s where they have introduced beer-batter dipped onion rings, for which I have a weakness, as well as a variety of sizes of (gulp!) turkey burgers! Yikes! First Hardee’s has the artery-bursting Angus burgers, far too large for me to manage, and now 500 calorie or less turkey burgers. Market-driven offerings. What happens if a person orders the turkey burger AND the battered dipped onion rings????

My other friend, Linda M., sent me a recipe for making onion strings at home and it looks fairly simple to do. That might be worth trying, all I have to do is buy an onion. I have the oil and flour, but am not sure I have white pepper. Any spices in my cupboard have been those that moved with me from The Preserve house in 2004 and are likely older than that yet!

At choir rehearsal Wednesday night our small group gathered to run through a few pieces for upcoming services before summer begins and we recess. Robbie had gone through the music files in the church office to come up with something for Ascension. As he distributed the sheet music, he tried to match us up with the names written on the covers. It was truly a trip down memory-lane for many of us, including one marked "Shirley", who was Robbie's dearly departed Grandmother. Another had the name "Sharon" on it, and Kristi knew right away who that was. I told the group how on Monday our Bible study class watched the old video made about our congregation called "A Mission Grows", made in 1981, and Sharon was featured in that recording. It was not really a video but actually a narrated slide-show, quite state of the art for 1981! Many of our older members were in the video, including Evelyn who had a speaking role, and whose sheet music I was given. Sharon and her Naval officer spouse now worship in Palm Coast, where we saw her when attending the School of Worship Enrichment event.

Our tenor, the one who nearly missed singing with us Maundy Thursday, is leaving the area, moving up to New Jersey to live with his mom who needs some extra care. Brian is also our Head Elder so another vacancy occurs when he is gone. He is retired Air Force and is presently a teacher at a local government high school, the same one where Maggie O. and her daughter work. Not sure yet if he will work once back home in New Jersey or not, depending upon the needs of his mother. What a good boy he is!

After choir I did not stop at McDonald's as is my usual routine, on cheap cheeseburger day, because I had so many Easter leftovers to consume at home. It will be a treat when it happens again. When we have choir recess I will certainly miss them!! Justin told me at Trivia the other night how the leftover ham he took home with him was scarfed up rather quickly, with the lady of the house making herself four sandwiches from it. Guess it was good! And not all that expensive either---I paid right around $20 for the spiral cut ham which we baked after adding the brown sugar glaze, Justin dripping the glaze between the slices as an added touch. Part of the ham went home with him, some stayed here, divided between the fridge and the freezer, with the meaty bone waiting to be made into a kettle of soup some time in the future. Glad I took the small ham!

The hot cross buns on the counter are a week old now and I think the ones remaining in the foil pan will have to go into the trash as I have been unable to finish them all. Too bad they come a dozen to a pan, a few less would have worked better for me. They always remind me of my working days at Shady Lane Home when we would serve those at this time of the year. Perhaps I will have one more before I throw them out, and buy fresh next year!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

A brief recap

There is a half-written blog posting waiting for me on the gas-powered computer but I do not feel like waking up that sleeping beast any more tonight. The information will be good yet tomorrow afternoon when I get home from Bible study and lunch with Justin. In fact, I had lunch with Justin today at Mojo's, as he was hungry for brisket. Me, too! Love their brisket! He suggested I call Twila to meet us since he did not get to speak to her at church on Easter Sunday. She was tired after being there for breakfast and then for worship so left just as quickly as she could afterward, with Aunt Jean being her driver. Today, she drove herself, the second time since she got home from the hospital, to meet us. And, she loved the brisket, too! Unfortunately, just as Justin dug into his plate, he got a phone call indicating the ATT people were coming to the new 'old' office to hook up the Internet so had to gulp his food down and run. In the meanwhile, Twila Squared joined us at the restaurant, but missed seeing Justin.

Twila Sr. was planning to go to Wal*Mart after lunch but then decided to just go back home, feeling a bit weary. It will take her a while to get her steam back, baby steps. I asked her if there was something I could pick up for her and she told me she was going to buy "The King's Speech" dvd. Twila Squared said, "Don't you watch it!" because they plan to do that together next week when they go to the time share at Sanibel. I am so happy those two have each other. I was going to Wal*Mart also and offered to get one for each of us, but she declined my offer saying they would go shopping next week to get supplies for the trip, etc. However, I DID go to get my copy plus I was looking for new cropped jeans since my old ones look that way!

Before lunch I stopped at Great Hang Ups to drop off some of the paper bags left here by Cindy when she cleaned out her scrapbooking supplies. Julia was happy to get them and I was glad to drop them off. The ladies said they had not seen me in awhile, not counting the Art Guild show on Palm Sunday. Since I was meeting Justin and Twila, my stay was shortened but I will go back again another day when I can stay. They did have a minute to tell me about the lady that helps out in the shop periodically, off now because strangely enough, she had gotten a virus in her ear! Just like Justin had, only Penny's has instead affected her balance. Justin's manifested itself with both the deafness and the vertigo but fortunately the vertigo abated. The ladies said that Justin should be thankful to have 'only' deafness resulting and not have the terrible problems learning to live like Penny has. She has a steady horizon with one ear, and a 64% 'vision' with the other ear. Therapy is taking place right now but for her to try to see straight, she moves her head either up and down, or side to side, and talks as though she's inebriated. It is hard to believe that Justin is considered 'lucky' to only be deaf...

More tomorrow, okay?

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

More photos coming your way

On Maundy Thursday, the Altar Guild ladies participated in the stripping of the altar. Sorry about Paul's head in this shot, but behind him is Ethel receiving the stole from Pastor as Bonnie and Donna remove the candles and paten. Terri, Ethel's lovely daughter, is in front of Donna, folding the communion cloths to lay them across Ethel's arms. It is quite moving to watch, and to be a part of. As they progress, the lights are dimmed. Betty, one of our newer members, remarked yesterday that this was the first time she ever attended a Maundy Thursday service and was totally blown away by what she saw and heard. Could barely get through the hymns, she said....

