My photo
No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Weekend photos and then some

It is such a beautiful morning today! Some fishermen pulling in their nets, reminding me of the Bible story when Jesus appeared once more to the disciples after His resurrection...I don't think these men caught 153 fish, though...

Marky came to Easter breakfast and I got him to pose with his grandma, Twila. The Lord works in mysterious ways, as Mark is fairly regular now in attendance for worship

Before the choir rehearsed for the Festival Service, I was able to snap a few photos of the now resplendent chancel, redressed after the stark, black backdrop of Good Friday

He is risen! He is risen indeed! Christos anesti!

Maggie O. and her daughter, Marissa, joined us for sunrise worship and even had time to stay for breakfast. After eating, they were heading to their own church for Bible study and more Easter worship. We have made tentative plans to watch "Waiting for Superman" on Saturday, as both are in the teaching profession. Marissa has decided, though, to pursue the law for her career when this school year is out. Good for her!

The Easter cross, fashioned from the trunk of a Christmas tree, sporting fresh cut flowers for the celebration of the resurrection!

Ron, Sarah, and Josh at the dining room table. Sarah is looking up a word in her Spanish to English translator to come up with the correct description of a certain restaurant, themed around various meats. Apparently English has no such word...It's a restaurant at the Beaches, though, that sounds quite delicious to me! Ron and Sarah are a couple, and Josh is a classmate of Sarah's (therefore defaults as friend to all), both of them studying to be doctors!

Justin and Jesse trying to help Sarah figure out the correct word for this type of restaurant. I guess that is why so many places have foreign-sounding names---English simply does not have a word for it!

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