Or, if you'd seen me this morning, it was more like cantering, like a show horse! How did this happen? How was I awake at 4:15 a.m. and find myself dozing when I was supposed to be at The Club for breakfast? Yes, folks, hence, the cantering to The Club. I did everyone the service of putting on clothing (from the floor of my closet), brushed my teeth, and smeared on my face while sliding my hooves into shoes. Wheee! Away I go, don't wait for me, ladies, but save me a seat! I got nothing but time, and yet I was late...
Our newer friend, Jean, was there, as were Ollavan and Pat. I was warmly greeted by the morning wait staff, who missed me over the summer. Aw, so nice! The waitress, Kathy, had already brought me a little cup of ketchup and had the nice, larger sized glasses for the Diet Coke ready to go. So glad they watch out for me this way. I will have to set my alarm for the coming weeks, avoiding the jog.
Jean and Pat Ollavan
Again, almost where we left off before pool season, Pat was able to share her interesting stories. Sometimes they are of the classroom, her years as a teacher. Today, seeing that the other two ladies were new to our breakfast club, they were hearing for the first time the lovely tales of life in Spain during the time her husband was in medical school. As always, the time flew by and they rolled up the tablecloths around us. Hint, hint, ladies, it's time for you to go!
From The Club I headed to Winn Dixie for a few grocery items as I am having some guests over for dinner tomorrow evening. Betty, Brenda, and Robin C. are coming to help celebrate Betty's birthday, which is this week. I had a $5 off coupon to use, which would come in handy since I was buying soda and meat. While I was strolling in from the parking lot, one of the cart guys offered me a larger-sized cart. Very nicely I requested the smaller one, 'because they are so cute...' He was so kind to me.
As I was going around the store, a song came on the intercom, and I am not above singing along. This one was especially inviting to sing along with, "I Will Survive". I met a couple near the meat dept., he in his Navy cammo attire and she 'busting' out of her top. They smiled at me and I said to the woman, "sing it with me..." She just laughed as I rolled over to the bakery.
Back there the two ladies in the bakery were singing along so we made our own little flash mob singing "I Will Survive". Oh how fun! After we sang our finale number, I rolled toward the check-out, still grinning ear to ear. A man asked me if I had just won the lottery. Cute! When I got in line, there was a lady I knew from the pool, Jill. She said she caught part of 'my act' but didn't realize it was me!! Ha ha...
Jill wondered about my purchases, since I had a lovely mint chocolate cake in the cart, obviously for a special occasion. I told her it was my former employees' birthday and I was making her dinner. My cart bore many good items, more along the line of short-cuts to a great dinner. Hey, dinner is dinner, right????
I have the doors open, making the house rather chilly for my taste but it will be nice and fresh for my guests tomorrow. This was an exceptional day, starting with a jog, mixed with a musical performance, and topped by seeing my lady friends! It cannot be beat...