Grandma Lynn sent me this cell phone photo taken of Angelo, modeling his favorite pair of Mr. Potato Head glasses. Doesn't he look smarter in eye wear???? So amazingly cute!!!
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
I want to paint! (Warning)
My friend, Sarah, who lives now in Southern California, SoCal, posted this sunset photograph last evening. She titled it "Living in a Postcard". I think that nails it. I wrote back to her on Facebook, where the picture was posted, that this makes me want to get my paints out again. Wow! I can do this, IF I can get at my supplies. They are in Justin's room which is parked quite full of "stuff", making access to the closet of supplies a bit difficult.
How do I know Sarah? Funny you should ask...Sometime after 2001 I was invited to a friends' house for a Pampered Chef party, where I met Sarah. She was Janie's boss's wife, and was a travel companion to Janie as well. A few years later when I was selling The Preserve house, Joanne was showing my home to a lady. I think Mom was there yet, and we sort of hid out in her bedroom/scrapbook room while Joanne showed the house.
Joanne wanted to introduce her client to me and she stuck her head into the room. Ta da! We knew each other, and a deal was struck! But not immediately, though, as Sarah had to bring her husband through to see it.
Justin and I were actually on a cruise somewhere in the Mediterranean when Joanne's Re/Max balloon floated above my ship with the offer. Fortunately, I had Internet service from the ship! She had power of attorney to accept the offer for me, and then, the deal was struck. Pretty cool, eh?
Sarah and her husband hired Mike K. from my church to do some renovations to personalize the home for them. Sarah and Tom's son, Jason, was a student at St. John's, a few years older than Timmy. The family had a couple dogs living there with them at the time. Several years after they bought the house, they took a transfer to CA and had to sell.
After the closing and Sarah had moved away, she gave Mike permission to tell me a story: One of her dogs was acting all weird seeing the house being packed up, seemed to realize something was going on. On the day they were to move, they found the dog floating in the pool....Sarah believed the dog wanted to stay with Timmy.
Whatever we believe to be the case, me knowing Timmy is with the Lord, it's a sentimental tale to be sure, and tragic for this family. Thinking their dog stayed with Timmy helped them to deal with their grief.
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Okay, what's next?
Two newsletters ready to go so far today and soon I leave for the groomers. My hair is so long right now that it barely has the strength to stand up. This will be the first time I have gone twice in a month, since I had it cut after getting back from WI. The soonest I could get in then was the 7th so it's only 22 days apart. Barb did not cut off as much last time because I wanted to try not making it too short, but this has not worked out the best for me. Folks still tell me they like it but I am not tickled with the bushy look. But, really, it's not that big a deal, especially since I am not in the pool these days!
Yesterday was Bible study, with Pastor leading it this time, on the topic of "Angels and Demons". We had a good house of 12 people, minus Kristi, who was having knee replacement surgery. (Later I heard all went well and she was in recovery.) We have one man in the group, recently baptized at GS, and now in BIC privately. His wife comes, too, a former member, the daughter of one of our current members.
Lunch was at Longhorn, as expected, though we did miss last week due to the pastor's conference. I again had the small sirloin with green beans, eating every bit of it. The perfect lunch for me in size and flavor! Maybe I will have it again tomorrow when I meet my two lady friends from Rosewood, Robin C. and Betty. It's been far too long between visits!!!
Betty and Robin in my river room
While I was enjoying my lunch with the ladies, Justin sent me a text message, asking me to stop at the garage where the yard sale will be. Jesse and he needed my advice on pricing some of the nicer pieces of furniture. Oh my goodness! I fell in love with a curio cabinet I have no room for but would absolutely LOVE to have. And a red sculpted edged bowl...There was a pie safe, much like my sister would buy, but I cannot tell if it's antique or a reproduction. No matter what, I can't imagine where I would put that curio cabinet, but yet.....
Last night I attended a jewelry show at my neighbor's unit. I did not need to drive or even use the elevator for this outing. I was not all dressed up but did wear my cute shoes which made up for my outfit. The hostess, Elizabeth, had several of her friends there, former neighbors of hers from Eagle Harbor. One lady used to work in my dentist's office and the consultant worked at the front desk of the sales office EH years ago. Small world! And one of her best friends, not at the party, is from Manitowoc. Win-win! Oh, I bought no jewelry either, just took the hostess' invitation at its word and enjoyed the company and snacks!
Last night I attended a jewelry show at my neighbor's unit. I did not need to drive or even use the elevator for this outing. I was not all dressed up but did wear my cute shoes which made up for my outfit. The hostess, Elizabeth, had several of her friends there, former neighbors of hers from Eagle Harbor. One lady used to work in my dentist's office and the consultant worked at the front desk of the sales office EH years ago. Small world! And one of her best friends, not at the party, is from Manitowoc. Win-win! Oh, I bought no jewelry either, just took the hostess' invitation at its word and enjoyed the company and snacks!
Monday, January 28, 2013
Weekend photos
This Saturday afternoon we celebrated Pastor Hoyer's birthday with a surprise party. The hostess of the party, Anne, was even more surpised than her husband for being able to pull this off! One of the members had requested the use of the property for another 'party' and that's how the preparations and such were able to take place, right under his nose! A couple members and his father-in-law took Pastor golfing on this lovely afternoon and the rest of us gathered at the church to wait for them to get back. I was at first dressed too warmly for the day, compared to others, but I was comfortable. Later, when the sun hid, I was quite comfortable in my outfit!
