My photo
No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Monday, March 31, 2014

Looks like spring!

As the sun was coming up, this was the sky I saw
It grew into this dramatic sky
 Here are Jacquie and I at the table at the Republican Women's fashion show. We look so springy!
Jacquie and I almost blend together in our outfits! We were glad to have our coats along that day, as we sat out by the pool for an hour after the luncheon, in the sun, but still cool out side

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Quiet days

My boy has gone to Orlando for the weekend with a group of friends, celebrating the birthday of "Kim", at Disney. Her husband, a classmate of the guys from St. Johns, and she were married a couple years ago at Disney so she is a huge fan of the parks. Their park of choice was Epcot for Saturday, and Animal Kingdom on Sunday. I don't know how affected their group was by the torrential rains much of the state had earlier in the day Saturday, including us here in N. FL.

We had Bible study this a.m. followed by worship, a special day today because of it being the 5th Sunday in the month. Even though I wasn't here to request any, it was Favorite Hymn day. Kathy R. was at the organ, playing the first 5 hymns of the day, all in a row, including one of 'our' favorites, "Be Still My Soul". She told me that every time she hears or plays it, she thinks of me. I told her that when I hear or sing it, I think of her! Love how that works!

We also sang the first two stanzas of "In Christ Alone", among some other favorites. During the actual service another favorite was sung, "Blest Be The Ties That Bind" which has the line in it about shedding the sympathizing tear. Good! I needed that as our closing hymn was "Go, My Children". Judy had walked out with Amber (Amber's blood sugar dropped, so they went out to get her something sweet to eat). As they came back in, Judy touched my shoulder during the closing hymn. Mike S. had looked over at me as the intro was playing, and I glanced at Kathy, who was back in the pew, and she nodded at me. Yes, they know and perhaps remember...
We had a "cookies by the pound" bake sale after church, a fund raiser in support of our Mother/Daughter event in May. Many wonderful donations of baked treats were brought in. Prior to worship, however, a newer member, Carolynn, was going around with handouts reporting that ladies have made baked goods and we should be sure to sample their treats. This was for the coming weeks' baked goods, not the bake sale, so to avoid more confusion, Pastor made an announcement saying that today's bakery was for sale, not free. Yikes!

Years ago we had every Sunday refreshments but that eventually died off. Now a group of ladies wishes to do it again and have sign-up sheets where folks can take their turn bringing stuff. Normally Judy C. takes care of cleaning up after worship, puts the coffee stuff away and washes the pots, etc. Now, she might not be the designated person to do so since we don't generally stick around after church, choosing to go to lunch instead. We'll see how this pans out. 

These same ladies are starting a food pantry for our members and 'friends of members'. This congregation used to have that, as well, and it faded away, probably about the time the preschool started. It's not a good idea to have people, non-members, roaming around the property when the kids are there. When the pantry was discontinued, our members were encouraged to donate to the Clothes Closet in OP, where clothing and food are distributed to Clay County needy folks. A good solution. The congregation has a fund to help those of our members in need, and, as one member declared, we want to know about someone needing something so we can pitch in directly. That's what family does!

Before church began, Kristi summoned me over to announce that she is putting together a 'little choir' for Easter. Kathy has agreed to play for us, just like old times! There might be only a handful of us, as usual, and the anthem is simple enough, requiring only a couple rehearsals. I can make this committment! And to edify our worship on Easter, I am in!

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Routine plus aches 'n pains

It's always something! Ugh! On Tuesday morning, my first day back from WI, I woke up and enjoyed (NOT!) cramps in my left leg. More than once! I did everything I knew how to do including leaning against the vanity and flexing my feet as best I could. Wow, that was exciting---jumping madly about, saying, "I'm home!!!" to my downstairs neighbors in such a fashion. 

My Facebook friends advised every sort of treatment including taking magnesium supplements which was not new to me since Linda and Tommy use them for cramps. My hope was this was an aftereffect of the traveling and airport strolling, and that would be it. While out on errands, I did buy a bottle of magnesium for 'just in case' plus picked up some milk to have at bedtime too. My former spouse either had ice cream or milk before bed to help his restless legs. Fortunately, I did not have the cramps again that day nor the next morning so it was 'one of those things' after all.
I went to the bank that morning plus stopped at Publix. That was where I got the magnesium tablets. Seems I might have told this story already so I will jump ahead. That night, I went to bed and fell asleep just fine. At about 11:45 I woke up to a back ache. Oh, for heaven's sake! I tried lying on my left side, my right side, my front side, and eventually, by back side, NOT my first choice, in order to get comfortable. After a little while I gave up, and decided to get up. Walking and unpacking my suitcase did not aggravate my back one bit so that normally ignored job was done! I took some Aleve and got the heat pad out, eventually falling asleep when on my back. 