Mike C. leading the service on Good Friday. Note the black paraments, altar clothes, drape on the 'old wooden cross' as well as the crown of thorns over the top of the cross. There are seven candles on the table in the foreground, which were extinguished one by one as the service progressed. The Christ candle remained lit, was carried out, and then replaced at the end of the service in the darkened sanctuary. It was a highly evocative service...

Weekend photos and then some

It is such a beautiful morning today! Some fishermen pulling in their nets, reminding me of the Bible story when Jesus appeared once more to the disciples after His resurrection...I don't think these men caught 153 fish, though...

Marky came to Easter breakfast and I got him to pose with his grandma, Twila. The Lord works in mysterious ways, as Mark is fairly regular now in attendance for worship

Before the choir rehearsed for the Festival Service, I was able to snap a few photos of the now resplendent chancel, redressed after the stark, black backdrop of Good Friday

He is risen! He is risen indeed! Christos anesti!

Maggie O. and her daughter, Marissa, joined us for sunrise worship and even had time to stay for breakfast. After eating, they were heading to their own church for Bible study and more Easter worship. We have made tentative plans to watch "Waiting for Superman" on Saturday, as both are in the teaching profession. Marissa has decided, though, to pursue the law for her career when this school year is out. Good for her!

The Easter cross, fashioned from the trunk of a Christmas tree, sporting fresh cut flowers for the celebration of the resurrection!

Ron, Sarah, and Josh at the dining room table. Sarah is looking up a word in her Spanish to English translator to come up with the correct description of a certain restaurant, themed around various meats. Apparently English has no such word...It's a restaurant at the Beaches, though, that sounds quite delicious to me! Ron and Sarah are a couple, and Josh is a classmate of Sarah's (therefore defaults as friend to all), both of them studying to be doctors!

Justin and Jesse trying to help Sarah figure out the correct word for this type of restaurant. I guess that is why so many places have foreign-sounding names---English simply does not have a word for it!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter Monday

What an awesome day I had yesterday! It just was such a great, great way to celebrate the Resurrection, starting with sunrise worship which was downright pleasant temperature wise. No need for wraps or anything like that during the service. Robbie played the hymns for us, I could hear the pre-service music from the parking lot. Just prior to the service, I got a tap on the shoulder and turned to see Maggie O. and Marissa, her daughter, behind me. They even stayed to have breakfast with us. One of the segments of the service was split between prayer and stanzas of "I Know That My Redeemer Lives" which Ethel coaxed me through. I sang part of it, but for the verses that touch me personally I simply have to listen. Terri T. was a few rows in front of me and she told me later that she was listening for me, and sang when I would sing, and choke up at the same point as me. Since her mom's funeral 5 years ago, she can no longer sing along either.

The breakfast was divine---egg casseroles, fruit, and muffins, plus Judy C.'s home-made sausage gravy over biscuits. Wow! Every year fewer and fewer people attend the breakfast so this plan to not make the pancakes and such is working out better time-wise and money-wise. I did get a giant hug from little Mario, Twila's great-grandson, when he came running straight toward me after breakfast. "I haven't seen you in a long time!", he gushed to me. Absolutely made my day! The choir had to practice our two anthems so I went into the church and was able to get a few photos of the chancel with the lilies and other Easter accoutrement's. Gretchen came to the church as we were going over where to stand and such, and looked so sad. She came over to tell me that her sister had died during the night, someone for whom we have been praying for several weeks. What a great day to go home to the Lord!

We sang two anthems for Easter, the first one as the service began, the last one as the recessional. Justin arrived a bit late, missed hearing the choir sing but stood with me in the back to sing "In Christ Alone", our first hymn. We found a seat and were able to worship together and take the Lord's Supper as well. Several guests worshiped with us, some from Fond du Lac on vacation, and others via friends in the congregation. One lady said she was a former member of GS, had been here with Pastor Prange but got orders away from Jax. Now they are back and will be worshiping with us from now on. How nice is that? Her daughter was able to go out for the Easter egg hunts after church was over. At one point, during Holy Communion, I looked up and saw the next table being served was three generations of one family, including the grandpa who is about 92 years old. It was heartwarming, having them all together again this day!

Right now I am listening to my radio program and laughing my head off, as two of the guys are discussing the devalued dollar, escalating food prices, inflation, price per barrel of oil, and so on. In the meanwhile, the other guy is supposedly broadcasting 'live' from Westminster Abbey, raving on and on about the royal wedding. It is hilarious, the contrast between the reality of the world markets in jeopardy while folks are focusing on this goofy wedding week events. Last night, after all my company was gone, I sat outside with my neighbors for a bit. Some of the ladies are making plans to get up very very early on Friday to watch the wedding. I find this so incredible, because there is little else about which I could care less. I mean, really??? The radio show's point is well taken, noting the fiddling while Rome burns, the world watching this wedding....

Back to yesterday now---after church was done, Justin had to leave for his brunch at The Hilltop, and I took my bouquet of flowers to the cemetery to leave them at Timmy's site. It was quite busy there, many folks visiting the sites of their loved ones. "Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here, He is risen!"

Once home, my shoes could not come off quickly enough as my toes were complaining greatly against my shoes. Since we were not dining until about 4:00 pm, there was plenty of time for me to rest my tired bones before the festivities began. Justin came over when he was done with lunch, eating lightly, and did the vacuuming in my room. He put away the scrapbooking paper and such that cluttered the river room and tidied up a bit. That was all I had him do since the rest can wait until he has time. The two grandma's who were coming cancelled but Justin's friend, Josh, came with Ron and Sarah, which was great! He was so thankful to have a home-cooked meal again, and told me, "This was not what I expected to be doing today!" Love it, love it, love it!

