My photo
No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Monday, April 30, 2012

Family stuff

The news I saw late afternoon Sunday sounded so tragic that my hands flew to my face and I said out loud, "Oh no!" The story was how a vehicle full of family members crashed over a railing and fell into the Bronx Zoo. The report at  the time indicted three children were killed, and no one was sure if they were zoo goers or in the car. Reported now, no one on the ground was hurt or killed when the car went hurtling over the railing---all of the 7 killed were in the vehicle. 

It seems from this a.m.'s reports that a tire blew, causing the car to careen out of control and over the railing. Tragic, there is no other word for it. Even a fireman who responded said he'd never experienced a traffic accident like that in his 30 years of service. The people in the car, mainly females, were heading to a family gathering, a get-together to greet some of those visitors from out of town who were passangers when they crashed. Yikes....
Some friends of mine were telling me yesterday about the recurring estrangement in their family between the adult children and the parents. This has happened in varying degrees on and off  for many years, and right now, as I told my friend, they are celebrating "Festivus", also known as the 'airing of grievances'. He knows full well what that means as they celebrate this 'fake' holiday more often than most! 

The mom in this extended family has reached out to me in the past so I was glad to know some of the background and such in case I get a call. Sometimes, it's best to not involve myself, which means ignoring the call, if or when it comes. This makes me sad for the entire family but after a point, enough nonsense is enough!
Lisa calls Manny her little monkey but if that's so, then he is a spider monkey! Look at those skinny arms!

My niece, Lisa, and her family took a weekend trip to visit Noah's grandma 'up north'. They celebrated Manny's 7th birthday with the elderly grandma, which is very nice. The family stayed overnight in a motel where Manny came upon the Bible in the nightstand. Lisa related via Facebook how he sat and read from the Bible for awhile that evening....

In my own home, I will be mostly an empty-nester this week. Justin's friend and he are going to be house-sitting for their respective parents---Jesse early in the week, and Justin, later in the week/weekend. They are using this opportunity to watch their Marvel comic book movies which they are missing at the theater on Thursday. Stretched out for the week, the three guys will then go to the AMC to see the new Avenger movie on the weekend, at some point. A good compromise to missing the marathon event, and cheaper, too!
                                  The Red Zone Margarita
After work each day, though, Justin will be stopping in to clean up after work, probably throw in a load of laundry for the next day. Then he will scoot to Fleming Island for the movie du jour. Saturday, he is having a Cinco d' Mayo party for which he is making Mexican food (for real???) so he has been planning menus, etc. Ron owns a Margaritaville machine which will likely be pressed into service. Fun will be had by moderation, I am sure! Except his mama, home, all alone....

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Photos from the picnic

On Saturday, our congregation was invited to the home of our members, Jim and Janet B., for a late spring fellowship event. Jim did the cooking of the meat as others provided the side dishes to go with the grilling meats. Not a whole of people made the trip out to Lake Asbury but those of us who did had a wonderful time. It was hot and sunny, which some did not care for, but the covered patio and cabana tent provided shade and well-placed fans moved the air around for those who needed it. Some sought respite from the heat in the house where their TV somehow was showing golf being played. Not the ladies and not the children, and not the younger get the idea....
  A group gathered on the patio: Fausto, Julaine, Lonnie, Jim, Bill, Kristi, Bruce, Suzanne
 Renee and Jackie
 Bocce ball being played by some of the young folks
 Brett amused himself with the ladder ball, or as Justin refers to it, Redneck Horse Shoes!
 Trevor, Tamara, Mark, David, and Jayne (same below except for Trevor!)

None of the kids are in the photos, the little ones, I mean. They kept themselves busy down by the pond, some with fish poles and others sliding around in the mud. When I left, the kids were getting washed down with the garden hose to clean the fun off of them! In the black top with her back to the camera is Judy C.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Odds 'n Ends

Typical of my Saturday postings, here is a small collection of things which have been rattling about in my head:

A month or so ago, a lady friend asked me what she considered a huge favor. She knows I write and asked if I would help her with some Minutes she has to take as part of her job. I knew she worked for the gov't. and assumed it was a DOD job or something connected with the Navy. She was extremely nervous about this new responsibility and asked me for help. Sure!

She would take her notes and send them to me be reviewed, corrected, or whatever needed to be done in order to make them presentable. Well, 'T' sent them to me and I got busy looking them over. Instead of being official Minutes, they were actually notes, loaded with business abbreviations and jargon known only to those who would get these notes. 

What took me by surprise was the enterprise for which she works--- the EPA!!!! Oh, no! I was helping "T" and, inadvertently, the EPA...I would love to have seen the expression on my face when I realized this. But, I did it...That's what friends do, I guess!
The baby shower I attended in Clay Hill Sunday was very nice. Justin told me he didn't want to go for fear of being the only male but of course, that didn't happen. I think he was expecting his friends to want to do something so he kept his options open. When I came home before dark, Justin asked me what was wrong, because I came home so early. Man, we are getting old or something!!!  It used to be he and I had late nights out there, with offers of overnight stays and such, but now, home before dark. 

Anyway, there were lots of men there with their wives, friends of Jason's from work and from church. Plus the guys Justin knew in the "family", our extended family. He really missed out by staying home. JD, one of Timmy's pall bearers was cooking ribs on the grille...mmmm! This home was our 'safe place' during the storms of 2004 and we are comfortable there.