In the morning I made myself get up and go to Bible study, though I was wishing for more sleep. I was glad to be in the class though and see my friends again, though Rita and Marilyn were absent. Pastor H. had told me not to worry about catching up the homework so I didn't. Next week I will be where I need to be. 

On Thursday, Judy, Justin, and I went to the movies. We were going to Koko's for dinner, and Michael met us there after we got out of the movie. It's a good movie, by the way, for its genre. Justin likened it to a Hallmark movie because of the relationships in it (they figure into the story) and it reminded me of Kirk Cameron's caliber of movie, complete with decision theology. Otherwise, it was good, with the case for God being made. No spoilers from me!

The back-ache returned at bedtime so I took an extra strength pain killer, half of one, and managed to find a comfortable position to have a decent night's sleep. That felt so good! 
Friday morning was Breakfast Club with the ladies. I took cheese curds along for my friend, O, and she loved them. I thought about a bag for Nancy but didn't take her one. Good thing, too, because she doesn't care for them! Who doesn't like fresh curds??? She did agree they would be a delight melted in a bowl of chili or tomato soup, just didn't like them 'raw'. I think I need to make some chili!

That night I again took a half of a pain killer and had a decent night's sleep and spent a good deal of time with the heat pad today. Perhaps too much 'down time' was had. I should have used the ice pack too since 'ice is my friend' supposedly but the heat was so comforting. We had serious thunderstorms and rain showers this morning which makes it seem colder out than it is. Another excuse to use the heat pad!

Friday, March 28, 2014

Such a good day!

As I mentioned yesterday, Jacquie and I were joining our group for a luncheon and fashion show fund raiser at The Club. We did get our pictures taken but so far no one has posted. Jacquie took a 'selfie' of us (I think it's my first one, though she did the photography) but was not happy with the results. So, we will have to wait until the official shots are posted online.  
We had the best seats in the house to view the 'models', many of the ladies being elected officials from the county or officers in the FRWC group. Not all of the models were svelte, either, which was fantastic. The clothes came from a boutique on Southside and we really liked the fashions. Everything that was in style years ago is coming back including crocheted over tunics, palazzo pants, and fruit colors. Many of the items were perfect for packing in luggage, mix 'n match pieces for ease of packing, and all cute cute cute!

After the show and luncheon, Jacquie and I went outside to sit by the pool on the filthy patio. Thanks to the winds the day before, the water and entire area was littered with tree residue and yes, pollen. No matter, we sat at a table and soaked up the sun, talking for an hour or so. It will be nice when we can do this in swimsuits instead of coats and long pants!

That night was church where Pastor Hoyer was guest preacher. All went well, once they got the computer to work which runs the MIDI. That was a close one! 
Terri T. had wanted us to go eat before church but that would have been too rushed for Justin, just getting home from work and such. Justin suggested we go to Panda Express after church so we did. I was ahead of him in line (he is ever the gentleman!). When I ordered the bowl of orange chicken and fried rice, he made the server stop dishing it up, thinking I knew not what I was doing. He forgot that this is what I order there and feared I would not like the spicy chicken. He had the really hot stuff, the type that makes him sweat like George Costanza. Ha, always with the "Seinfeld"!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

All dressed up!

When Justin picked me up from the airport Monday night, I noticed he had not taken the car to the car wash as I had requested him to do. He assured me he would pay for the car wash and even had a coupon to use for it, good for a dollar off! Plus, he has a plastic crate to give me for putting my Bible study stuff in to keep it organized in the backseat and not flying all over when we drive. 

Meanwhile, my car looks cruddy inside and out, covered with yellow pollen and bird poop. Inside is lots of grass clippings as he used my car while I was gone to WI, transporting his co-worker, Raymond, and himself in their work clothes. 
I noticed my passenger seat in back was tipped down and he said, "We picked up something along the road..." I guess Raymond spotted it and they loaded it in. Well, as I was setting the seat back up again, I found two small tears in the leather on the back of the seat's headrest.  Nuts! Whatever they picked up punctured the leather. Justin is going to look into getting it repaired somehow or another. I wonder if Superglue would do the trick...