This photo shows Stephanie, Wayne (my friend, Judy H.'s dad), me, and Lucy waving for the camera. Ed was the appointed photographer, a role he relishes. Notice how Stephanie and I both have our hand on our hips. Wayne might too for that matter but I am blocking him! A couple in the congregation work as DJs and had their equipment set up on the playground where we were situated. Such a perfect set-up for the party!
This photo was taken looking down the walkway toward the north of the elevators. Just look at the yellow coating of pollen accumulated on the pinkish purple tiles. My car looks hideous with the yellow layer of pollen over the red of the paint. I have to use the wipers when I leave the house in order to see through the windshield. I know this is really minor compared to the ice and snow accumulation on people's cars in WI and the upper Midwest right now, but it really is an eyesore. At least pollen is not slippery!
Sunday was Fellowship Day at church for which Judy C. makes mini-sandwiches, and has cookies plus other snacks. Folks are encouraged to make a donation when partaking which goes into the scholarship fund for our two students away at Synod schools. I had seen these little candy bar 'cars' on a website and shared it with Judy. The wheels and steering wheel are M & M's secured with dots of frosting, which also secures the driver, a Teddy Graham. So cute, and leave it to Judy to make this happen. Too bad there weren't more kids at church to appreciate them, but also good for the grown-ups not having to fight the kids for them!
Sunday, January 27, 2013
Beautiful friends
"In Friendship, we think we have chosen our peers. In reality, a few years' difference in the dates of our births, a few more miles between certain houses, the choice of one university instead of another, posting to different regiments, the accident of a topic being raised or not raised at a first meeting—any of these chances might have kept us apart.
But, for a Christian, there are, strictly speaking, no chances. A secret Master of the Ceremonies has been at work. Christ, who said to the disciples "Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you," can truly say to every group of Christian friends "You have not chosen one another but I have chosen you for one another."
The Friendship is not a reward for our discrimination and good taste in finding one another out. It is the instrument by which God reveals to each the beauties of all the others. They are no greater than the beauties of a thousand other men; by Friendship God opens our eyes to them. They are, like all beauties, derived from Him, and then, in a good Friendship, increased by Him through the Friendship itself, so that it is His instrument for creating as well as for revealing.” C.S. Lewis
Saturday, January 26, 2013
Food for thought again
My Friday morning Breakfast Club visits just keep getting better and better. The first week back after New Year, two of the regulars overslept and did not come. I started out alone for breakfast but was later joined by Tina and her little girl, Gracie, who often dined on Friday mornings. We had a great visit and I loved the time!
The following week, Randy and Carol, did make it but no one else showed up. Marlena said she had not gotten around to making all the phone calls and such so I asked her for the information as I have more time than she does for stuff like this. The three of us enjoyed our time together, with Carol telling how much they enjoyed their fall cruise to the western Caribbean. Later she e-mailed pictures of herself parasailing, her first time!
This past week, I knew Carol and Randy were going to be absent but Marlena called to let me know at least Pat was coming. Yay! She did come, and so did Tina and Gracie. What a marvelous meal we had together! Pat had called in with her menu choice, in hopes the kitchen wouldn't stop serving before she arrived (it has happened!) while the rest of us enjoyed the breakfast buffet. The bacon was perfection---just short of being burned.
Pat is a retired teacher and Tina's older child, Gabe, is autistic. The conversation was simply an amazing one of which to be part as the ladies described their kids (Pat's grandson is autistic, too) and the battles fought within the school system for help.
Gabe was at first in a private school not equipped to deal with a special needs child, but is now flourishing in a gov't. school with programs designed just for his problem. Pat said that even as recently as 15 years ago it was somewhat rare to have kids considered 'special needs' in school, at least in this number. What is going on?
Pat taught all special needs kids for many years, but they were special for other reasons. Her first school was in a very poor (in every way) part of Jacksonville, where she was up against more incredible things than she ever trained for. Made me think of the story/movie "Freedom Writers", where the new teacher ends up with the high risk students at a high school. That story had a happy ending, and I wonder if the same is true for the students Pat taught in those days.
Pat and another teacher instituted a program where they held a Thanksgiving dinner for the students and their families, probably the nicest thing to have happen for these folks all year. Especially for the kids. Pat taught second grade and truly loved her job and her kids.
She is unsure if the program continued after her co-worker and she left that school, but I am sure it was wonderful while it lasted. Mostly single-parent homes, mostly no dad in the picture. More than once the kids and she had to the hit the floor at the sound of gunfire echoed outside the building. "Okay, we'll just have school on the floor today...." When Pat said which school this was, Tina said that school was on the news this a.m. as being on lock-down, due to a SWAT team being in the area. Gulp!
Pat is part of our water exercise class, one of several teachers who join our group. Perhaps half the participants are current or retired teachers, a couple from private schools. Maggie O. and Pat G. were high school drama teachers, both of them still working as subs; Owene taught at St. Johns CDS; Maureen is still actively teaching her kindergarteners, working along side of her daughter!; and Randy until recent years worked as a substitute teacher.