Justin took home some leftovers, including most of the sweet potatoes since no one else wanted them. He cleaned the ham from the bone and we divided that up as well, with me planning to make a kettle of soup from the bone sometime later. I gave him some rolls to eat the ham on, but kept some rolls for me to have sandwiches this week. The family he stays with will certainly enjoy him having leftovers to share at the dinner table. The Jellos and such stayed here, as they were mostly enjoyed by me, it's a Lutheran thing! Well, I guess I cannot truly say that as the young people did like the raspberry Jello made with sherbet. They questioned eating it with the main course, thinking it was dessert! Cottage cheese salad was not popular but that's a couple meals for me this week. And what's the difference if I have to throw some out, it does not cost much to make.

Justin served the pumpkin pie (his favorite!) for dessert and all left the table well fed. The kids helped us clear the table and then retired to the 'drawing room' to relax after the sumptuous feast. They stayed a couple hours and we had wonderful conversations, with me getting to know them all a bit better. Jesse has been in my life for many years but the other three not as long. As I mentioned, when they were gone, I went outside to spend the rest of the daylight hours with my neighbors before I retired for the night. Exhausted, full, and quite quite pleased with the day. "Welcome happy morning, age to age shall say...."!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Kicking back a bit

Most everything that can be prepared ahead of time has been, and I am now resting my poor, tired bones. The dishwasher is hard at it taking care of the dishes used to cook with the balance of the pots ‘n pans ‘n spoons waiting in the sink for their turn in the machine. My kitchen looks none the worse for the wear! Since then I have also dealt with a basket of laundry plus washed another load which is safely tucked away in the dryer. Later I will grab my choir pants out of the dryer for tomorrow but since they are a stretchy fabric, wrinkles are not a problem. Some recently hatched ducklings are swimming in the still water below my window, not quite ready to venture further without their parents. They are not yellow like when Cassidy first saw them, and they are not goslings, either, which we originally thought.

Earlier there was a good deal of boat traffic but right at this moment only a few are going up and down the river, with one stationery vessel apparently fishing off the breakwater. Soon it will be the cigarette boats tearing it up and there is no mistaking the noise they make! Sounds like a jet airplane engine as they race past. When I see those boats I often think of the time Tommy and Linda were here and we found ourselves almost in the middle of a poker run on Doctors Lake, when Twila’s grandson had us out on her boat. First Linda was crying going down the dock because she was apprehensive without handrails, and then the actual getting into the boat freaked her out. I believe she liked it once we got going, and then we had to get back to avoid the racing boats coming our direction. One of the entries always has a tiny helicopter escort, matching the boat, which is fascinating to see and hear. Twila’s dock is just before the entrance to Swimming Pen Creek where the boats pull in to get their playing card so we have cat bird seats for that annual show. (Ooooh, there go two bright yellow jet skis shooting out from a nearby dock!!!) I miss that!

It seems I did not say much about the worship on Maundy Thursday. Pastor was the officiant that evening, and we had a nice number in attendance. The tone of the service was appropriately somber, and when the choir members had all partaken of the Lord’s Supper, we were encouraged to sit together toward the back of the church, as it was after the distribution and prior to the altar being stripped that our anthem was sung. Robbie had us work and work until we didn’t know what we were singing anymore, but it certainly paid off when it came time to offer it. Many came up to me (and I am sure the others) to let me know how beautiful it was, thought-provoking and such. Even Robbie’s dad reportedly got misty-eyed and afterward gave me a hug outside of the church in thanks. Of course, we thank Robbie for his efforts with us, and the glory goes to the Lord!

The stripping of the altar in the dimly lit chancel area was beautifully dramatic with Robbie on piano and Sterling on bassoon playing “What Wondrous Love is This?”…The congregation joined in to sing the stanzas and then left in silence. Quite moving and edifying an experience. Later Robbie met me outside and gave me a hug too, saying, “Y’all sounded awesome!” This was not my favorite choral piece when we first began working on it, feeling uncomfortable singing a capella through parts of it. Based on Psalm 130, in fact, almost word for word, with a haunting melody, it turned out just lovely. Fortunately Lynne called Brian to remind him about church as he had forgotten and was just then paying his tab at Ted’s Restaurant on Blanding. Yikes! He is the Head Elder besides our head tenor and was badly needed. Glad Lynne got a hold of him!

Judy J. and I went out for dinner after church, each of us ordering the small stromboli at Aron’s. Man, that was delicious! Perhaps I will eat those leftovers for my dinner tonight…mmmm! We actually dined indoors because we were so warm from church, even me! The A/C was on the fritz and with the day’s temperatures over 90 degrees, well, it was toasty in there. The little boys all came dressed to cute in matching vests but Laurie had to peel them off, as the kids were sweating in their sweaters…So, back to Aron’s---we very much enjoyed our quiet dinner after the service, and were the last two out of the restaurant, even though they close at 10:00 pm.

Friday’s service also lovely and meditative, with Mike C. as the officiant this time. He had handled the service at Keystone Heights on Thursday so they traded for Good Friday. The chancel was dressed in black paraments and banners, the wooden cross draped in black and the crown of thorns over the top of it. On a table before the altar was a tray with seven candles, plus the Christ candle off to the side near the lectern. (I just got gooseflesh when I typed that!). The acolyte lit all the candles but as the service progressed, one by one the candles were extinguished. Very significant and moving. After the last candle on the stand was put out, the lights were turned off and a loud sound was made to indicate the rolling of the stone across Jesus’ grave. (More gooseflesh…) Then, the acolyte carried the Christ candle, still lit, down the aisle and back up again. At that point Robbie, The Maestro, sang a stanza from a hymn, a cappela, and when he was finished, we sat in silence, leaving when we were ready. When Robbie sang, my eyes overflowed, the significance of it all, the lone candle lighting the sanctuary….very very nice!