Today I am going to a fashion show fundraiser at The Club, for the Republican Women's group. My friend, Jacquie, is going with me, as she's been a long-time member and is actually on the Board as an at-large representative. 

While she has gotten a new top to wear for the event, gotten her hair and nails done, I am pulling a garment from the back of the closet to wear. As I was talking to Linda about it, I told her it was the same top I wore for Justin's graduation in 2006. She couldn't remember it---imagine that!!! Going on 8 years and she's already forgotten! Ha! I owned this flowered jacket prior to graduation and since I couldn't find something else I liked when shopping, defaulted to that particular top. And, now it comes out once again. Thankfully, it still fits!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Back to business!

After experiencing a few terrible leg cramps yesterday morning, I got up and readied myself for the day. On the advice of several friends, I decided to buy some magnesium tablets to have on hand in case the leg cramps returned. A trip to Publix was expected that day!

My first order of business, however, before going on errands, was to start the washer. I had brought some pieces back which needed laundering plus I wanted to wash my sheets (should have done that BEFORE I left!) so had enough to make a full load. Once they were done, I could run my errands. 

There was a welcoming committee downstairs in the elevator lobby, quite by accident. It was funny! I had dropped off some cheese curds at my neighbor, Hugh's, place on the way downstairs and had some to share with Connie, our maintenance lady. She was glad to have them. 

I went to the bank and then to Publix for a few things. Got most of my stuff carried up by myself, leaving only a couple bags for later. In the afternoon, my friend, Judy C., came over to register for the Worship Conference which is in July. Just home from one trip and making plans for the next one! 

We had to register together in order to be roommates and had to decide which seminars to attend in order to sign up for them. One of the speakers, which I had heard from my young friend, David P., is the man who wrote a book I enjoyed a few years ago, "Why Johnny Can't Sing Hymns". Looking forward to those two sessions!
Fortunately, Justin had a short day and was home before Judy left. We had made plans to see a movie together on Thursday, and then go to Koko's. Judy is going to join us, seeing "God's NOT Dead". For dinner that night I made a chicken dish which I had intended to make for my mom before I left Manty but didn't because she wasn't feeling well. It was good, but I think I will take the foil off about half through its baking in order to brown the chicken. The green beans were so delicious that we ate them up, and Justin finished off the chicken. Only baby reds left, which will not go to waste, I can assure you. We both went to bed early, and thankfully, no leg cramps. Must have just been one of those things!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Some more photos from my trip

 Saturday morning my mom treated us all to breakfast at the Fork and Knife restaurant. This photo shows David, Jill, and Lynn
 Here is a nice picture of Mom, Kerry, Lori, and David (who is chewing)
 An important task before us, since all five of Mom's girls were present, was to sort through boxes of papers and pictures. I got my report cards from high school (did I ever mention the fun I had in school???) and my baby shoes!
 My sisters are camera shy and so didn't want to be in the pictures...Lori is holding a triple frame with Kerry, Jill, and me in it, my freshman picture
I am not camera shy, and posed in the midst of my stack of papers and pictures
 The matriarch of the family, now that her sister has left this earth, is my mom, who supervised this project and was available to tell us who was who in some of the older photographs 
After we were done with the picture sorting, Lori, Jill, me and Jill's son, Danny, went to have an ice cream treat at Berntsens's Candy Store and Ice Cream Parlor on the north side of Manty. Kerry had to leave for home and Lynn didn't feel like joining us. Berntsen's is located in a building where my former spouse and I used to be partners in ownership before we moved to FL.  This treat was to hold us over until our group met two of my counsins for dinner at The Charcoal Grille. This photo shows Lori and David chewing their food!
My cousin, Jimmy, also not camera shy, is just a hoot! Our cousin, Barb, was not available for this dinner out but David and Jimmy were able to join us. Mom stayed home, not feeling well, so just the rest of us met. Such good laughs we had, both my cousins having amazing memories about dates and years. My, oh, my---remarkable! 
David, Lori's husband, took this photo of the rest of us: Lori, Jill, Jimmy, me (wearing a pair of Badger Spirit Fingerz David brought from work at WinCraft), Lynn, and my cousin, David. David Schipper wanted to take a picture of me wearing the Fingerz while pretending to watch the Badger basketball game which was on TV at the time. They blended right into my outfit and became hard to see in the picture. We had such good laughs and great fun with my cousins---must do this again the next time I go to Manty!