These people, whom I know from our time together in and out of the pool, are so NOT the ones who would take over a state capital and carry on like fools. Especially those who teach and taught the younger ones---they obviously love their students and sacrifice for them, even bringing them food to eat when they have nothing in their own homes....
I am personally so very thankful for the blessing of a Lutheran school all my learning years, where I was safe, and had my packed lunch every day, after breakfast at home. And then dinner around a table with my sisters and parents. Something I took for granted is also something more and more kids have no clue exists!
I like the fact that when someone asks me what it was like to grow up in a family like ours, my first thought is the laughing. And my school memories do not include having class on the floor because of bullets flying outside. My sisters did have to do the 'duck and cover drills' in their early school years, but I never did.
Leaving that breakfast made me feel many things, besides sadness for the state of affairs our society is in, but gratitude for having these wonderful people in my life, people who have actually made a difference in the life of children. In Tina's case, it is going on now for her children, and for Pat, as a grandma of several kids. And others who flow in and out of my daily just never know, do you? But, the Lord does!
Friday, January 25, 2013
How many degrees of separation????
Today I had to take care of some shipping at the UPS Store on Fleming Island. One box was something Justin had to send back to Amazon using a UPS shipping label. I tell you this because I could have instead gone to the post office to take care of my business. I took in the Amazon box first to make sure I could actually do the USPS shipping from here, too, and I could. Before I went back to the car for the rest of the boxes, I heard, or thought I did, a lady at the counter say she was shipping to Manitowoc, WI.
Were my ears playing a trick on me? When I got back inside with my boxes, I just had to ask her, "Did you say you are shipping to WI?", as I was too. "Yes, to Manitowoc..." Well, you can only imagine my excitement when I told her I am from Manitowoc.
As we talked, she reported how her mom lives on N. Rapids Road and has a short drive to her Lutheran church. Her sister also graduated from MLHS, like I did, and so on. Wildly cool!!! The women working at the counter found this interesting, and one reported getting goosebumps listening to this unwind. Her sister is considerably younger than me, but the family name is one associated with my mother-in-law's side of the family, making this even more fun.
I did not get the lady's name but she has mine, in case she asks her mom about me. I played detective a bit after getting home to help connect the who-knows-who dots in this picture. But, I just love how the timing of all this worked out, my 'chance' meeting of a lady from my hometown and my ears catching her saying "Manitowoc". As she said, it's not a city heard much down here, unless it's on an ice machine or a crane! She moved away 30 years ago and might be around my age. My sister, Jill, knows the mom, who used to be a regular customer at County Kitchens back in the day. Love this, just love this!!!
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Photos from the Conference, etc.
This pastor ordered from his Mystery Dinner menu a spoon, knife, and a slice of ham. No fork...probably had to bribe one of us for the fork, or used his hands!
Pastor Kuske got the special treatment (joke) of getting the ham bone on his plate. A side order of ham came later but he had failed to order a fork. He might have been one of those who tore a section of his plate off to scoop his food....
One poor guy actually ordered wisely, getting all his cutlery, however, no food to use them for! As part of the Mystery Dinner theme, the courses are entirely cleared away before the next one is served, so he either had to bribe us for the silverware or improvised. If a pastor did not buy a fork, sometimes another pastor would kick in the buck for them, to avoid watching them eat with their hands!
The class is in session, listening to a presentation from a mission counselor, speaking about outreach and evangelism
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
My busy boy
Justin is not doing lawns today in order to work alongside his buddy, Jesse. Together they are in the process of sorting household items garnered from a house listed with the real estate company with which Jesse is associated. In order to properly show and sell the house, it needed to be cleaned out. The owner of the home had passed away and his family removed what they wanted. Now, the two guys are busily setting up for a yard sale in order to get rid of what's left.
Justin carried up a couple boxes of stuff that needs to be washed in order to present nicely. He has some crystal-looking cruets and wine decanters, just the kind of stuff his mom would like. But, no, I am going to let him sell these things to someone else's home. My tipping point has been met, in this instance. I have not seen the entire box's contents so this is subject to change without notice!
He did score a full-sized bed frame and box spring to replace the platform bed I bought him when he moved into the condo his freshman year. His mattress is in his father's storage unit, but has to move it out of there by the end of the month.
Likely he will put up the bed in his room and relocate the daybed (Day bed!!!) to the other room---somewhere, somehow. He has wildly overflowed his room the way it is and now, a full-sized bed added to it. His friend's closing was postponed, some paperwork needing to be redone with the lender who owns this home.
If it were me, I likely would have walked away from this deal months ago, but it's exactly what Ron was looking for. The boys will all be living together again, with Jesse taking the third bedroom. Those St. Johns kids never get tired of each other's company---I hope! Oh, how I hope!
Justin had a dental appointment at 3:00 yesterday. Just after 5:00 I sent him a text message to see how he was doing. He was still in the chair!!!! Oh my! It seems he was having two more of the bigger cavities taken care of and she (Peggy) couldn't get him frozen enough. Like mother, like son!
I felt so badly for him, having been in his place many times. When he did come home, his back ached from lying back so long, and his jaws were sore from being open. He took some Tylenol and retreated to his room to rest. I had to leave for Bible study but was concerned about how his mouth would feel once the freezing was gone.
