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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Plenty of time to write

Oh, my goodness! I have joined another club in which I did not desire membership---the “I am so stupid!” Club. Some may believe that I was already part of that group but I did not really think so until today. Ugh!!! Linda so nicely picked Mom and me up this a.m. for the trip home, stopping at Perkin’s in MKE for a bite before hitting the airport. Right on schedule, as far as I was concerned. They deposited me at the curb, we exchanged our hugs and kisses, and I went to the check-in desk outside to take care of business.

The guy was really nice, and kept checking my name in the computer, and finally said, “It’s too late to check in your luggage…” and he went inside. I finally pulled out my paperwork from my purse to discover, oh, heavenly days, my flight was actually two hours prior to when I thought it was!!!!! By mistake, I looked at the arrival time in Atlanta instead of my departure time. He had gone inside with my license and credit card so I went inside as well, dragging my bag behind me to see what type of mess I’d made.

He had approached the desk and the lady was busily trying to rebook me on a different flight, all the while I am apologizing and God-blessing them for taking care of me, care of this, for me. She did it, too! Got me on a flight at 5:10 pm, getting me to JAX just after 10:00 pm. An hour later than I was expected but leaving nearly 4 hours after my scheduled departure. No long wait in ATL this time, I might need to hustle a bit!

I gave the fella $5 for helping me with this, and they never even weighed my bag! When I had walked up to the counter initially, I asked if I should put my bag on the scale. He said not to but asked if it was overweight…I told him I was and he laughed. What I did say was that I tried to pack very carefully and he left it at that. No lies were told, I did pack carefully and if he did not wish to weigh it, that’s okay with me. After I got done inside at the desk, he took the bag to security for me and went back outside. I saw him at his post again so I knocked on the window to wave good-bye to him. He waved back and I blew him a kiss, as I walked off. Next thing I heard him knocking, and looked to see him pointing me in the other direction! He was my rescuer today! I would have found my concourse easily but this saved some extra steps for me, going the way he directed me.

Once through the security upstairs, I stopped at the shops to buy some cheese curds, and a stick of sausage for Ed and Judy A. at Victory. Justin does not care for this brand of curds but I hope no one else minds the “Jim’s” style of curds. Last time I bought fresh ones from Copp’s but on this trip, did the gift shop curds. Mom packed up my leftover sugar cookies from Johston’s bakery in Sheboygan, purchased Saturday on our way to Lori’s. I have half of them with me, leaving one at home for Mom to enjoy. She wondered what the security people would make of my smiling face sugar cookies and I told her they were my I.D.! Some are a bit crumby but most survived the trip from Manty intact.

Now, I wait for my flight, watch people as well as listening to “Seinfeld” on the laptop. I noticed this morning that the subtitles on the Season Four episodes are either German or Swedish. Justin must have done that by accident and so far, I cannot figure out how to either delete the text or change it to English. No worries, I don’t mind being multi-cultural! Oh, never mind, Justin sent me the clue to change it from Danish to English. I am good now! Just have to chuckle at myself about the countless details I had to take care of for this trip but did not account for my misreading the departure time. Glad it was me and not one of my other folks I relied upon!

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