Monday, March 24, 2014

I'm bbaacckk!

It seems like I've used that title before, sorry if I am repeating myself here. Very shortly after I landed, ahead of schedule, Justin collected me from the airport. It was a bit chilly (yet, the last time I stood outside when it was 29 above zero!) and drizzly. The difference between this return and the previous one, besides almost 30 degrees, was that my coat was tucked away in the luggage. Even with all the cheese and my coat, I had still a half pound of wiggle room at the ticket counter scale!

Justin and I went to Longhorn on the airport frontage road for dinner. I told him I had Longhorn for lunch too, eating at the very first (and possibly only) airport Longhorn, in ATL. There I just had side dish of their Smokehouse Mac 'n Cheese, eating about 3/4 of it. There was two hours and 20 minutes between flights and was only a few gates down from where I got off the MKE flight. No worries, though, can always have room for a steak and baked potato. Yes, half of each came home with me!

He had much to talk about at dinner and on the ride home, and I let him. It was just so good to see him again! Their work schedules keep getting messed up due to rain and added assignments to their regular sites. Justin and Ray were looking forward to getting back to work full-time and now it's biting them in the butt!  It also seems he is becoming somewhat of a mentor to his young co-worker and hopeful these efforts are accepted by Ray. Funny how my young son is a mentor to an even younger man...Love it!

While I was gone, Justin was using my car for his daily driving. When we got back home, he had to transfer a mess of stuff into his car, and carried up several 12 packs of Diet Coke, still in there from our big shopping day at Target. We have over half of that bounty left, which is because I was gone and he was working. Makes a big difference!  

I got the luggage and my computer upstairs, plus my to-go box and the mail, glad to see my house again. Justin had the scented warmer going so the house didn't smell too much like boy (a little "Jack and the Beanstalk" humor there). Once the cheese was stowed in the fridge, I trundled off to my room to get comfortable, while Justin put my suitcase on the bench so I can empty it someday. I stink at unpacking once I get home!

One thing I must say is, for the most part, I slept very comfortably at Mom's. Prior to my arrival at her home, Amazon delivered a wonderful memory foam mattress pad to use on the day bed and it made a huge difference. As I told Justin, the first morning I was a bit stiff, but that may have been the after effects of my trampsing through the airports, more walking than I usually do. After that first morning, I was just fine. If and when Mom moves, one of my sisters can have the pad (only $30!) or Linda can use it. Ahhhh.....

For sleeping when there, I covered only with a crocheted afghan which I think Lynn made. Usually quite comfortable temperature-wise in the bed. The reason for this might be that the baseboard heater in the living room backs up to this bedroom, right 'under' the bed, as it were, and might provide sufficient heat for me. While normally a cold person, that afghan is sufficient for me.
My own bed welcomed me, and though the hour was still early, I got settled in for the night. Justin was exhausted after working all day, driving to the airport and back, and then dinner. He told me that he coaxed Ray along on the jobs all day, reminding him "I have to pick my mom up from the airport!" Even though I am a very good waiter, I appreciate his efforts to get me collected and home again. That is it now for trips, barring anything unforseen, until late July. I hope they finally get summer by the time I get back up there!

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Filling in some more blanks

A few more things occurred to me which took place during my time here but weren’t recorded for posterity, including Linda and I having lunch at Buffalo Wild Wings on Tuesday before Ladies’ Bible study. I ordered the fried dill pickles to share and had chicken sliders as my entrée. Linda had the pulled pork, I believe. Oh, that Bible study is something else and when it was done that day, my second time attending this visit , I said to Linda, “I envy you…” because it is such a good, in-depth study. They are looking at II Samuel covering the decline of Saul’s reign and the ascension of David into the role of king over Israel. Kathy W., the leader, uses the notes made by her late husband, who was a pastor and missionary. No dozing off in this class or you’ll for sure miss something!