We both had chuckled about how funny he was talking, reminding us of a "Seinfeld" episode where Kramer was mistaken for being 'special' after having dental work done. Even got to sing with The Velvet Fog at a fund-raiser. I kept singing to Justin, "...when you're smiling, when you're smiling..." Everything is Seinfeld!
When I came back from Victory, I parked and got out of my car. From above me, I heard someone going, "Pssst, pssst..." It was Justin, peering over the railing upstairs. He said, "I sensed when you came home!" At the door he told me how he came out of his room and realized I wasn't home yet, but "sensed" that I had just pulled in. Ta-da! There I was!
He had eaten dinner already (it WAS 9:30, after all) and was feeling alright with his new fillings. Whew! I am so relieved! Next week he gets the rest finished up and then it's on him to take care of them. He has such a lovely smile, I would hate to have anything preventable happen to them.
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
It's getting cold out there!
I know I shouldn't complain about the temperatures we are experiencing here in north FL when my people in WI have it terribly cold. So cold that it hurts, according to a couple of my friends up there. The young pastor who went from Jax to MN posted on Facebook that his lungs ached from breathing the cold air when he arrived. Ouch!
The temps are expected to be at or around freezing overnight making for the yard at The Club to look like it has giant ghosts. The landscape lady spent a good portion of the day draping the delicate the shrubs and then has to pull the tarps off again when it gets warm. Justin said that having the plants being tricked into blooming a couple weeks ago with the 80 degree days and now being nipped will result in a good deal of plant loss when spring comes. It is a blessing as well as a curse for the landscape folks.
Somehow I misplaced my McDonald's coupons and decided to just come on home after Bible study tonight. Instead of a Big Mac or Double Cheeseburger, which the coupon was for, I had a leftover hot dog purchased Monday on the way to the conference. Sonic had the foot long hot dog on special so I took one, with my Route 44 soda. A foot long is twice as much than I could consume in one sitting, especially the distance between Sonic and church. Talk about a pathetic but delicious dinner---aw, poor Kim!
Class was just marvelous, once we got started. I was on the phone with Mom at 5 minutes before class, and no one was in the parking lot yet. This concerned me, made me wonder if class was cancelled or something. After a couple minutes, Stephanie and Jean came, and Pastor zoomed onto the lot, being dropped off by his friend, Brian. The young couple taking the class came right after we got inside, and about 10 minutes later, Brent came in. The cold must have delayed everyone!
At the end of the class, Joey apologized to us all for his sniffling and throat clearing. He is quite bothered by the pollen and other allergens released in the air. He wants some rain to wash the pollen away once and for all, to give him relief. I wouldn't mind some rain to wash it off my car. It looks a sight!
Connie was washing some of the walkways today and the water puddling in the parking lot was a horrible yellow color. Looked so gross! I wonder if the winds from a week ago spread the pollen and also wonder if that's it for the season now. That would be great, unless one is in the car wash business!
She's been coming up here to use the bathroom today as the sidewalk leading to the cabana bathroom has been torn out. Connie is certainly welcome to use mine anytime instead of using the more public one at the pool. It is not heated in there and my house is a bit more temperate than the cabana bathroom.
I went to the post office today to get the appropriately sized boxes needed for sending off the Care Packages. Also bought a roll of stamps before the cost goes up this coming weekend. First we had not enough snacks to send, then there was too much for the boxes I had planned for shipping. Using the pre-paid boxes then, I got them packed up, minus the bags of Chex mix which simply would not fit. Perhaps I will take them back to church and use them for a fellowship event.
I am thankful for the generosity of those who donated the snacks and gift cards to McDonald's for the kids. They will know they are loved and missed! And be very popular in their dorms!
Monday, January 21, 2013
NOT a funky day!!!
Awesome! This word sums it up nicely, the service tonight was awesome. No particular fanfare, no guitars and drums or tambourines, but marvelous male voices joined in hymn singing. We are blessed to be hosting the area pastor's conference at GS, and they like to sing! They even sang a song for us servers after the Mystery Dinner, a German song wishing us high life, or something like that. Three stanzas! It seems to be customary for them to do this after being served a meal. I like it!
A couple of us ladies were able to sit in on the conference and hear a presentation this afternoon about evangelism and outreach. It was interesting to hear, sort of helps a lay person figure out where these concepts originate. Needless to say my papers had considerable notes written on them, plus Carol and Judy were scratching notes as well.
At a certain point, we ladies had to leave to help get things ready for the Mystery Dinner, plus Carol had to go home and change her clothes for church. Judy, Terri T., Betty, and I were the servers for the dinner and we ran our legs off. Not really but I worked up a sweat. It's hot in the kitchen! The two chefs named Mike did a magnificent job with the meals and are going to receive a note from confirming such. They are just the best!
We ladies had a couple mixed up plates, which I will blame on our not knowing the people's names---NOT on our ages! The fellows were very patient and good about it, but not wild about having to bribe for silverware, if they ordered incorrectly. Shhh....sometimes I slipped the guys a fork so they wouldn't tear up their cups and plates to make scoops! Oh, yes they did!
When we've had these dinners in the past, the young people were our servers and didn't have so much trouble keeping things straight. I credit them knowing our names as well as being young and having fresh minds. The money collected for the needed silverware was put in the collection plate during the service. I wonder if the guests know that...