This a.m. I spoke with Judy C. who was at church getting things set up for Easter breakfast tomorrow. I had gotten an e-mail last night from one of the preschool ladies informing me that the playground would be off limits on Sunday due to new sod being laid on Thursday. Oh oh! Alternative plans would need to be made for the egg hunt which takes place after the Festival service. There is a grassy area between the Fellowship Hall and classroom building where the little ones can look for eggs, although there is little area there for hiding them, and the older kids can go in front of the church for theirs. I am glad that is someone else’s job, to hide the eggs---fortunately.

So, now the meals preparations for tomorrow have me quite weary so I will rest. “House” marathon tonight! Whoo hoo!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Moving the dust around

Patty is busily dusting the surfaces and my collectibles around the house in preparation for Easter. At long last! If she gets done in time, I will be able to meet my neighbors for lunch at La Nop, but if not, no big deal, I would rather have the house dusted than a margarita. Did I really say that? Besides enjoying the social opportunity with Tracy, Cassidy, and MamMa, I also enjoy the beef quesadilla and strawberry frozen drink. I should probably avoid eating the nacho chips with salt because afterward, I swell!

This afternoon sometime Justin will be stopping by to vacuum, a change in plans from the original, as often happens. He has to come to OP to have lunch with his father and his lady friend so instead of having to vacuum on Sunday, he will do it today. He is now going to have brunch with his friend Jesse’s family at an area restaurant after the Festival service on Sunday, and then will come over here to help me get things ready. The original plan was for him to vacuum Sunday since we’d have time before everyone arrived. Today is better yet! Even though I have been invited to an event at UNF with some of my neighbors, I believe I will make use of Saturday for my festival meal preparations. Must pace myself, you know.

Back again---Patty ‘swept’ through the house like her pants were on fire- I do not know how she does it!? I won’t look too closely because certainly some dust will be visible. As I used to tell Martie when I had regular housekeepers coming, “If I wanted it to be perfect, I would do it myself…” After Patty left here, I settled in at my desk once more, only to get a phone call from her. She was still in the parking lot, her car empty of gas! I was going to take her to the gas station to get gas, but neither of us had a can to carry it in, thinking we’d have to buy one. Along came Connie who went to the work shed and came back with a can of gas which she dispensed into Patty’s car. Connie told Patty to pump the gas pedal three times and crank it, and sure enough--it started! I then lead Patty to the Gate Station just over Doctors Lake Bridge so she could fill up. Connie would not take any money for the gas, it was the condo’s anyway, but I will make it up to her somehow.

Since I was out anyway, I went on down the road to Publix to get the fixings for our Easter feast. As I headed into the store I was greeted by some little Boy Scouts hawking some discount cards to be used at area stores, including Publix. At first I declined but then recognized the daddy sitting there with the boys. Of course, I had to buy a discount card from Kyle and Kasey, how could I not? For $5, I got this card of coupons, including the $5 coupon for Publix. I could not go wrong with this and made points with my friends’ kids! As little Kasey told me, “You can go to Chili’s to get the free chips and salsa for lunch!” But not today…I’m busy.

A poor lady was frantically searching for a certain type of ham in the bin, a full-boned ham without any brown sugar coating or something like that. The man came out with boxes of more hams and she was asking him about it. She claimed her father would kill her (yikes!) if she came home with the wrong type of ham. That would not be so far off---a few years ago a man killed his son on Thanksgiving Day when battling over the cable bill! Not sure I would kill over a ham bone or partial ham bone situation. You gotta roll with the punches, so to speak. The meat man then found for me a smaller spiral-cut ham and told me that I could serve it room temperature or bake it for a short while to use the brown sugar packet which comes with the ham.

Also, I got several other items for my menu plus stuff not on the menu, including these little cups of instant mashed potatoes not unlike the mac ‘n cheese cups that I like so well. (From the Buy One/Get One bins). A man was looking at them with me and neither of us had heard of them, although they are Idahoan Brand, so I told him I would be the guinea pig and try it. Hopefully they taste decent because that would be such a blessing for a single person---single-serving meals. Plus, I got some frozen veggies to prepare for our feast and pre-made sweet potatoes over which I will place marshmallow Peeps, as I did last year. Justin’s friend, Ron, loves Peeps so I do this for him!

Back again again! Just got home from lunch with my neighbors, joined this time by their other daughter, Courtney, in from GA for the holiday. She is going to help her mom write a grant for a homework assignment as Tracy works toward her doctorate degree. She took a technology class which included starting up a blog, also kicking her butt. Hopefully Courtney can lend her a hand with this.

When I got back home, Justin was just leaving, even though he did not do the vacuuming. He had to get back to the house at the beach to check the final inspection information and await the delivery of pavers. Justin offered to forgo his brunch with his friends on Sunday to take care of the short list of chores but I assured him there was time between when he gets done there and coming over here. He can fly around just like Patty did and get things presentable before our guests arrive. So, now, I must take my rest before getting ready for church tonight. I hope all are nourished and edified by their Good Friday worship!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

"Ah so firsty for somefing brown..."

This is a "Timmy expression", used he wanted to stop at the convenience store for a chocolate milk on the way to school. In my 'stack of stuff' somewhere is a note from a speech pathologist at St. Johns who had done an evaluation on Timmy before Christmas of 2000. She had some recommendations for how to 'train his tongue' so he could correctly pronounce or shape the letters he messed up on. He would call his aunt "Wynn" instead of Lynn, yet would call yogurt "logurt". So, it was not that he could not form the L sound but rather used it in different places than other people did. Just like his piano practices: "I play it the way I want it!" In hindsight, it was not a big deal how he held his mouth when forming his words...Isn't it interesting when all things are put into perspective?

The reason I am "firsty for somefing brown" is that I am fasting until my appointment at Life Line Screening today. At first I was not going to make the appointment for today because it would have interfered with Bible study, but when Pastor told us we were not having class today due to Maundy Thursday services tonight, I was able to make the time. Unfortunately, in delaying the arrangements it was hard for me to get a morning appointment.