Jimmie, another pall bearer, has quit smoking, and works Sudoku puzzles to keep his hands busy. He is also having some back problems and is seeing doctors through the VA for help. It was hard to see him this way, but I am cool with the not smoking thing. Our standard 'thing' for years was I would not nag Jimmie about smoking and he would  not nag me about being fat. Oh, oh---now what????
After Bible study on Thursday at Victory, one of the ladies, Emily, invited us to her house for lunch. We were served some hot sandwiches bought at Costco, plus some salads. There were leftovers she wanted eaten up from the small group Bible study she hosted the night before. It was nice to be around Emily's table with these ladies! 
Emily is living there with her son, and working yet in JAX, while her son is going to high school here. Her hubby and daughter have moved ahead of them to Charleston where he works now for Boeing. Until their home sells, she is staying here with Timothy. 

Emily surprised us by showing up at Bible study a week or so ago, arriving that morning on the Amtrak from Charleston. The train? Really? It turns out she can leave her car parked in JAX at the station, ride the train up to SC, and then come back a few days later for work (she is a nurse and can manipulate her schedule). It takes about 4 hours with the stops but she can sleep on the commute, or walk around, go potty, read, or whatever, with no wear 'n tear on her, or her car. For less than $50 one works!

Yesterday after Breakfast Club, a couple of us went out to the pool area and chatted with a co-worker friend of Carol's who swims almost daily. Yes, the water is too cold but not for Yvonne! She told us how her daughter has been accepted to the Citadel, which is in Charleston. She talked about how they would travel back and forth during her school year, etc. and I just had to report Emily's choice of travel. Yvonne was thrilled to hear this and thinks she is going to give that a shot when the time comes. Not every time as they will have to haul stuff up to get Rachel settled and such, but for in-between visits and such---perfect! Glad I could help and shorten the distance between mom and daughter!

There I am, supporting yet another gov't. agency! Emily did tell us the other day how she complimented a woman at Amtrak about how surprisingly well they run the business. The lady said the best thing they have going for them is being able to use their own hiring practices and not having to bow to pressure to hire those less than skilled for executing good customer service. 
Carol mentioned how a few years ago her group of ladies from work took the train from Palatka (yes, Palatka has an Amtrak station!!!) to Winter Park, FL. The depot is near shopping, dining, and other entertainment venues. The ladies would go for the day, enjoy a leisurely lunch, do some shopping, sit in a park to visit, and then ride the train home again at 6:00 pm. This sounds like something the gang from church might enjoy. Since I am Social Outing Coordinator (not the Fellowship Lady!), this might be something worth checking out!

Friday, April 27, 2012

A photo or two

I got these photos via e-mail from one of the ladies hired to take pictures at the fashion show at The Club a couple weeks ago. One is taken when at my original table and the second one when I was invited to the VIP table. There's no living with me now!!!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

My favorite day!

This was not always the case, as Sunday used to be my favorite day. Soon it will be again when football resumes. But for now, it's Thursdays! It starts with Bible study at Victory, and this evening with Bible Information Class at GS. Tonight we ended on an extremely high note as Amber scheduled her baptism with Pastor after class. 

Backing up a bit---during the study, we were looking at Holy Communion and the discussion got around to the proper 'examination' of ourselves before partaking. Amber looked a bit alarmed and wrote on top of her page "Do I have to take a test to be baptized?" I wrote back that she did not, telling her baptism is a free gift to her from God, typically administered by a pastor. I felt badly that she was scared by this because we did cover that in the previous weeks' studies. Did we perhaps go over this too fast?

Judy C., Amber, and I were talking in the parking lot about the baptism and its planning thereof. Judy suggested she be baptized one of the next two Sundays before "Kim leaves for WI". Nice! I was looking for Pastor's cell number in my phone when Judy suggested we just go back in and speak to him in person. We three went back there and the plans were made for May 6th. Yay!

Pastor showed Amber the Order of Service for Holy Baptism in the hymnal and told her that it is not uncommon for adults being baptized to have a witness or two to stand with them at the font. Amber turned to us and said, "It would be these two!" So, I am going to be god-sister for Amber, as is Judy. She is incredibly nervous and I probably didn't help much by crying...

We discussed having a get-together for after the service, at my house, got a tentative head count, including her husband, who used to work for 'us'. ("Dress yourself today, Tim?") Amber moved back home with him and our hope is that she will get him to church, too. She scoffed at that, saying he is a Catholic, but Judy asked her when he had last even been to church. 

Amber was thinking and thinking, and I gestured over my shoulder, asking, "Was it here, Amber?". She thinks it might have been---Timmy's funeral. That day, Amber was not able to get herself to come but minded the shop at home while we were gone to church. Good thing it was dark outside so she couldn't see more tears. How sad! He didn't take anything away from that powerful service??? The powerful message of hope and salvation in our Lord??? Oh, my...

When I got home and told Justin about it, he was happy, too. But then he told me he wouldn't be around that weekend to be my helper with getting things ready. He has to house-sit for his father and is having a party at his father's house for Cinco d' Mayo. No one except Justin will even know what they are celebrating but love those margaritas! On Sunday he will have to ready the house for Open House so I won't likely see him much. I will be on my own, like old times!

Already I am planning the menu, what can be served quickly after church and be ready when we get home...I might do Wimpies and Justin said he might have time to make yet another Strawberry Pretzel Torte. Or, I can get trays from Publix and a baptism cake. I do have some time beforehand to plan. Oh, I can get a Honey Baked ham!!!! Brilliant Kim!!! 
                                        The HoneyBaked Ham
While I am thinking about food, Amber is thinking about her baptism, what to wear, what she has to say as part of the service (we assured her to be standing one on each side of her!), and all that stuff. This is so incredibly heartwarming! The last adult we had go through this was Tyler, who went through Bible Information Class with us, and was baptized, confirmed, and took the Lord's Supper all in one service. I am glad I was not asked to stand with him (his wife did) because I was a mess there in the hoo hoo! 