Sunday the ladies rehearsed the stripping of the altar to make sure all things would go well.
The highlight of the evening was the worship, Maundy Thursday-themed. The Altar Guild ladies did the ceremonial stripping of the altar while Pastor Huebner chanted a psalm. He was also the accompanist for the service which was also quite well done. I told him afterwards how I liked looking at his face while he played, so intent and focused. He has to fly to MN in the morning, and thanked me for reporting the below zero temps he will face upon his arrival there.
For the service, I sat with Dawn O. who came up from St. Augustine for the service. She attends the Thursday Bible study at Victory as well. Her hubby didn't want to come so I sat with her. We shared the enjoyment of the singing and took the Lord's Supper together.
I am so very glad that I passed up attending the Owners' Meeting for the condo for this good day. But I am also sad to not see one of my favorite pastors (who lives in Palm Coast!) in attendance. Perhaps he will be there tomorrow and I won't be. Unless I change my mind after a good night's sleep. My feet and legs are smokin' but my heart is so happy!
Sunday, January 20, 2013
A sort of funky day
Just came back upstairs from my neighbors house, seeing Tracy and Jeff. Tracy has agreed to serve as my proxy voter at the Annual Owners Meeting tomorrow night. Last Wednesday night at the member's meeting at The Club, Nancy asked me to help her with registration for Monday's meeting. Only then did it occur to me that I had a schedule conflict. Nuts! Monday and Tuesday are the pastor's conference days at our church which I wished to attend. What to do? What to do?
I chose the pastor conference but have not decided just how much to attend. A previous opportunity to be part of a conference was missed a couple years ago when I thought my car was acting up. It was at Aamco all that day and they found nothing amiss. And I missed hearing Prof. Deutschlander speak!!! Shoot! I have a copy of the day's planned events and can make my decision based on that. I will be helping to serve the Mystery Dinner tomorrow night and then be part of the worship, a Maundy Thursday service. The altar will be stripped which adds much to the 'attitude' of the worship.
For our service today we used Divine 1 and sang the majority of the hymns from the Supplement. We had three hymns for communion distribution but had almost sung through the first one before everyone had gotten to the Lord's table. Fortunately, we were able to sing the second hymn, "In Christ Alone", which Robbie played in its entirety, even after communion was completed. I made it nearly through before getting choked up. Terri T. was in front of me, dabbing her tears, and my boy was wiping his eyes as well. "From life's first cry to final breath
Jesus commands my destiny...
It was great to see and hug Robbie again, having been weeks since I've seen him. Actually it was last year!! After the service, Justin and he were having a intent conversation, and in fact, Justin arrived late to Chili's because of it. He texted me his order which arrived at the table just as he did!
It was good to have Amber back in church, her first time in several months. She is moved out of her house again, and trying to find a place to live. Right now she is staying between family and friends. Judy C. treated her to lunch, as Amber reported not eating much lately, not good when one has diabetes.
At the close of the service today, waiting to be ushered out, Ellen, seated behind us, was telling Twila and Jean how she thinks of Timothy every time we sing "Alleluia" in the liturgy. That started the water works over again, but I assured her they were good tears, most comforting knowing others still think about him after all this time. The altar flowers for his birthday remembrance were lovely, with three tall spikes sticking up above the others. Twila said they were the Trinity!
Normally I take the flowers to the cemetery but Ethel suggested I not, because it's expected to freeze Monday night and they would be toast. Justin went to the site Saturday where his father left a bouquet and balloon. I was going to wait a couple days, then, before taking mine over, but now might just keep them here where they won't freeze.
On Facebook this a.m. I had changed my backdrop to a scene from Mykonos and got many comments on it. Tracy, my neighbor, said they are thinking of going there for a vacation so I took my scrapbook down with me this afternoon. She loved it and now wants to go to Italy or Greece!
What is making me feel funky? I guess it's having some disarray in my house, plus the upset in Amber's life, excitement over the salads (oh, the things we fret about!), and likely the entire week I just put behind me. My friends kept me busy each day, whether they knew it or not, and I love that! Looking at my trip photos also fills me with longing for those days gone by. As I told Tracy, I can take my trips now by revisiting my scrapbooks, and not have to pack a bag!
Once I get the goodies packed off to the students' away, my dining room table will return to order, and I will feel better about it. The boxes I intended to use were too small. I will have to get larger pre-paid boxes from the Post Office so I can pack all the stuff into them. First, we did not collect enough to send, so after extending the collecting by a week, a bounty has been gathered. I can't get the boxes until Tuesday as the PO is closed on Monday for MLK Day.
My funk will be cleared up with some Pledge and Windex, and the dusting wand, to be sure. Oh, and my file basket! I hope I can endure the freeze but I managed in WI just fine. As long as the house is warm, I will be okay.
Saturday, January 19, 2013
My niece wrote this 4 years ago....
Monday, January 19, 2009
Just a warning to all of you...this is a tear jerker.
Where were you eight years ago today?
"Why eight years ago," you ask? It's not an easy number to remember such as 5, 10, or even 20 years. How would you remember what went on or where you were on such an odd year? Well, for me eight years ago today was a very sad emotional day. Never in my life did I think I'd feel so many different emotions.