On Wednesday the weather was at last decent enough (i.e. not too cold!) for Mom, Lynn, and me to get our pedicures. It was too cold in December/January when I was there to have them done, Mom’s birthday treat to me, and we were running short on days this time, too. We had to suck it up and do it! Not exactly flip-flop wearing days but we muscled through. The place they like to go at ShopKo Plaza is called Sassy’s. Not a busy place but at least 10 chairs and no waiting for us. While we three were being worked on, the Travel Network was on, showing restaurants around the US whose specialties were Italian foods. Oh my goodness! I wonder if I get this channel on my TV. Our mouths were watering at the sights and sounds of Italian food being prepared, served, and enjoyed.

We went then to ShopKo so I could look at the shoes. They always have such cute ones there and I did find a couple pairs I liked. Sadly, only one of the pairs I liked came in my size, marked at $10 on sale. Cool beans! When I got to the register, they rang up at only $6.43, as there was another discount on top the sale price. More cool beans! That’s only a bit more than $3 a shoe!  Mom was not successful in finding the right type of shoe for her feet, as she needs a strap on them to secure her them to her feet. She is fixed with sandals but is always in search of better or different church shoes. Even though it snowed a couple times while I am here, the spring line of shoes brings more sandal-styled footwear. Mom will keep looking though.

At one point during our outing, Mom lost her sunglasses from her coat pocket. After the three of us ate our lunch at Panda Express, Lynn and I retraced our steps in search of the missing eyewear, inquiring at the stores we shopped in and where we had our pedicures, without success. Mom was devastated at the loss because Lynn had bought them for her as a gift, plus they did the trick in keeping the brightness in check. But, at least we tried to locate them.

That night was Lenten worship and the soup ‘n sandwich supper following the service (that’s a lot of S’s there!). The service begins at 4:00 pm which works great for the students of the school to attend, as well as their parents, with the evening meal taken care of. The next service begins at 6:30 so folks can come to eat before the service as well. We tried having a meal at GS on Ash Wednesday one year but it didn’t go over very well. This one at FG certainly does with various ‘groups’ in the congregation sponsoring it each week. A free will donation is taken which helps toward covering the costs and members donate desserts. This last time I had a giant chocolate frosted rice krispie treat with peanut butter in it for dessert, and I couldn’t even finish it! 
In these two weeks of my stay in Manty, I didn’t make as many meals as I’d done over the Christmas visit. I did make Mom and I grilled cheese sandwiches with blackberry jelly one morning for breakfast, plus prepared a pork roast Jill provided for dinner one night. Also made spaghetti and meatballs which we had two nights for dinner plus one meal of pork chops with au gratin potatoes. We must have had more meals at home but right now, I can’t think of them. When they come to me, and they are noteworthy, I can add them in!

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Some catching up to do

I have fallen behind in posting, even though I have Internet access at Mom's apartment. Instead of writing on my blogsite in my spare time, I was working on the church newsletter plus something requested by the congregational chairman. With that writing plus keeping up with Facebook, the blog was lost in the shuffle. I can make it up now.

Let's see now---on Thursday evening Lynn came by with Angelo who was staying the night at her house. What a little character he is! For dinner we ate leftover spaghetti with meatballs, which he really enjoyed.
Also that evening, before dinner, my niece, Alayna, stopped by on her way back to college, so I got to see her for a little while longer. We had had lunch together at Perkin's one day which is different than time spent at Mom's, though she did arrive just as Jeopardy! began. She is a good sport and a good player as well. 

On Friday Lynn came back over to Mom's for a while before having to go pick up Gabe and Manny from MLHS where they were seeing a play. When they got back, Lynn, the boys, and I went to Pizza Hut to enjoy Personal Pan Pizzas, somewhat of a traditional thing to do with them, for me. The rest of the afternoon was spent at Mom's, with the boys watching cartoons while Angelo played with Grandma K's toys!  The boys stayed until their daddy came by after work to collect them.
Lori and David were driving over from Holmen, and Kerry coming from Oshkosh for the weekend. We went to dinner at Time Out. Jill, Danny, Mom, Kerry, Lynn, me, David, and Lori making up our group, all Mom's daughters. Before I even greeted Lori and David, I encountered my in-laws, Harv and Barb, and another Facebook friend, Margie (whose sister and mother were at my table at the retreat!). It was good to see all of them again. I hadn't seen Harv and Barb in well over a year, at the very least. 

It was great to have all the sisters and Mom around the table (and David and Danny), and the battered perch out of this world!  I think everyone enjoyed their meals and the time together. I know I sure did!  