Thus, I now fast with drinking only 'moderate' amounts of water until my 2:00 time comes around. Apparently I need to be empty for the abdominal aorta ultrasound, besides the blood work they will do. I pay extra to have the blood work done; it is cheaper doing this with Life Line than at a lab. The doctor always wants more besides what LL does, in regard to the blood work, but it is my choice to do the screenings. The techs use Doppler devices to listen to the blood flow in the extremities, the carotid arteries and so on. Last year I was on north Blanding at the same facility where Kathy B. was waiting, on the same day! I held up the whole show with my 'check-up' because the technician was new and they had to do several of my procedures twice!

For dinner last night, I ate late in hopes to stave off hunger as best I can for today. Wednesdays are the cheap day at McDonald’s, where I can get two cheeseburgers for $1.29 or something like that. I normally stop for those on the way home from choir rehearsal. Justin wonders why I don’t just take the McDouble from the $1 menu, but my theory is that two cheeseburgers, the smaller ones, work better for me than one regular-sized burger, gone in one sitting. Likely I would not be so hungry if I was able to eat but did not, but because I must not, it stirs my growling tummy! No soda either which I would rather have than food.

Yesterday I got busy with the Pledge multi-surface cleaner in my room and took care of cleaning off my night stand. The first book I took off the stand I could literally blow the dust off the top, that’s how bad it is. So unbelievable!!! The same thing happened when I picked up my crossword book from the back of my toilet one day---blew across the pages and disappeared in a poof of dust!! Like a haunted house here!! I use my laptop until I go to sleep, usually, closing the top and placing it on my dresser. Every morning I have to sweep my hand across it to remove the dust settled over night. The same is true for my cell phone, which normally is tucked away in the daytime. Overnight, as it is on the charger, it becomes coated with dust. Unfortunately I cannot blame any pets for this, so must blame myself for having fabrics, paper, skin shedding, and hair gel going on in the same room, plus my doors opened when it’s nice out.

My mouse pad alongside the keyboard on the gas-powered computer was sort of sticky so I used the Pledge there as well. And the mouse, too…ooops! Bad idea! I killed it with kindness, it seems. Off to Office Max I went to get a replacement, plus I picked up a padded envelope for mailing a DVD to Manny for his birthday. The guy wanted to sell me extra coverage in case anything happens to this mouse, but without knowing the cost of the coverage, I refused. For heaven’s sake, it was only $30 for the new one, and then I would buy extra insurance in case something happens to it? I won’t use Pledge on it again, I can safely say. If I had gone to Wal*Mart, it would have cost less for the mouse but I would have likely spent more just by walking in the store!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

I think winter is over....

I heard a guy on the radio yesterday report that he has a 'soda cellar' in house the same way other folks would have wine cellars built into their homes. He has an assortment of flavors, not necessarily the fruity ones, but the varieties within the brands, like Coke One, Pepsi Max, and so on. While his friend has a fridge in the garage just for beer, he would like one just for soda. A man after my own heart!

We had choir rehearsal tonight to prepare for our offerings to be sung this evening for Maundy Thursday as well as two for Easter. Justin informed me that he will be coming to Good Shepherd after all on Easter. I had excused him from attending since he is going to sunrise worship, then breakfast at Victory. It was too long between breakfast ("I am not crazy about all that fellowship time....") before the next service starts there so changed his mind about coming to GS. First Sunrise Service at Victory, breakfast, and then over to GS for more breakfast and worship again. He will spend the day with me, then, as our dinner will take place here around 4:00 pm. Ron, Sarah, Grandma Shirley, and Sarah's friend, Meryl, will be joining us around the table. I might ask Judy J. to join us since I have one empty seat remaining, if she has not already made plans.

For church Thursday night, we are not wearing the choir robes but instead, Robbie, The Maestro, suggested we wear dark-colored clothes. Kristi said, "Kim, we have to wear something dark...I don't know if I have anything dark..." but I do, in fact, have a brand-new, never worn black top that I had gotten last year. Whatever possessed me to get a black top when I already had a number of them? I know why, though....My sister, Lori, had one in a different color and it looked so nice on her, that I got one, too! So it will debut for Maundy Thursday.

Tuesday night was Trivia and we took 2nd place this time. The ending question, always a stickler, was to put in chronological order four different events, unrelated. We simply put a smiling face on our slip and bet zero so we would at least place in the running. One group, according to John, the MC for Trivia, actually got them all correct, but whether they actually knew it or just guessed, I do not know. Who pays attention to when the women's soccer team won the World Cup on penalty kicks?? But we pulled some answers out of nowhere and got them right for the rest of the game. I think I blew one answer but I cannot remember right now which one it was. When we play as a team, each of us throws something into the mix, and we rely upon the guys to know sports, mostly Jesse. The questions are often too obscure for even a sports follower to know though, but I did know the answer to first golfer to earn a million dollar prize, by guessing: Arnold Palmer!

Highs of 90 here tomorrow and high humidity for our area. When we got to church for rehearsal, half the parking lot was under water, which means it rained more over there than it did at my house. We did have some rain at the condo, but left little standing water. We have major drainage problems at church from our already wretched-looking parking lot which was dug up to run the plumbing and electrical for the new building. Never filling the areas dug out back in has caused serious problems and frightful appearance, and added a muddy pond when it rains. There were reports of hail in the Argyle area as well during the storm. We had thunder here but I did not see lightning nor did I hear the rain pouring.

My room is sporting a vacuum cleaner with its hose sprawled across the floor, cord extended. The other night before leaving for Trivia, I decided that I was going to clean up the floor around the bed before I put the fresh sheets on, because I drag the cruddlies from the floor into my bed. First I used the dust mop, which is parked now next to the vacuum cleaner and pulled out wads of dust bunnies from under the bed. Darn sweaters! That does not happen when I wear swimsuits, as Justin pointed out!

Angelo, the sweetest baby ever!