"Why eight years ago," you ask? It's not an easy number to remember such as 5, 10, or even 20 years. How would you remember what went on or where you were on such an odd year? Well, for me eight years ago today was a very sad emotional day. Never in my life did I think I'd feel so many different emotions.
Eight years ago today my entire family and I were in Florida to say good-bye to a very dear loved one. It was eight years ago today that we laid to rest the one person who we didn't think would pass at such an early age. We were all at the funeral of my five-year old cousin, Timothy Charles Day. What made the whole event even more trying was that today would have been his birthday. We buried a five year old little boy. I have a five year old, and I can't even imagine what it's like. Every year it's the same sad feeling I get when I think of how awful it was the night I received the horrible call. "We lost Timmy tonight." Yes, we may have lost Timmy, but on the happy side of things, look what heaven gained! The bright eyed smiley little boy with the lowest voice I ever heard from a little fella.*
Eight years ago today my entire family and I were in Florida to say good-bye to a very dear loved one. It was eight years ago today that we laid to rest the one person who we didn't think would pass at such an early age. We were all at the funeral of my five-year old cousin, Timothy Charles Day. What made the whole event even more trying was that today would have been his birthday. We buried a five year old little boy. I have a five year old, and I can't even imagine what it's like. Every year it's the same sad feeling I get when I think of how awful it was the night I received the horrible call. "We lost Timmy tonight." Yes, we may have lost Timmy, but on the happy side of things, look what heaven gained! The bright eyed smiley little boy with the lowest voice I ever heard from a little fella.*
I can remember walking into the house the night we arrived in Florida. It was very hard for me to look out at the pool. I collapsed into Roger's arms and just sobbed. Then Kim said something to me that I will never forget. "Timmy's sitting on Jesus' lap, probably pulling on His beard." Yeah, he's sitting on Jesus' lap. What a perfect vision. Kim always knows just the right thing to say at just the right time. The Lord may have taken Timmy from her, but He blessed her with the gift to comfort others in times of sorrow. I feel that to be a bitter sweet blessing.
A year or so later, when Vickie and I took our girl's vacation, we stopped to visit Timmy's resting place. Vickie's mother had just passed away a few weeks prior to our trip. All of us were standing by Timmy's grave crying for different people. Kim knew just what to say then too. "Mom" passed away while sitting at the dining room table getting ready to eat a meatloaf sandwich. Kim put her arm around Vickie and said, "Your mom prayed, "Come, Lord Jesus" and this time he came." Oh how true. Vickie told me later that night, "I never thought of it that way. That makes me feel better."
Kim wrote in her blog today about people saying, "Get over it." or "You need to move on." What kind of words are these??? To me, they are a slap in the face. You never fully get over losing a loved one. They are always in your heart and memories. I remember the Friday before Timmy passed, I talked with him on the phone, and he sang to me. He sang "Who Let the Dogs Out". I used to think it was a stupid song. Now it's a treasure I'll never (get over) or forget. There are just things that you can't move on from. Yeah, it's been a whole eight years, but it's going to take forever and back to GET OVER IT. Never once has anyone said that to me, instead, only words of encouragement.
I've had a few downer days this last week, and there are several quotes I'd like to share from people who tried to comfort me. Each quote shows that yeah, it's bitter sweet that we lost a loved one, but look where he is now...PARADISE!
"It comforts me to know that the last 8 years have been much better for Timmy than it has for us. It's sad we didn't get to see him grow up but we will see him again. I wonder if he will be the same age or if you age in heaven?"
"Chin up, he's in heaven smiling down. We should all be so lucky."
Some day we will be so lucky! I'm so looking forward to being up there and seeing what it looks like sitting on Jesus' lap. Of course, I have the manners to not tug on His beard!
Because Timmy was called home at such an early age, Kim has had the opportunity to "counsel" other families who have lost children. The Lord has blessed her with the gift to console. She went through the pain and sorrow of losing a child, but she can feel the joy of helping others to overcome their sadness in times of grief. What a blessing that is for all those she consoles. And my family and I are blessed that we have such a strong caring individual who shares her story to help others.
We don't keep stories of Timmy to ourselves in the Ellison household. We talk about our cousin quite a bit. We want our boys to know what kind of a loving and happy child Timmy was. Gabe asks questions about him once in awhile. "Is Timmy the boy by Jesus?" "Timmy is in heaven with Jesus, right mom?" I only wish they could have met the boisterous little guy we were able to love and adore for five years. I also have the poppyseed donut in the face to remember him by! For those of you who were there you know the laugh we had.
Good night to you all and God bless you!
Friday, January 18, 2013
Standing in the light
This morning began as a lovely, sun-filled day as I headed over to meet my friends for The Breakfast Club gathering at The Club. It was a bit windy but nothing unusual for along for the river. As Randy, Carol, and I, the only breakfasters, enjoyed our time together, the skies clouded and the winds picked up. In amazement we watched the loose branches falling or breaking off, and the Spanish moss rolling like tumble weeds along the walk ways. It was wildly crazy and I was so glad I wasn't wearing a dress when I walked home! Carol offered to drive me but I knew it would be fine. The temperatures have dropped from the 80's and with the wind, the coldness cut like a knife.