Amber already told us her family is coming to the service so this means she is really looking forward to it. Her free gift from God...makes Honey Baked ham pale in comparison!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

It's warming up!

Just as was predicted, the temperatures are working their way up from the depths of being in the 40's overnight. Justin came to my room mid-morning to report that he had to go to his friend's parent's house to wash their Airstream camper. Apparently they have it for sale and a buyer has come forward, so Justin was hired to make it look pretty. Or at least, clean!                                
image: adidas Infants and Toddlers Fashion Mesh Shorts Q07145
He was not in a hurry to leave's cold out there! When he came into my room, Justin looked so collegiate in his blue with yellow striped gym shorts and a long sleeved yellow thermal top. It was 'only' 59 above zero and he wanted to wait until it warmed up somewhat before going to Mandarin. At this writing it is 78 above zero but as he reminded me, "I'm going to be working with water..." Ah, yes, ice cold water.
Last night Martie joined Justin and me for dinner, at long last. I prepared pork chops, garlic mashed potatoes, and whole kernel corn. Justin made a batch of his dinner rolls using the ball of pizza dough I picked up at Publix. He shredded some cheese that Randy had left for us, and added it to the dough. Good flavor! (Linda, he said he wishes he could make rolls from scratch----maybe next time you come down here, you could show him how to do it??!!)
Martie works just up the road a piece, getting off at 6:00 pm, but she got here about 25 minutes later. I was hoping the pork chops didn't get too dry as they do not 'hold' well, but they were fine. The food was on the table when she walked in the door so I hustled her to the table and we prayed, then ate. Did not want our food to get cold...

It has been a long while since she'd been here, the last time being when we watched "Midnight in Paris" in mid-February. We had much to catch up, including her hubby being very ill with pneumonia and COPD. As the doctor told him, he's a stubborn ole cuss, as Martie had to wrestle him into the appointment. Ernie thought he could tough it out, but not so much!! Martie said this is the first 'social' thing she'd done in a long, long time. 

Speaking of social things, I got a call from the Fellowship Elder last night. Bruce wanted to know if I could meet for a brief meeting after church Sunday to discuss a picnic. I love discussing picnics, including the one we are having at Batkoski's this Saturday afternoon! But, okay, I can meet. 

On the Time and Talent Sheet I signed up for being a "Social Outing Coordinator" which does not necessarily mean a picnic, but what the heck....Right now I have an outing in the works for the Ladies' Group to have breakfast at Honey B's the 12th of next month.  

I would also sign-up people to attend the Concert on the Green coming up at the end of the month, but I would miss that event, too, coming back from WI the night before. That is also Pentecost and Confirmation Day so I have a party to attend! Nothing stops others from going to the Concert, but I will simply let this opportunity pass without my additional notice. 

Bruce would like more folks on the committee but not very many signed up for fellowship. All the good Coordinator jobs must have been taken! I gave him some suggestions but really believe more men are needing to be on the committee. Often man-power is needed for these things, not just a bunch of ladies already involved in other groups. It's always the ladies, it seems. Gotta put my thinking cap on!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Another cool morning

What is NOT cool is forgetting my dental appointment! Even though I knew full well that I was supposed to be at the dentist at 8:30 am, had gotten the reminder call, talked about my "coronation" with Justin last night, there I was in bed with the laptop when I was supposed to be in the chair!

I had been awake since around 6:00, gotten a fresh soda, watched the news, and had switched over to watching the ROKU. When the phone rang at 8:44, I saw the name "Dr. Lessig" in the screen and said aloud, "Oh shoot!" It was Pam asking, "Where are you??" I was apologizing right 'n left, asking if it was too late for me to come. Nope, she said to come on up, so I flew around, got myself dressed, brushed my teeth, sprayed my hair, put earrings in my pocket, and away I went. By 9:00 I was in the waiting room, huffing and puffing dramatically to demonstrate my haste in getting there. 

All the ladies assured me it was fine, but I still apologized once more, saying I had no excuse. As I told Pam on the way out, when I have an emergency, I am there "Johnny on the Spot" but for this, late!

Peggy was going room to room, seeing the other patients, so I had a chance between the temporary coming off and the permanent crown being seated to take a picture of the gold post. Not easy to do, but the assistant assisted me, setting the light overhead just right and holding my lips out of the way so I could stick my phone in my mouth (do you know where that's been??????). After several attempts, I did manage to get a shot of my expensive bling, so I could show Justin.

In little time and no misery at all I was out the door with my "renewed smile" as Justin referred to it, and diminished bank balance. That was an expensive and weird situation with those two teeth, starting with that goofy abscess between the lip and gum. One root canal redone, one new one (#18 if you're counting, which we did yesterday....), the cracked crown, the stub left behind, the temporary tooth put in place, the setting of the gold post, the temporary put back in place, and finally, my late arrival for the permanent crown!!!! My renewed smile!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Where did spring go?

Perhaps this is a normal spring day as the temperatures dipped dramatically overnight. We were spoiled by the 80 degree temperatures and when it plummets to the 60's, we people who live in north Florida, most of us anyway, want to stay under the covers! The ladies were all bundled up this a.m. at Bible study and Judy C. scolded me for wearing a spring-ish top. In my house it was nearly 80 degrees so I didn't even realize how chilly it was until I went the door . I did grab my 'dinner jacket' from the backseat of the car on the way into the classroom. Thankfully it was warm inside so didn't need it for class. 