By snitching this from Lisa's Facebook page, I somehow cannot get it much larger without distorting it. Might be because she used her cell phone to take the picture but anyway, you get the picture---ha!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Chapter One of this epic

Last night I told Judy J. as she drove me home, that I am like Pig Pen from the Peanuts (I think this was his name!!) who was followed around by a cloud of dirt. At least my house is like Pig Pen. Sometime this week Patty is expected to come by to do the dusting for me and then I will shut up about the dust---for a while!

Oh my goodness---I just bosom-dialed my mama! The maintenance lady, Connie, called to ask if she could use my restroom because the ones at the cabana were closed for servicing today. Of course she may, as I have offered and she has accepted in the past. Somehow, as I put my phone ‘away’, I accidentally called Mom! I could hear a voice saying, “Hello? Hello?” coming from somewhere and I figured out, it was my phone. Fortunately it was Mom but how in this world did THAT happen? She was not even the last number I called or the last call coming in.

I really need to be more careful and clear the calls before I put the phone away. It was nice to talk to her this a.m. but she did not want to tie up the line since she was expecting Linda to call her about Bible study. It is snowing again, making Mom quite depressed, so she cannot walk to Bible study. The other day she said if the snow stayed she was packing her bags but today she backed off that statement, saying she did not know how she would get to the airport if the snow was so bad. It really is a matter of perspective, it seems.

Back again…I had to run to the Island for a bit to get Justin’s signature on some paperwork for the accountant. His tax refund came to my house and needed his signature as well so I could deposit it in my bank. However, my bank would not take it without Justin’s ID to compare the signatures. I explained that I just got his signature on the tax paper and offered that but they need a photocopy of his drivers’ license or he should come along with me to deposit the check. So, a photocopy of his license will suffice, even if he is not with me, to deposit his check into my account. I called him and he immediately made the copy to give me this evening at Trivia. Oh, fuss and bother!

It took a while today but finally the sun is out, the fog has lifted, lasting only about an hour or so this a.m., and warmed to the low 80’s. Some kayakers have left their boat and seem to be fishing from the far end of the breakwater. Now that I look, it seems like a bit larger boat than a kayak, it’s hard to tell with the reeds blocking part of it. My phone has busy with more than my bosom-dialing Mom. I made an haircut appointment, it is the full moon, after all, and then completely forgot to go to it! Guess the business at the bank flustered me or something---I just came home! Barb the Beautician is going to call me back to let me know when I can reschedule and actually come this time! (I just saw the Coast Guard rescue chopper heading north up the river….I hate seeing that)

Also, I am in the process of getting someone here to wash windows for me. Last week, the owner of the company called to schedule and since I cannot do it on Thursday mornings due to Bible study, have to ask for special treatment. This comes with a price but I will not be on regular monthly schedule like my neighbors are…too cheap for that. Therefore, it will cost me more for them to come at a separate time. The Association is sort of enforcing the practice of having licensed and insured people do our work so I had to change companies. Plus, these fellows will have a 40’ ladder along to do my sliding glass doors from outside…gulp! I hope they can do it without much troubles…I really need them done.

Sunday after attending the Art Guild show at Hang Ups, I stopped at Publix for a few things. The young man helped me to the car to off-load my purchases and was quite chatty, which I like. I mentioned something about Easter and he asked me when it was. This surprised me, because certainly he has noticed the candy and all that stuff in the store, right when one comes in. I told him Easter was the next Sunday, and that today was Palm Sunday, showing him the palm cross which yet adorned my blouse. I told him Palm Sunday was the day that Jesus rode the donkey into Jerusalem and the folks laid palm branches and their cloaks in His path, singing “Hosanna” as He passed by. The young man looked at me quite strangely and then said, “Well, we don’t get to church very often, so I don’t know about that…” I was wishing I had something to offer him but didn’t think fast enough, remembering later that I have Outreach flyers in my glove box. How can he not know about Palm Sunday?? This left me kind of sad, but I only remembered it today.

Chapter Two--Unforgettable

An osprey just carried a fish to the window to show me….very nice! At least he’s not like a cat bringing mice to show me! The weather person just reported the air temperature is 88 above zero, which will really help with warming the pool water.

Yesterday Justin called me when he was working and we had a long chat. He was telling me B & B Movers was moving their office again, and he asked me if I was going to use Sabin’s condo in Turkey. Sabin owns the moving company and moved us many many times over the years. He offered me his condo if I travel that direction again, but I have no intention of doing that, greatly appreciating the offer.

Sabin had told me earlier this year that his brother, now living back in Turkey, had asked about me. Justin then used the phrase that always make me laugh, “You remember me, eh?” with an Italian accent, referencing something that happened to me a few years ago.

In 2004, I had gone to Epcot by myself while Justin and his friend attended a Magic Card event, and I dined at the Italian restaurant for lunch. I had a lovely conversation with the young server, Giovanni, talking about jet skis and my planned trip to Italy later in the summer and so on.

So, go forward the two months to when Justin and Alayna were with me, and again dined for lunch at Italy. We joked a bit about whether we would see Giovanni or not, hardly expecting to since they have a great many folks working there, various shifts, and so on. Toward the end of our meal, here came this dashing young man up to our table to greet me, “You remember me, eh?” YES!!!! I remember you!!!!! Alayna about dropped her teeth, a young, teen-aged girl seeing this handsome Italian man, talking to her auntie. I got my picture taken with him this time, for posterity. We still can’t get over it because really, how many thousands of people have passed through that restaurant in two months’ time??? And he remembered me???

I reminded Justin about how the waiter on the Galaxy cruise ship we sailed on in 2006 for his graduation trip, remembered me. This is even stranger than Giovanni, since this cruise ship goes out so frequently with, again, thousands and thousands of people a year. Justin and I had taken the cruise in 2004 with the same ship, the Galaxy. I recognized one of the waiters but he had not been our waiter at all, and after all, two years had passed….Well, about mid-way through the 2006 trip, the waiter came up and greeted us, saying, in his accent, “You wear your hair the same!”. Unreal! How in the world???