On Saturday morning, Mom treated us all to breakfast at the Fork and Knife, again, all the daughters around the table. A couple of us went to Kohl's for a bit (more than a bit!) and then to Festival for a few items. I bought ingredients to make a chicken dish for us to enjoy on Sunday for dinner, with Kerry talking me into buying fresh asparagus to make for Mom. Picture my nose wrinkling at that...

Once back at Mom's, we girls got busy going through some boxes of photos and other memorabilia. Mom wanted us to take what we wanted from the boxes and ditch the rest. What a trip down memory lane that was! Some of the photos were fun ones, and others made me sad to see again, the ones of my family. We also got our report cards and similar items, including my baby shoes. What will I do with those?

For dinner that night, some of us (Kerry had to leave due to working the next morning) went to dinner at The Charcoal Grille with a couple of our cousins, David and Jimmy. Oh, how we laughed with them! Lynn was concerned we would be asked to leave, but I had no such fear. The rest of my family had seen these two at my aunt's funeral (their mother) a few weeks ago, and Lori suggested we get together again for dinner. They are so interesting and comical----great fun and great food!

Mom had opted out of the dinner due to not feeling well and she was wise to do so. She has a bit of a bug bothering her tummy. Might be from something she ate, or too much commotion, or just a bug. She said it's been years since she was sick like this and I must say, I don't like it! Hope she feels better in the morning, so she can enjoy time with David and Lori before they head back to Holmen. 

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Time with Angelo today

 Here comes trouble!!
Trouble times two!
 My niece, Alayna, came by for a quick visit before heading back to UW-Madison
 A guy is having a great time playing with monster toys. This M & M bag was purchased by Justin and me when we were in New York City a few years ago
It's great fun to play with toys at Grandma K's house. Many of them used to be Justin's toys 
That little guy dived into his plate of spaghetti and meatballs, even taking seconds on the meatballs!
After he ate his spaghetti, Angelo got out some more toys to amuse himself at the table. Prior to eating, we prayed the common table prayer of which he could recite most of the words. Warmed my heart!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Hanging with the fam

Monday I had the distinct pleasure of having lunch with my niece, Alayna, and her friend, Jenna, plus my mom and Lynn. We chose Perkin's as our dining establishment which was a great choice. It was my first visit to Perkin's in Manty since I got to town. Normally I am there for breakfast so having lunch was a bit of a treat! Thankfully, perch was on the menu, which both Mom and I enjoyed.
It was a cold and windy day, bitterly so, and the giant flag which is almost trademark "Perkin's" was standing nearly straight out from the pole! Lynn took Mom and me to Wal-Mart to get some scrips picked up and do some other shopping. Going between the store and the car was miserable! 
That evening, still quite cold, Mom and I could view the setting sun from her apartment, and it was marvelous and colorful. We ate dinner at home that night, me cooking for us, and we survived it without the fire department showing up again (as happened a couple winters ago when Justin was frying bacon!)  All was well!

Monday, March 17, 2014

More about the retreat...

...which Linda and I attended this past weekend. Besides the wonderful presentations and the hymn singing, and some song singing, we enjoyed wonderful meals. Not all of them sumptuous feasts, but good nonetheless. So good, in fact, that I asked Linda to refresh my memory on how much we paid to attend this event, since it didn't seem like enough money to cover the quality of the food and service we were experiencing. We were greatly impressed! 
On Saturday I was standing in line for lunch, facing down a table of salad greens. As I worked my way through the line, I said to the ladies around me, "I bet you can tell that I am not a salad eater...". I had only a tiny mound of greens on the plate and added some shredded cheese and croutons to it. The ladies chuckled and some said they simply loved salad. As I got about halfway down the table, I came upon a bowl of pasta salad. Yay! Just then the waitress came through carrying a tray of desserts, on which I spotted a rice krispie treat with chocolate on top. She let me take one before she got to the dessert table, because "you are the smiliest person I've ever seen! Even in the morning you are smiling!" A nice bowl of soup accompanied my little salad and my rice krispie treat.

Our day on Saturday was taken up with sessions by Prof. Deutschlander which kept us captivated. Hazel, the older lady at our table, reported that she missed both her morning and afternoon nap, blaming it on the Professor being so very interesting. No naps had by us that day. I cannot wait for the recording of the event to be released because I know I need to see/hear it all again, to soak up anything I missed. 