Yesterday after church a nice group of us went to Sam's St. John Seafood to have lunch for Gretchen's birthday. She is 85, I think, or perhaps 86, but seems much younger at heart. She is a stitch!!! Before the meals came she opened some of the birthday cards she had gotten at church with one particular card bringing down the house. On the cover it showed two little girls in birthday hats with the text---"You're another year older..." and on the inside it said---"and I'm not!" But the funny part is the uproarious laughter that the card plays when opened. Contagious laughter, like Hawkeye Pierce's laugh from MASH. Oh my gosh! What a hoot! Jackie was the presenter of that card and she hit a home run with it, in my mind.

Justin had his first visit to Sam's Seafood and ordered the fish sandwich. It was enormous and he licked up every bit of it. The portions are generous there and I usually order the fried pollock which is a nice, neutral fish I can tolerate. Next time, it's the sandwich for me with just the right amount of pollock to make a meal for me. I could easily dump it off the bun, which was sizable, and also omit the lettuce and tomato. Ethel teased Justin that he ate like me as he dismembered his fish sandwich. However, he does eat fish tacos, which I cannot wrap my head around!!

Anyway, Gretchen brought her laughing card along to add a laugh track to our Bible study and our lunch later. I had told Linda about the card the night before so prior to class getting started, I called Linda on her cell phone so I could have her listen to it over the phone. She was at work but said she had a moment to listen to it. Later in the day she told me she had to explain to the pastors what all the laughter was about, and I wasn't even there!!!!

At Longhorn, we asked to sit in a different person's area due to last week's experience with Jason, but he ended up serving us anyway. Of the six of us there, only one didn't feel funny about being asked to tip extra heavy last week---Jackie, of course. She felt sorry for him, struggling to make ends meet, etc. Pleading his case, Jackie rattled off his fine points of always remembering what type of drink we get, saying he gives us good service, and so on. This is not always true as it seems he is often flustered but is very nice while being flustered. Every time Jackie orders the sweet potato, she asks for no cinnamon but inevitably, it comes with it. Today was no exception, she had to scrape off the cinnamon as best she could. I wonder how large a tip Jason got for the extra cinnamon from Jackie....

It got really quiet for a second when Jackie defended Jason's request for extra tips and at that point, Gretchen pulled out her laugh track birthday card to liven things up. She is such a hoot! As we sat and enjoyed our time around the table, she told us she was going to just record our laughter at the table to listen to at home. Nice! I treated her to lunch and she thanked me for that, but Judy jokingly asked, "Should we have them come over to sing happy birthday?" Gretchen threw her hands up and said, "No, no, no, no, no", because she just HATES that, and we knew it. At the next table was a gaggle of ladies celebrating someone else's birthday and when they were singing to her, Gretchen remarked, "I'm so glad that's not me!" 
She had to put some more money into her car over the weekend, as her air conditioner went out. Back to her old friends at Pep Boys to replace her compressor. As much as she dislikes putting money into her car, she said, "I use my air conditioner alot!" She likes to be cool and was not complaining one bit about the temperature today. However, she kept her cardigan on all during class and in the restaurant which is unusual. 

Last week she had surprise company as her daughter-in-law and granddaughter came to town from TX for a visit to Nemours Hospital. The granddaughter had been diagnosed with cancer as a toddler and, following treatment, has to come back every so often for check-ups and such. Good for Gretchen and good for Rebecca! She was so thrilled to see them again.

Justin had a long day once more but was not as worn out as he was on Friday, when it was hot out. He took his shower upon getting home and then came in here to fill me in on his day. Generally he gets home when The Five is on and he knows how much I enjoy that show. It's better if he can wait to overflow with words until 6:00 pm, to have my full attention. There will be a test!

One of the major commercial jobs they do is a senior living property and he usually has stories about it. He has already picked out a unit for me, as they are similar to townhouses on some parts of the property. The little grandma's and grandpa's often want the guys to do stuff for them "as long as you are here" but they are not supposed to do that. 

He gets frustrated that they don't understand or follow the protocol for getting extra work done but I defend them, of course. One day he said he couldn't get mad at this one lady who chased him down with her walker because she reminded him of Lucy, from Victory. He loves Lucy (is that a cliche?) and would never think of being mean to her. Nor should he be mean to those folks over there. I asked him how he would like it if someone at Grandma's apartment building was rude to her and he said, "That's different..." I don't think it is!

But, what had him upset this time was one of the landscape workers from other company they combine efforts with on this property, being 'useless'. Jesse and he think the job should take 3 hours but their boss thinks it should take longer. This allows time to dilly dally for some on the team, and drives Justin wild. He would sooner get the work done and not to have slow down to accommodate the less-than-inspired workers from the other crew. Their boss showed up on the job and was able to witness the efforts, or absence of effort, from his partner's team and will hopefully address it. 

Before Justin left for work this a.m.(I was awake early) he reported making sandwiches which would explain the mess I would find in the kitchen. Last week he had problems with the sandwiches he made using the BO/GO loaves of bread we bought Monday. The crusts were so dry, he claims, that they nearly choked him. I wonder now, without going to look, if it is diet bread, the stuff made with saw dust??? Anyway, my landscaper son took sandwiches today with the crusts cut-off, like finger sandwiches. Very dainty in his enormous hands! I could not help but chuckle at this picture!

For our dinner, I reheated the spaghetti dish from last week, added two hot dogs from the meat drawer, plus the remaining half of my steak from lunch. All in the same pan in the oven which made for some interesting flavors. We each got a hunk of steak, a good portion of the pasta dish, and a baked hot dog. We are members now of the Clean Plate Club as we finished our leftovers and polished off the remainder of his second attempt at the Strawberry Pretzel Torte. 
While we ate, Justin and I watched the end of "Seinfeld", The Marine Biologist episode, with the greatest laugh line in the history of the show. I never grow weary of that scene in the diner, when George pulls the golf ball out of his shirt pocket and see the look on Kramer's face...