Once home, I got busy at my desk, searching through files to find the name of the paint color for the Fellowship Hall. There is a group of fellows going to paint the exterior of the building Saturday which had been 'repaired' last spring and into summer. Since we have company coming, it's time to finish the job! The pastors' conference is being hosted at GS starting Monday, so not a moment too soon is the building being finished. Likely a deep cleaning of the sanctuary would have been in order, too, but it's too late now.
Anyway, the paint color being used is the one from the classroom building. I had the color selections on my computer but I was not sure if they were the final ones. We had actually done color selections more than once, varying shades of off-white, so it was hard to tell from my worksheet if this was the right one. I called Lonnie who is the maintenance chairman and told him I had a name but not certain it was the final choice. Lonnie said that Cliff had the paint already and had reported that Monday at a meeting. So, no more searching!
When I was on the phone with Lonnie, Connie was calling me. I let her call go past me until I was done with Lonnie, then called her back. She said Phil, the mail man, found a stack of letters to go out in the outgoing box with no postage. Since she couldn't reach me, he took them along. Ah!!!! I had dropped the non-enveloped mailings in with no stamps! Because he left already, while I was on the phone, she jumped in her car and chased him around the corner, his next stop, and rescued my unstamped outreach mailings. God bless her! Imagine sending mailings to prospects with postage due....That would be a huge no-no in outreach world! The other mailings were stamped, the enveloped ones, but somehow I grabbed up the whole stack in my excitement of getting them out the door.
The winds continue and it was interesting to watch the birds try to fly against it. Or are they making use of it and not having to flap so much? The clouds moved off and the sky is a pale blue, which looks cold.
Justin called me when I was at breakfast. He was working at house in Mandarin this a.m. and he asked if I was at my desk. I explained where I was, and he asked, "Can you see the beam of light coming down from the clouds from where you are sitting?" I said I could see it (I really could!) and he said, "I am standing in that light!!!" Yes, you are, my dear, yes you are!
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Good friends and good food
I feel sort of sad for the football player with his imaginary girlfriend and his being 'found out' with this supposed hoax. Or was it a hoax, or a lie he just couldn't stop telling? Anyway, I have many 'Friends' via Facebook whom I have never physically met and I am going on trust that they actually exist. Most of them are shared with mutual friends who do exist, so I feel pretty confident about them.
The ones I am Friends with off-line as well I know exist (at least in my world!) and it's great to get and give hugs when seeing them in the flesh. This happened for me when in WI and I got to see many of those FB friends, and sing with them in church, or sit across a table during Bible study, or share a meal with them. Or, wave at each other across a crowded theater before a sacred concert.
At The Club the other night I got to share a hug one of my local FB Friends who serves on the Board. We had our annual member's meeting and Kat greeted me when I came in. She had left a comment on my status the day before when I wrote about Brenda and I having lunch together, remarking we were two of her favorite people. Of course, being in real estate, these ladies know each other---again, shared friendships!
After work Wednesday, Justin stopped at Walgreen's and got the 'cheap' soda, Diet Pepsi. Not my first choice but the price is right. When I came in from the meeting, he greeted me at the door and said, "Close your eyes and hold out your hand---palm down." This meant it was not more Easter eggs...He sprayed my hand and told me to sniff it. It seems he found this knock-off of Obsession, my perfume of choice. He was so pleased to have gotten it for $12 for 'this big bottle!' when I pay that much for the little bottle which fits in my travel case. The scent is very similar to the real thing as far as I can tell, and he was so pleased to have gotten it for me, I can't help but wear it sometimes! He is such a sweetheart...
Today we had a very enjoyable and beneficial Bible study. Using Advent yet as the theme of the study, we discussed intimacy in relationships. Each chapter usually begins with a hymn stanza or two, which in the past we have sung a capella, but today we did not sing it. The hymn was "Of the Father's Love Begotten" which may have been more difficult to do. The text is rich, however, and had more impact in reading it than singing, I believe.
To begin the 'conversation' we went around the table giving the name of the person we consider our best friend. First Judy listed Lucy, who was sitting across the table from us, and then it was my turn. "Linda!", and Pastor nodded, as he expected that to be my answer.
We discussed the relationship between Mary and her cousin, and between the two pre-born babies who would forever change the world. One would preach repentance and the other bring salvation...Like Justin said the other day, he would come to this class every day if he could!
The folks, or many of them, were going to a bbq place for lunch and asked me to join them. Sometimes I do go along but today was not one of them. I decided to go home and eat my leftovers. Once home, I fired up the computer, and then reheated the last of my delicious (if I do say so myself!) sloppy joes for lunch.
No sooner did I start scooping it into my mouth, I got an instant message from Lee. She said she knew I had been at Bible study and it was short notice but did I want to have lunch at The Club? Sure!!! I put my plate in the fridge and put my shoes back on. Away I went! There is a mini-buffet on Thursdays, and this week was home-made pizza, pasta casserole, and WI cheese soup. Heaven!
The waiter came through with tiny Chinese take-out boxes which had mini-meat loaves, cut up, with onion straws on top. Yum! I though this was what Chef meant and I had two of these little treats.
