My photo
No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

From the past

When at my mom's house in December, she was in search of a certain photograph from her past, taken with a lady who is now one of her neighbors. The box was gotten down from the shelf and we girls were in that box up to our elbows, looking for Mom's photo and finding others. Sadly, we never did locate the one Mom was looking for.
This is me standing at the top of the "hill" at my childhood home, holding the skis. It would seem the skis are nearly twice my height! Behind me is the workshop where I liked to hang out with my dad and sweep up saw dust. At least, that's what my memory tells me I did....
Here I am again, perched on a snowball in the back of the house. Above me, cropped from the photo is laundry hanging on the lines. Years later, the house had olive green siding put on over the stucco. 
The actual photo better defines my face, but this is me standing next to a doll bed. It would seem to be Christmas, in 1958. I wore saddle shoes, and later, my boy wore saddle shoes! Love that!!!

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