After this we watched Jeopardy! and Justin was beside himself about the woman playing at the 3rd podium. He was convinced that she looked like me and made faces like I do, and gestures like me, and was 'cute like you..." I think she won so we will see her again tomorrow if we are home to watch the show. Justin paid me a compliment and I wonder if he knows it. He said, "Oh, when they show her up close, you are prettier than she is..." Thank you, Justin! He wanted to call his grandma to see if she agreed that person looked like me but I reminded him she watches at 6:00 pm central time and this was at 8:00 pm our time. I should have encouraged him to call her anyway, right?

The dishwasher is busily taking care of the dishes while we ready ourselves for sleep. Good night, all!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

"As morning breaks...

...I look to you to be my strength today" Psalm 63

This is Sunrise, April 21st. I happened to catch the little boat in the reflection, as the men gather in their crab pots from overnight. This almost prompts me to get the paints out again!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

My house stinks!

At least, once I leave my bedroom doorway and enter the halfway, it stinks. More than 'smelling like boy', it is the smell of skunky laundry, and more specifically, skunky shoes. Justin inadvertently left his load of laundered clothes in the washing machine from Tuesday night until Thursday late afternoon when he got home from working for his father. Talk about stink! There is little that smells as awful as wet clothes, and in this case, shoes. He rewashed the load, after I convinced him simply doing a rinse was not enough. He got his work clothes into the dryer before going to bed and pulled out what he needed in the morning. Justin put his canvas shoes on top of the dryer to air dry rather than have them bang around inside it. The smell of those shoes was offensive to the nose.

When he came home from work yesterday, he immediately showered, changed his clothes, and took a rest. I don't blame him for that at all. He claims it was 88 above zero when he drove home, which might be true on his car thermometer but in real life, I doubt it. It might have been in the lower 80's but he was flushed and had a pounding headache, so I have to believe him. 

Anyway, when he tippy-toed in here later, always liking to startle me as I am engrossed in my Internet programs, I told him the smell of his shoes was making me sick. Immediately he said he knew that and was planning to rewash the entire load, as he could smell it on himself all day long at work! I suggested he put some vinegar in the water with the soap, but he used the fabric softener I had bought in error, thinking it was soap, to soak his clothes. But the shoes still stink, and he thinks he will throw them out instead of try to save them. For $10, he will get a new pair and be done with it. Not a moment too soon, as I can smell them from here!! 
                                        Vans Classic Slip On - Men's - Navy
I am listening to and watching an Internet show via my ROKU at the moment, with the Editor of The Blaze reporting about a man's obituary which has gone 'viral'. For those who do not know, this means that people have viewed the obituary by the thousands on the Internet. Not sure where it's posted besides The Blaze, but the point was how many people wished to read about this man's 'unrepentant' life. I suppose they feel they lived vicariously through his wild ways, or something like that. The editor, Scott, remarked that you can define a man by what his friends say about him at his funeral. Oh oh.....I better be nicer to my friends!! Another man has said, "As go your friends, so go you", or was it someone's mom who said that?

Justin is always weary at the end of his day, whether he is doing landscape work for 6 hours, all day, or driving his father around creation. He has homes or projects going on scattered sites right now, and Thursday, Justin visited four counties as designated driver for his father. This works great, multi-tasking from the mobile office and Justin does not mind being in the air conditioned car. I suggested he think about a career as a limo driver! He is a big fan of tuxedos and he would most assuredly get his share of them driving teenagers to their proms!

Wednesday night Justin made dinner for us, having almost completed the preparations before I got home from choir. He made spaghetti with meat sauce, adding fresh ground (is that the word??) parmesan cheese using my Pampered Chef tool specifically designed for this. Randy had given us the cheese and Justin put it to use, and wow, was it ever delicious!

As we ate, I told him about a segment on Fox and Friends that morning with Dr. Keith Ablow, a psychiatrist. Viewers had written in with questions for the segment titled "Normal or Nutty?" and Keith makes the determination if their behavior is okay or not. One question that morning regarded a man's desire to eat nothing other than hot dogs and hamburgers---ever. A grown man! And the doctor declared him to be nutty. Huh...Justin has a friend who has very limited foods on his list, and what he does eat, is quite bland. For some reason this really annoys Justin and he tries valiantly to get him to change it up a little. 

Dr. Ablow (Keith) said it is ALWAYS deeper than eating only burgers and dogs, there is something else at work here, controlling the only things in your life that you can, etc. Interesting stuff. Justin was upset with what his friend chose to 'give up' for Lent, other than drinking. He gave up something he would never really miss, so instead of doing it to reflect on Christ's sacrifice, as is considered the reason for Lenten 'fasting', he gave up something symbolic instead. Justin tried to 'influence' his friend to do something more meaningful but the guy's fiance declared that one person cannot choose another person's sacrifice. Justin is sure his friend is doing it wrong!

Justin does not participate in this fasting, except last year, he made an exception. In order to save money, Jesse and he decided to give up meat. This was their attempt to stop going to fast food restaurants, since their choices would be extremely limited. It had nothing to do with religion and was all about the wallet, and waistlines! They did fairly well, too, with their commitment, having meat only once a week so planned accordingly. 

