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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

It must be the weekend

Justin and I were talking about this yesterday---how we are mixed up about what day it is. Besides having church two of the days, having the big dinners and 'holiday' feeling, it just felt like a Sunday afternoon to us. The only thing was---no football! That was our give-away. 

I got upset because the network where I usually catch my early evening dose of "Seinfeld" had a movie playing instead. Wait just a minute there!!! Justin said, "Oh, if only you had a giant box of DVD's in the family room to watch...." and offered to grab a disc or two of "Seinfeld" for me. Thanks anyway, Sweets, I will be okay. 
                                   This episode is called "The Subway"
Justin said he was messed up, too, so it is not just an 'old lady' thing here. He had to chuckle, getting things lined up for work even though that wouldn't happen for a couple more days! Originally he'd had plans to go with his friends for the evening, but people got tuckered out so scratched the outing planned. His boss swung by to pick up some games to play on his newly purchased XBox but didn't want to come up for a visit. Wanted to get home to play!
One of my favorite things about the feast days are the classic green bean casserole and real mashed potatoes. I did have potatoes at Judy's and at The Club, but did not have the casserole. Fortunately, I had the ingredients to make my own batch, as well as potatoes. At Judy's Thursday, she was telling me how she doesn't care for mashed potatoes with the skins on. I do, however, and rather appreciate some lumps. "Sticky, but good.." was how my little niece, Lisa, described my mashed potatoes as a child. Sticky but good is right! Made for a good dinner last night, too, with the leftover Wimpy meat to compliment the beans and mashed potatoes.

My day began quite early as I made the jaunt down the street to Sun Tire to have the car checked. The guy I spoke to said to bring it right in before they got busy so I was in their door before 8:00 a.m.! Nick was at the counter when I walked in and said, "We just saw you the other day..." so I explained to him what the deal was. 

A fellow walked in and Nick handed him my keys. Just like that! I asked, "Does he know what he's looking for?" Nick answered, "He does if you tell him..." This was confusing to me, and I asked, "Must I go out there and talk to him?" Nick told me that was the guy I spoke to on the phone so he already knew what to look for. I know it was early but really, that was confusing! How should I know that only Nick and Ray are the ones who answer the phone. And who is Ray???

Anyway, I got situated in the wait area, again with the History Network on, and began to read my book. In less than 20 minutes, Ray came in and handed me the keys, saying, "There you go...." I got him to explain to me what was going on, why I was smelling exhaust in the car. It seems some overspray or overfill got on the engine cover (nodding and looking like I understand...) and he did his best to clean things off. Ray said I might smell it a little bit as it works out of the systems but "it won't start a fire or anything..." I hadn't even considered that!! Thanks very much, Ray!!
By shortly after 8:00 a.m. I was back home and watching the rest of the news. Should have gotten Justin up to go have breakfast but instead enjoyed a lovely ham sandwich on a home-baked roll. He brought these goodies home with him the night before from his father's house. I should have shared my pumpkin pie with him but didn't. Perhaps today I should make him a pie, spreading out our holiday feast for the entire weekend!

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