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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Monday, January 9, 2012

I have some catching up to do!

I thought when I got home from WI and had full access to my computers that the blog would get caught up again. Guess I will start that today. Unfortunately my phone does everything except make it convenient to write my blog...not impossible but quite a job if I tried it. No less than 25 words coming from me, which is why Justin said I would never manage tweeting!

In a few moments I must get up and dressed to take Justin to work, this time to Fleming Island. Between us we put together a grocery list which I might take care of while already near Publix. He will carry in the non-refrigerated items after I pick him up from work but I will have the cold items to tote to the condo. He likes to cook and he informed me that he "ate me out of house and home" when I was gone. This really would not take much, as long as he didn't get into the food storage. In fact, he said he added a few items to the storage from his own supplies brought from his apartment. I have a couple packages of pancake mix and wonder if he would make us those some time!

Last night we watched some football, once he got home from his friend's house where he watched the first game of the day. We were rooting for the Denver Broncos in the second game, which they won in a spectacular fashion in overtime. Wow! It was fantastic to the time it got that far, he had come into my room to watch together and we were jumping around. You would think we were major Bronco fans instead of Packer fans. The quarterback, for those who do not know, is a former Gator player and Justin is a fan of the Gators. (He does not like it when I refer to the college teams as 'amateur'...) And then we ate our dinner!

I made us some pork ribs with bbq sauce, roasted in the oven with tiny red potatoes. Mmmm...the creamed corn finished it off. Justin complimented me on the delicious meal. I can take it! And no firemen at the door---how about that???


darla said...

Yum Kim, the meal sounds good! Glad your home!!!!

Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Darla!

I'm bbaacckk! Yes, our meal was good, considering I simply threw it together after 5:00 pm. We ate after the football game was over.

The family room looks so different now without the decorations. It will be moreso uncluttered when the tree is put away. Hopefully he will do that tonight while I am gone!