Yesterday, then, Justin went on to say, in his inimitable fashion, round about-style: “You know Spanish people think all white people look alike and vice versa? And Asian people think we all look alike, and vice versa”? Cautiously, I agreed, wondering where he was going with that. He said, “Well, there are Spanish people, and Black people, and Asian people, and white people---and they all look alike. And then there’s Kim—people remember you!” Now, was that a compliment or what? Tough one….We still laughed about it, no matter if it’s complimentary or not.

After we hung up, I remembered another situation, when visiting Pompeii in 2006. Twila, Jean, and I had taken a cruise with Jean’s family in 2005 and revisited the ruins of Pompeii at that time. When Justin and I were there in again 2006, I got tired so I came down before Justin did and was looking at the shops near the base of the hill. The bistro nearby was where the cab drivers and bus drivers waited for their return passengers. Sure enough---I recognized the driver from the previous year’s bus trip to Pompeii with Twila and Jean. I looked at him, and he looked at me, but then, he did a double take and gave a little wave. When I mentioned it to Justin he said, “You remember me, eh?”

Monday, April 18, 2011

Some recent photos

The freshly mulched flower bed around the church sign, with pretty flowers stuck in the ground. Yes, I said stuck in, because Ethel told me they were artificial---I could not tell just from looking at them. Of course, if I studied them more closely, it was obvious, but certainly no one passing the street could see that! Timmy's lamb is still sitting there with his pink nose, repainted last year by Fausto.

When I arrived at church yesterday, Darwin was busily installing these solar lights in this newly installed flower bed on the edge of the sidewalk. Pretty cool the way these lights wires!

Bill, pictured right, bought the lights which Ethel and Darwin help install in the ground. Bill makes the crosses which state "Our sin is forgiven" on the cross-piece. This flower bed was cut in on Saturday during the Work Day. No grass grows there so might as well mulch it! Will look nice when the flowers flourish.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Hosanna in the highest!

Palm Sunday! It was a gorgeous day weather-wise here but up in WI, snow again! That just seems so very wrong and Mom told me this afternoon if the snow would have stayed, she was packing her bags for Florida. Rats! I should have prayed for a blizzard! The sky over Mandarin is pinkish blue and the full moon is about to rise. I pulled the patio doors shut because it was getting too cold in here. Since the sun began to set, it dropped to 63 above zero! But no snow…

Only a few minutes ago I confirmed the reservation for our Ladies’ Group outing to La Nopalera tomorrow night, with the fellow calling me back to tell me he arranged for us to have the private room. He had been concerned about us not getting good service if we have too many people for one waiter, but let me know he rearranged some things for us. Nice! One of the ladies offered to pick up Jackie but she declined, saying she is not a fan of Mexican food. Of course, I simply order the beef quesadilla which is just barely Mexican at all, so she could have found something to satisfy. Instead though, she accepted the offer for a ride to church on Maundy Thursday, which is great.

Last night Suzanne, Rachel C., and I went to dinner at Juliette’s before seeing/hearing the Jacksonville Symphony perform “The Planets”. Rachel had gotten a free ticket through some sort of mix-up so two seats were together and one separate. I insisted on sitting apart since I was the tag-along and chatted with some nice folks near me. At intermission, before the actual “The Planets” was performed, I moved down one row where two empty seats were available, and I took the one against the wall. This was preferred to sitting between two people and trying not to be fat on them. What a magnificent concert it was! Tears flowed as expected during the playing of “Jupiter” because of “Jerusalem the Golden” using part of its tune.

We hung around following the concert for the After Concert where we could go down front and listen in on a question/answer session with the conductor, the choral director, and a moderator. At one point, a young black man perched in the front row raised his hand with his comment: it was the first time he had ever been to the symphony and was basically blown away. “Transported” was the expression he used, especially since the theme was about the planets. He thought the women’s chorus at the end, singing off-stage for the last planet was “like angel’s voices”…It was like—wow!--- to hear this. The moderator thanked him for coming and encouraged him to come again, and the young man said, “I will be here for every concert from now on!” That was so inspiring, I teared up!

I was so wound up when Suzanne dropped me off that I had a tough time falling asleep. Eventually I did drop off but it was going on 1:00 a.m. which is late for me. Today was going to be a full day with church activity and such so really needed my beauty sleep…I was short a few hours! When I got to church a few folks were working out in front installing solar powered lights in a newly cut-in flower bed. Bill B. makes crosses which he gives away for free to people to put in their yards and planted three in that flower bed, besides the lights. Before I could attend Bible study, I had to practice with the choir and Sunday school kids for our hymn which we were singing today. We wore our robes since we were standing in the front so had to find one for our newest member, Sterling. Looked cute with his sneakers….he did not know about the robes being worn but regardless, rides his bike to church from Riverside so always comes in shorts and sneakers.

Many sweet things happened today, starting with Twila coming back to church for the first time since her heart surgery. When it was time for communion, Jean stood with Twila at the rail and had her arm around her to help make her strong. That moved me…Later, when the bake sale was going on in the Fellowship Hall, I saw a young man unwrapping a cupcake for his elderly grandpa. “Here you go, Grandpa….” Then, also after church, the Altar Guild ladies were rehearsing for stripping the altar Maundy Thursday, Jacob serving as acolyte. They ran through it twice, with sweet Jacob carrying the Christ candle down the aisle and then the brass cross. His grandma, Sue, who is now out of the hospital and using a walker, waited patiently with her granddaughter, the driver. When they were done, Caitlyn went to pull the car up as Jacob gently guided his grandma out of the church and toward the car. My heart was so happy to see that…I got to see the triplets and their brother, too, today, and got hugs from their parents. Judy C. and I went to lunch at Ruby Tuesday where we shared a Triple Prime Burger---just right!

