Today’s mail, instead of bringing me a check, brought me a very nice, hand-written letter from one of the young ladies, Nicole, who stayed with me this summer. I was blown away! She included with her note a photo of herself, her junior class picture at Rocky Mountain Lutheran High in Denver.
Mike C. told me last weekend that the teacher who accompanied the kids has said the young folks still talk their time here, and me (I guess I was a hit!). To top it all off, supposedly Nicole’s family moved into a new home and she told her teacher there is a room for me, with my own bathroom, when I go to visit there. How thoughtful of them!
Nicole told about their homecoming events coming up soon and how the student senate, of which she is part, is planning dress up days that week. The theme of the dance is ‘Alice in Wonderland’ and the décor sounds quite fun, like giant playing cards and other icons from the book and movies. Made me smile like a Cheshire cat myself!
The mail on the weekend brought another nice note from a friend of Marian’s in WI, her former co-worker, thanking me for keeping her informed when Marian was still alive and forward. Marcia had asked me to get the funeral plant for her, which I did, and gladly so.
Bible study was fantastic, having a new face join us this week. Beth, whose daughter, Hannah, passed away last year from a brain cancer, had off from work today and decided to come. Sunday will be the one year anniversary of Hannah being relieved of her suffering, and it was a bit difficult sometimes to keep the tears at bay. Sometimes, we both failed, but the comfort found in the Word soothes the spirit. The new booklet we began is about the ministry of the Keys and will be most interesting a topic.
After class I said to Beth, “It occurred to me it was a year ago that I had a terrible cold and could not sing in the choir at Victory for the funeral.” And now, I have one again, only not so serious. I told Beth that the only hymn I could sing was the closing one, “Abide With Me” which is one I normally cannot sing without choking up. The others around me were not members but were teachers and hospital staff, so they HAD to hear the message of this wonderful, comforting hymn. We hugged and hugged before she left and I hope I see her on Sunday when I go back over there.
I am going to Victory on Saturday for the LWMS Rally and after seeing the service folder for Sunday, must go back for worship Sunday. The sermon text is Philippians 4, my funeral chapter. His sermon is not the entire chapter but selected verses, some which helped me get through my personal struggles. Pastor said I will get a preview of my funeral then, and I said, “It might be an audition!” We had a good chuckle over that one! The only problem is I have to go for the 9:00 a.m. service since we have an ‘emergency’ meeting at GS after the service. No worries, I can make both, but won’t get to hang with Stephanie because she attends the Bible study which takes place at the same time as the early service. Oh, well, at least I get hear my funeral sermon…
I have a p.s. to add here: Via Facebook, I got a notice from my friend, Chris, with whom I used to paint, with a caution. She told me that the new movie, "Courageous", now in the theaters, has a child dying in it, and she wanted to give me a heads' up, in case I was going. The trailer for this movie aired before the movie "The Help" so I was aware that a child died, but how greatly I appreciate Chris warning me, to save me upset. Like I said last week Thursday, I have the best friends!
We're going to 9am service Sunday, since Hanna has a birthday party to go to at 12:30! See you then,as well as at the Rally!
Hi Suzanne!
Thanks for reading the blog and for posting a comment! I will see you in an hour and again on Sunday then. You will get to hear my funeral sermon, too!
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