My boy is the social coordinator for his group, but that only works when everyone is on board. He just had a disappointment, though, when Jesse, the only other one in his group who could do it, backed out of a movie marathon coming up. On May 3rd, there is a Marvel comics movie marathon at the local theater, showing 5 or 6 reruns of super hero movies (I know, right???) culminating with the showing of the new Avenger movie at the end of the day. 
When he was in high school, I gave him permission to attend an all-day event showing The Lord of the Rings movies, missing school to do so. What a mom I was!!! He loved that, attending with his friend, Mark N., and still has the lanyard with the souvenier card hanging from it. He wanted to do it again with the comic book characters. Yes, this makes me put my hands to my face and sigh...but, it's a guy thing, I guess. 
Justin did all the math---how much for the marathon, using Jesse's Stubs Card from AMC to get the tickets, discounted sodas with free refills, and a five dollar credit earned by using the card. He can certainly do his 'ciphering when it comes to things like this! But, Jesse was not as excited about spending the $40 as Justin was, so now he is disappointed. Instead, though, they are going to have their own marathon, rent the movies on NetFlix and then eventually see the new movie at the theater. No lanyards though, this time....sigh.....

Friday, April 20, 2012

It's quiet here today

Except for my noise, it's so very quiet today. My downstairs neighbors are gone on a cruise, the upstairs people are either gone for the day or simply not directly overhead, and no machinery running outside. The river has been busy but not so many helicopters today as others. The boats are the floating type, not the roaring jet engines some of them have. Not sure how long that will last, but for now, it's kind of okay. I make my own racket with listening to my shows on the computer, and roaring with laughter!

Half of my Friday morning Breakfast Club are away on a transoceanic cruise so I decided not to go over to The Club this morning. I am getting quite hungry for the baby red breakfast potatoes so hopefully Randy and Carol get back soon. Mary and I could just go but I had not gotten in touch with her about it ahead of time and didn't wish to chance it. Not that I mind dining alone, but if I don't have to get up, I won't!
My friend, Annette, sent me this photo, taken by her friend. She knew I would like it, even shows the F-18 that accompanied the Shuttle from the Cape. Annette and I used to work together at Shady Lane Home, starting in 1976. Although I am several years older than she, we became fast friends, losing touch after we left SLH. One night when I was in Manty, dining at the Green Street, I looked up and there she was, visiting from Las Vegas!!! Facebook keeps us in touch now almost daily...just like when we worked together!

Justin left early this morning, with Fridays being one of their fuller days in the field. The kitchen counter reports that he made a sandwich to take along with him. Monday we bought several boxes of "Hop"Tarts (as Timmy used to call them) from the BO/GO bins for him to take along in the truck to help sustain himself until meal time. The guys usually grab lunch at Taco Bell or somewhere else cheap, where they can go in, use the bathroom, and cool off before finishing the day. 

Today they used a coupon at Gibb's Sandwich Shoppe. He said the theme of the small shop was New York City and he likely drove Jesse nuts with his excitement over the posters and such. He told me Jesse doesn't share his love for NYC, excusing him because he has only been there once...I told Justin he and I are simply cliches and that's it!

There is a "Seinfeld" episode where George was asked to watch a stranger's suitcase on the street, but the guy didn't come right back. George put the guy's clothes on and had a map in his hand when a woman from the Chamber of Commerce sort of adopted him. He behaved like a tourist then and even moved his stuff out of his apartment in order to make it look like he was going to move in. The lady told him he shouldn't move to NYC as the city would "eat him alive"...And his apartment, not knowing it already belonged to him, she said smelled like monkeys lived there before, and was terribly over-priced. 

Jerry teased him about carrying out this ruse, and having this woman show him the town. "Are you gonna take a show while you're in town?"  So funny! How it works out is the man whose suitcase George was supposed to watch found him in a bathroom somewhere, took his clothing back and left George on a pay phone, calling Jerry to bring him something to wear. The woman finds him, in his underwear, and says, "I told you this city would eat you alive!"
This episode is about George taking over Jerry's kitchen and starting a new business of harvesting the 'crust' off the top of pudding. He has some in plastic wrap, showing it to Jerry at Monk's, their diner of choice.

Wednesday when Justin bagged up my clothes from my cleaning spurt, he also brought my file baskets out of the closet for me. I stored them in there since Linda's visit to make room for the wingback chair. The clean look appealed to me and I will have him wheel the cart back into the closet again once I am done filing. I hope that is soon! Now that the taxes are done, there is no really valid excuse for not cleaning off the desk. I should make sure that's all done before I head to WI in May. This will be my goal!

My arm has returned to what has been normal, no longer aching like it was on Wednesday. In that posting, I used a graphic of racks of shirts. My friend, Joanie, asked me on Facebook if that was actually my closet. She hoped it was so she could show her husband that it's really okay to have so many items in one's closet! Broke my heart to tell it was not really mine, but it was my mistake for not taking a BEFORE picture of the closet!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Two in one day

I have two baby showers coming up, not two in one day, though. That title references my Bible studies on Thursdays. But the showers are this Sunday afternoon and then one next Wednesday evening, as part of the Happy Hour event at The Club. In order for me to participate, I will have be there at 6:00 pm and leave promptly at 6:30 to allow travel time to choir rehearsal. 

The bar manager, Jacob, and his wife, are expecting their first child and the 'regulars' are holding the shower for them. Jacob is the nicest, most polite young man I have met in a long time. Because he is so sweet, I allow him to address me as Miss Day, even though I have asked repeatedly for him to at least say Miss Kim. Nope, no can do! And Lahaie Day is too much to remember on the fly...

Sunday's shower is for Lisa W., the daughter-in-law of my friends, Jimmie and Brenda. I will make the journey to Clay Hill to help them celebrate the pending birth of their first grandson. Jimmie and Brenda have two granddaughters, Faith and Hope, by their son JD, but now, a grandson is on the way! Lisa is the young lady who does my toes for me so I will have to wear closed-toed shoes that day!