From Ruby’s I headed to Great Hang Ups for the Art Guild show where my neighbor, Judee, won first place for her entry, and I also knew all the others who won awards. It was great to see my old friends from the Art Guild again, too. Julia looked so lovely and when I complimented her on her blouse, she said it came from Catherine’s and found it to be “Kim-inspired’! Gotta love that! From there I went to Publix for a few things before heading home to take a load off my feet. I managed to take a short snooze this afternoon and then watched a movie. So now, I may have sabotaged my sleep for tonight!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Some catching up to do

It is already Saturday morning and have not posted Friday's blog yet. Perhaps I can jam it all together in this one! The sun is cooking me nicely on my bed, just after 8:00 a.m., waking me before 7:00. The first voice I heard when changing the TV station was Neal Boortz who appeared on Fox and Friends. Last night he was going to be on another news program and today again. On his radio program yesterday, he was 'complaining' about having to get dressed and wear a necktie, and then to be up sooo early this morning, wow!
My dreams woke me today, a mix of remodeling projects and Justin going off to join the service. Yes, quite a combination! The remodeling portion seemed to be the bonus room at 'the pink house with red door' where somone's dog was visiting and pooping at will. One of the guys was going behind it, trying to pick up the pieces, as it were. A lady whom I do not know, took down a light fixture from above the vanity, and sure enough, a water leak developed! I climbed under the sink and turned off the water which stopped the leaking. Of course, that likely would not happen, not if a screw nicked a pipe overhead, but in dreams, it all works!

The other part of the dream involved Justin going off to join the service, with me along for the ride. Our friends gave him a farewell party and all that, before we left. In the morning, he awoke on a lawnchair that reclines like a bed, outside, and all the others were doing their exercises already. A lady asked him why he was not participating with the rest of the men and he told her he did not even know what the schedule was. Evidently the orientation went over this but he missed it somehow, so we were packed up and put back on the train the same day! (The train must be because we took the train from Newburgh, NY after JR's West Point graduation, and Newburgh has been in the news after the mom drowned herself and three kids this past week.) Back to the dream--when we got back home, everyone who had been at the farewell party was still there, and so disappointed that we came back already, but seemingly not surprised. Hmmmm.......
Likely I dreamed about the service because of being with my friend, Peggy and her family last night at the Tea Party rally downtown. Judy C. and I rode with them, and they even fed us as we sat and listened to the speakers, musicians, comedians, and other entertainment. Not as tightly packed an event as we had last year, we were able to place our chairs without difficulty, and even get food and drinks. Last year we were on the stairs with no access to food, drink, or bathrooms. Peggy's husband and son were with us, and Jack is looking forward to joining the Navy to be a SEAL when he is old enough. Peggy wants him to enter the service, both her hubby and she served, as an officer. She said, "If he wants to go in as an enlisted man, he should tell me know, so we can take him out of St. Johns!" No need for that high-caliber education if he has no officer aspirations. Their older son, Raymond, also is going into the military, now in his junior year at St. Johns. I knew him when he was little, and knew Jack before he was born!
It was moving, at the beginning of the rally, when the various branches of the service were introduced as their 'song' was played. The service members, active duty and retired, would stand and salute as the crowd greeted them. Both Peggy and John stood up and saluted during the Navy hymn, and more than half the crowd, it seemed. That part of the event always tears me up, it is so stirring to see these folks, the young and vital, as well as the aged and worn, together like this.
We heard speeches from Governor Scott, who was also greeted by protestors along the river front, plus the Lt. Governor, Carroll, who is a female Naval Commander(Ret.), black woman from Orange Park. I had heard her speak at a Christian Women in Business event a few years ago, and she is powerful in testimony. A good person to have serving in the 2nd seat! Andrew Breitbart was the keynote speaker and gave a compelling speech about how the media is manipulating 'the story' and how he and others are attempting to circumvent the mainstream. I got Andrew's book which he signed for Justin (shhh.....don't tell him!). Andrew was heading to Madison, WI as he was asked to introduce Sarah Palin today for a rally. When the event concluded, we all sang "God Bless America" together. I pointed out to Judy as we packed up our stuff, that there was not a single piece of paper or any trash lying about from this gathering. Not every group who has this type of rally can say that!
Judy and I are getting together today to make our plans for the Worship Conference. I had better get my ducks in a row regarding this so I know how to plan. Somehow I have to get to Manitowoc from Holmen the weekend prior to Lori's birthday extravaganza. And then decide if I should fly from LaCrosse or from MKE. Yikes! I still have too much up in the air (ha, ha!) to figure this out just yet. Perhaps I should get a one-way ticket for going up and make the rest of the plans for the return trip later. Judy thinks we have to lock-in our workshops as well but I have not looked closely enough to see if that is so. The other night at the Worship meeting, Robbie mentioned that he would like to attend as well, and Pastor said the congregation had set aside some funds for conventions, etc. which might be used. Robbie went the last time, said it is fantastic and I know he would richly benefit by attending again. The Worship Conference is held mostly at an ELCA college but some will be in the new chapel at New Ulm, at Martin Luther College.
Before I go to Judy's I must stop to pick up my taxes. The nice lady there called again yesterday to remind me to pick them up, as I have a payment due on Monday. Guess I will be late....but not if it's postmarked by midnight on the 18th.
Earlier in the day Friday, I drove Miss Daisy, Brenda, to her neurologist appointment where she was getting an EEG. She was delayed getting ready because she forgot about not putting anything in her hair after shampooing, so had to rewash it. Her scalp had to be clean for the electrodes to be attached. When the lady was about to begin, she explained that the overhead lights would be off and a flashing light in her face, so Brenda had to lie still and keep her eyes shut. I asked the technician if I should sit out then, and she said it might be better. As long as Brenda was okay with it, I did sit in the lobby. It went well, and Brenda fixed up her hair afterward, carrying her product with her to control the frizzies. We had lunch at Miller's Ale House, her treat, and then I took her to work. Normally she does not work on Friday but was trying to make up for lost time since she was in classes two days last week. No wonder her brain is buzzing!
Must get ready for the day and will sign off for now. More coming so stand by!