I had started to say good-bye to those around me, refusing a refill of my soda glass. Well, here came Chef with a rectangular shaped plate holding several of the mini-meat loaves not cut up, covered with a wine-flavored gravy, and roasted potatoes. No one else got that, only me! When Julius saw that he asked, "You want a refill now, don't you?", and I did! Carol was seated next to me and I asked Julius to get her a fork, so she could help me. Talk about delicious, and talk about being spoiled!
Today, Chef had the Hostess send a large foam cup of the WI beer cheese soup home with me. That will be my dinner and I look forward to enjoying that later on. I have such good friends, real ones, like Lee, and the ones I have never met but extend their hugs and good thoughts to me through this sometimes difficult week.
People can be nice even if they have no idea what is going with someone, and that matters greatly! Go, and do thou likewise!
My friend, Linda
One lady flatly and matter-of-factly said she had no one close enough to her (or she allowed close enough) to be considered her best friend, not even her husband. Gulp! One lady has a twin sister with whom she is most intimately connected, as Pastor said, they shared a womb! This tied perfectly into the story of when Mary went to see Elizabeth, and how John leapt in her womb upon hearing Mary's voice, the mother of his Savior. Very cool! We discussed the relationship between Mary and her cousin, and between the two pre-born babies who would forever change the world. One would preach repentance and the other bring salvation...Like Justin said the other day, he would come to this class every day if he could!
The folks, or many of them, were going to a bbq place for lunch and asked me to join them. Sometimes I do go along but today was not one of them. I decided to go home and eat my leftovers. Once home, I fired up the computer, and then reheated the last of my delicious (if I do say so myself!) sloppy joes for lunch.
No sooner did I start scooping it into my mouth, I got an instant message from Lee. She said she knew I had been at Bible study and it was short notice but did I want to have lunch at The Club? Sure!!! I put my plate in the fridge and put my shoes back on. Away I went! There is a mini-buffet on Thursdays, and this week was home-made pizza, pasta casserole, and WI cheese soup. Heaven!
My friend, Lee
Wednesday night was a meeting of The Club members where we could offer our input into happenings, events, and menus, etc. I had written to Chef last week about the sliders and he assured me they would be back. During the meeting, the staff circulated with trays of appetizers for the members. Nothing they brought around was something I would eat but after the meeting, Chef came to me and whispered, "I have some beef coming out for you shortly..." The waiter came through with tiny Chinese take-out boxes which had mini-meat loaves, cut up, with onion straws on top. Yum! I though this was what Chef meant and I had two of these little treats.
I had started to say good-bye to those around me, refusing a refill of my soda glass. Well, here came Chef with a rectangular shaped plate holding several of the mini-meat loaves not cut up, covered with a wine-flavored gravy, and roasted potatoes. No one else got that, only me! When Julius saw that he asked, "You want a refill now, don't you?", and I did! Carol was seated next to me and I asked Julius to get her a fork, so she could help me. Talk about delicious, and talk about being spoiled!
People can be nice even if they have no idea what is going with someone, and that matters greatly! Go, and do thou likewise!
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Mystery solved!
Love to multi-task and am doing so now with this typing going on as the printer spits out newsletters. These are the newsletters which I send, if I am faithful, every other month to our members away from the congregation. Sometimes there is simply not enough newsworthy or I don't have photos to include with the letter.
This newsletter is in addition to the monthly one they might receive via e-mail or have snail-mailed to them. One side of the page is text, and the opposite page has photos taken during the time between issues. Being gone during the holidays has provided me a lot of blanks where pictures should be! Might have to reach out to those who were in town to ask for pictures.
Yesterday afternoon I went to see my lady friends at Great Hang Ups. I saw Dee and Julia briefly at The Club Sunday when I was over there for the art show. Since we did not much time to just chat while there, I went up to the shop. Dee couldn't stay long, but before she ran off to feed her husband, she said, "I phantomed you..."
I didn't know what that meant so she told me she was the one who brought me the box of cherries. I should have known!!! She gets me some every year, but the dark grey van Connie described did not match up with Dee. I forgot she had gotten a new vehicle. Mystery solved, and candy consumed!!!
What is it about lunch that makes one sleepy? I am so ready for a snooze but it's too early in the afternoon for that. My morning sleep was fraught with nasty dreams including snakes and dealing with concrete pourers. Yes, I am back at work trying to schedule contractors, and no, the concrete guys were not snakes. Same dream, different problems!
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Easter during Epiphany
Justin was out and about yesterday running some errands, including going on a soda run. CVS Pharmacy has Diet Coke advertised at 3 for $9 so he was on a mission! Then, he sent me the dreaded text message---complete with a photo---bare shelves in the soda department. Rats! Sold out!
He did say he had some good news for me though but I wouldn't find out until he got home again. He unpacked the bags of groceries from Winn Dixie, where he paid a bit more for Pepsi products than the deal offered at CVS. I asked him to get cheese and milk for a recipe I am trying (yes, you read that correctly!), and put them in the fridge.
He had me hold out my hand and he placed there three of my favorite dark chocolate coconut eggs! Oh my! Usually found at Easter, he found them during Epiphany. I only hope they aren't leftover from last year, but I am fairly certain I got them all....
What a week I am having----first someone dropped off a box of dark chocolate covered cherries (I still don't know who did it!), and now three of these eggs. Life is good!
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