Justin told me about a baby bib he saw in a parking lot where he was working (landscaping) which he thought quite clever. Paper on one side, with a plastic backing, with ties at the neck. A little pocket at the bottom to catch the drips, and then, throw it away! Or, leave it in the parking lot for someone else to pick up. I think I will look for some of those to give as gifts to the new parents, as well as some wipes and disposal bags, always good things to have!
His describing the bib reminded me of the time I sent extra napkins along to school, when he was in pre-k, to protect his uniform shirt from the spaghetti sauce they had on Mondays. When he came home, his shirt still had sauce stains on it, despite his extra napkin/bib. I asked him about it and he said, "Well, one side got dirty, so I turned it around..." That is sooo Justin!!

Today I had the distinct privilege of attending a pair of Bible studies, one at Victory. What a great give 'n take we had this a.m., and eventually we even finished the lesson. Pastor shared some sad news affecting members, two separate instances of suicide. One family had their parent, recently left a widower, take his life. Another couple had their dinner interrupted as a bullet shattered a framed picture on their living room wall. What? 

It seems their next door neighbor put one in his head while sitting in the backyard. It exited out the other side of his head, through the wall of their home, and shattered the picture. Much much more was shattered that evening than the picture on the wall. 

It is so tragic, the lack of hope these poor folks had. Neither men were practicing Christians, but even we believers feel pressed down on occasion. Prayers for all those affected, those left with questions...

Our small in number group discussed several issues relating to these events and what the Bible says about them. One man who is known for speaking when he should not said some than-sensitive things, which the rest of us resisted. (How diplomatic was that????) Unless someone has lived with or around a person with mental illness, you cannot speak to it. There!! Even though the actual topic on the pages of the study booklet escape me, the memory of the conversations do not.

Sadly, Rita was absent yesterday as were Marilyn and Judy A. I missed them in the class, my only chance to see them once a week. Oh well, next week, then!
About 5:30 pm Judy C. called to ask if I had plans for dinner. I did not so off we went to meet 'n eat at Steak and Shake, for which she had coupons again. She got home from babysitting early which freed her for dinner before BIC.  
                     Single Steakburger
When I order my single burger, I get only pickles on it and use the ketchup at the table to add to the burger. The sandwich comes with shoestring fries and my soda was free with the coupon. Less than $5 and I couldn't finish the fries!

Our friend, Amber, was planning to be at class, and she made it. Whew! Sunday she was absent from church and missed class last week with company in town, which made Judy and me nervous. 

We were discussing baptism tonight and at one point, Amber whispered to me, "That's my problem---I never got baptized!" We were talking about being sinful from birth and having evil inclinations, rebellious toward God, and such. I whispered back to her, "It's not too late..." and she had written on her blank page in bold letters "Not baptized". I think now is good to have a baptism! 

Sometimes I wonder how much is being absorbed due to her concentration problems and such since her stroke but I think she gets it. Knows what is missing in her life, a life in faith! As we parted company, she told Judy and me that she is going to talk to Pastor about being baptized next week. Yes, and I will say prayers of thanksgiving for that day....

" I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well."

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Oh, my aching arms!

Something prompted me to get busy in my closet today, perhaps due to the conversation I had on the phone with my mom this a.m. who also was going through closets. It has been on the unwritten list of things to do, since at least The Great Flood era when Martie and I were going to tackle the job, but never did. Now, it's done and my arms ache because of it. Or rather, my arm, singular. Last January, a couple weeks after getting back from WI, I noticed my 'pitching arm' having an ache in it, which I attributed to carrying heavy bags of groceries from the car. But, it didn't go away and would vary in achiness day by day. Sometimes I don't notice it one little bit and on days when I reach a foot over my head, it bothers me more!

When Mike K. installed my new closet racks and shelves, I assured him that putting this particular rod up so high was fine, as this space would be more for storing clothes than for daily access. I was right, but he was also right about it being hard for me to reach. Perhaps that's why I seldom wore the garments hung on that side of the closet!
My friend, Mary, has a practice doing reflexology and pressure point therapy (I always want to call it Power Point!), myofascial therapy. She figures that I have carpel tunnel syndrome and can help me with that without having surgery to release it. Nice! It has been fine for a few weeks and hopefully I have not aggravated it too badly. Right now, my arm is complaining. By the way, she attributes this problem on being on the computer so much. Therefore, no relief in sight!

Yesterday I went around with my can of Pledge and a dusting cloth to remove the dust and soot from the surfaces in the formal rooms. After the fires and the usual dust, everything had a film on it. Someone, I am not sure who told me, had said she was told not to use the vacuum cleaner when the smoke was so bad because of stirring up the particulates in the air. I could see how that might be so outside, but inside?? Anyway, when Justin came up the stairs after work, he said he could smell the lemon Pledge outside. Wow, powerful stuff!

Connie is coming around today with the hose to wash down the building, to remove the ash and residue from the exterior walls, sills, and doors. Such a mess those fires make! She asked me to send out a notice to the residents to make sure everyone has their windows closed and put towels at their doors in case water seeps in. My front doors have enough of a threshold to prevent this but not my kitchen door, so our towel is in place!

Justin, being off work today, bagged up the castoff clothing for me. When he did so, he counted the pieces in order for me to have an approximate value for tax purposes. There are 25 items in one garbage bag and 23 in the other, tops and some slacks. Now, I just need the nice people from Quigley House to come pick them up, and we'll be good! My friend, Penny, is no longer working for them, but when she did, Penny would take the items directly to the House for the ladies to pick through before being donated to the resale store. I would prefer that happening with these bags of goodies.
When I was chatting with Linda the other day, I mentioned to her that I thought I would hire someone to wash my windows. I can barely stand to look at them, and can barely see out of them! Maybe we need a good, pounding rain against the glass, but I am not sure this would do the trick. It's been a year since they were washed, at least, and look a fright. In the webs are bird feathers and bugs, the feathers from the crazy little birds which eat berries in the palm trees. They seem to stop by later in the afternoon, for a couple minutes, and then leave. The wild birds, more than a dozen at a time, act as though they are in contest or something, zooming between the two trees. Sometimes they throw themselves against the glass and try to freak me out---and usually succeed!

About my goofy arm---I was chatting with my sister, Jill, the other morning via Facebook. Not sure how it came up but we got on the topic of our aging, and not liking it. I remembered many years ago my sister-in-law, Marian, told me how she hated the way her hands were beginning to look. Of all the horrible health problems Marian had, it was the appearance of her hands which bothered her. I told Jill how the skin on my arms looks and feels so scaly these days. She was glad to not be the only one having that happen. Whew! In my case, getting sun tanned likely does not help with its condition but Jill does not sun tan so she has no excuse. I told her how when I watch "Everybody Loves Raymond", Debra is always applying lotion to her arms and hands before going to bed and I found that odd for such a young lady. Now I know why people do that---so they don't look like an alligator when they are no longer young!

A few Fridays ago I met my friend, Belinda, for lunch, at Longhorn. I knew she sold Mary Kay products, mostly for her own consumption and purposes, and looked great. She asked me the other day if I would be interested in helping her take part in a contest MK was having, which was doing make-overs. With no obligation on my part, she would do before and after pictures, enter them in a contest, and might win $2500. Sure, why not? She said she could do just me, or, if I wanted to, ask some friends to come for a make-over too. Judy C. and Donna from church said they would like to come, so we are set up for May 1st to be in the contest!

Joanne and I have had troubles catching up with each other, and we finally had a chat on the phone tonight. She was unable to make it to The Club to celebrate Easter with Justin and me because she didn't feel well. Now she thinks it was because of the smoke in the air, she might have had an allergic reaction to it. Her sister, at this advanced age (60's), has suddenly developed an allergy to shell fish. After eating shrimp and lobster all her life, now she cannot tolerate it. Weird! 

Maybe I can no longer tolerate cleaning out my closet!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

It's taxing day!

This morning I had such a horrible dream that I could scarcely wait to wake up. On TV there is a commercial for a Land Rover where this couple takes arm loads or bag of clothing to be laundered, obviously after some amazing adventure. After their 3rd visit, the proprietor of the cleaners gazes out the window at them getting back into their Land Rover, likely off on another a giant, hairy spider climbs out from under the pile of clothing on his counter. I believe this ad influenced my dream!

In my dream, a bunch of my in-laws and my yet intact family were staying at what appears to be a cut-rate hotel or perhaps rental condos away from home. The details are now faded from my memory but the image of black, bulging spiders remain in my mind's eye, seeing them crawling around our rented space. Changing units made no difference as the units were in disrepair or were under renovation, even though we were staying in them. Maybe I am thinking about the units on our property which are being renovated and readied for occupancy. Who knows with dreams, right? Regardless, it left me feeling all creepy crawly this morning!                                
The thing which dreams are made of.....

On Facebook this a.m. I noted my regret for missing the Space Shuttle Discovery flying away from Cape Kennedy on its way to its permanent home at the Smithsonian Institute. I had hopes that someone along the way would snap a photo of it flying over, piggy-back riding on a 747 jumbo jet. I won't worry about over packing again, if a plane can handle a load such as that! Anyway, my former scrapbooking friend, Kimberly, snapped a shot with her cell phone as it flew over her home in VA.                              
Sort of hard to pick it out, but there goes Discovery on its way to Washington, DC for safe keeping

Last night a well-known commentator, co-host on The Five (the token non-Conservative), Bob Beckel, was a guest on Sean Hannity's show, which airs here at 9:00 pm. He has worked in the White House and on presidential campaigns besides being a columnist and commentator. The radio host I listen to in the mornings, Neal Boortz, was also a guest on the show. Thinking they were still in commercial, Bob continued an animated discussion he was having with Neal and a female on the panel, and he let loose with a filthy, inappropriate word, even after the show came back. 

He was roundly scolded, asked to apologize and refused, so Sean apologized on his behalf. Bob refused also to believe it was aired and even after he was told he was on the air, would not apologize. Sadly, later, the other two guys indicated that if Bob was fired by Fox News for his antics and bad behavior, they would defend him. What????

This is greatly disappointing to me, that these fellows would defend Bob, which basically gives him permission to conduct himself in such a fashion again. On The Five, the producers and his fellow panel members are always after him to guard his tongue, watch his language, and not be insulting. They jokingly made up a giant jar, like from pickles, with a label stating "Bob's Swear Jar" on it. He has to put pennies in the jar every time he uses bad language.This sort of makes light of it, and besides that,  he fancies himself as a Christian. I want proof that he knows how to conduct himself not only in public, but on the air!! This annoys me! 

First of all, he is not usually swearing or cursing---he is using filthy or vulgar language. Swearing or cursing is actually taking the Lord's name in vain, or calling down God's damnation on people. Using the language of the streets, inappropriate words, is dirty talk and has no place in the presence of decent people. Many times, and, in this case, on Sean's program, his usage of the word made absolutely no sense at all in the sentence. Pig! 

It would seem that if a person can control their tongue and measure their words when the camera is on (or when decent people are around), they should be able to control it otherwise. All it takes is restraint, and practice. Erase those words from your vocabulary and you won't have an "accident" when the cameras are rolling and the mic is live! 

If a person has a paper dictionary in their bookshelves, or on the kitchen table, like my mom does, they can see the likely hundreds of other word choices available to use to express one's displeasure over another person's opinion or belief. Here's a challenge, folks---find another word!!!!! And, behave yourselves!!!