The professor was given a gift by one of the ladies, a framed piece of art featuring a pathway through the woods (our retreat is called "Pathways to Christ"). We were all encouraged to sign the back of the picture for his remembrance. For a tough old German guy, now residing in "the home", as he called it, he got a bit misty eyed at this lovely gift.
Linda and I had about an hour and a half of free time Saturday afternoon which was just enough time for my sister, Kerry, to stop over. She lives in Oshkosh and knew right where to come, arriving at the end of our hymn singing session. As she searched the room, it was surprising to her how many people looked like Linda's head, from the back of the room. She picked me out right away!  I was wearing my blaze orange cotton jacket so you could not miss me, that's for sure.

For dinner, we were served a banquet meal, and then had entertainment provided by a Christian rock singer, Michael Schroeder. Not my cup of tea, but he had a great speaking voice and told the story of Jesus and His passion. Linda wasn't blown away either, though she does enjoy this type of music otherwise. As we talked about it later on, I guess there really is no other choice for entertainment than something like this so it's fine. Again, included in our fee for the event---amazing!

Sunday began with breakfast, a nice continental-styled one plus egg casseroles. Then we had a prayer session where a woman had compiled prayer requests submitted by attendees over the past couple of days. As I said to Linda, even though I put none in the basket, many of the prayers could have been for me or for mine. She felt the very same way. 

A retreat pastor, Leon Ehlert, presented a very interesting Bible study based in Corinthians. We got only about a page and a half through before our time was up, so we have two more pages of homework to do! He said it happens every year this way but he fears it won't be enough. It was. His sermon during the worship portion of the day was about Jesus walking on the water. My take away from the weekend was his advice to not get focused on the waves in this life, but keep our eyes on Christ. We certainly did get our money's worth!

Sunday, March 16, 2014

A great weekend

This afternoon Linda and I drove back from Oshkosh after attending the "Pathways to Christ" women's retreat. This is the reason I returned to WI in the winter, even though I left here in early January. Had to come back to see/hear Professor Deutschlander present in person, rather than replayed via the Internet. Two years ago Linda and I sat in her living room and watched his presentation to this same group, on his book "The Theology of the Cross".  It was good, but so much better in person!

It's hard to explain just how wonderful our weekend was, but it was! I will go back through the events to see if I can piece it together. On Friday morning, Mom, Lynn, and I  went to Bible study at church, designed for moms and kids. Only the pastor's wife comes with kids, the rest of us are too old for that!  We studied Acts in a very interesting give 'n take-styled class. After that, we ladies all went to lunch, 6 of us total. I hope someday that class takes off and more ladies take advantage of it, kids 'n all!

I had transferred my bags and such into Linda's car at church before we went to the Fork and Knife Restaurant. There I had perch for lunch, very tasty. From the restaurant Linda and I went first to Festival for a few things for our weekend. Then we gassed up and decided the line was too long for the car wash, which was badly needed. We managed without one!

We found our way to Oshkosh with only a few hesitations on our part, and got to the hotel in plenty of time. I grabbed a cart from the lobby to off load our luggage and other stuff. Other ladies were also unloading stuff from their car onto a cart. I heard one them say they had to call back to Manitowoc because she'd forgotten her bottle of wine...I knew we'd come to the right place!

Our room was very nice, the whole place was very nice, and we got settled in. At the appointed hour we went downstairs to find the registration table which was in an adjoinging building. The retreat took place in this hall, including the meals, which was extremely convenient. We saw many people who looked familiar plus some whom we knew. 

Linda and I chose a table in the front marked as a 'mixer table' which meant that others who were alone or two in number could sit there. As Linda and I looked at the NPH display in the back of the room, I saw a lady sitting at 'our' table. It turned out she was a relative of the lady who conducts the ladies' Bible studies at FG and in her home. It was our pleasure to share the weekend with Vikki B. and Kathy W., plus their mother-in-law/mother respectively, Hazel. She is quite elderly but you'd hardly know it!

We began the weekend's events with a Bible study on Friday night, talking about building relationships on the firm foundation of the Word. It was done in an interactive fashion and was entertaining as well as inspiring. We had a light supper provided us, and ended the evening with a hymn sing session. Linda and I were more than ready for bed, and after having a nice adult beverage, retired. 

We had a glitch, however. One of us is quite needy when it comes to sleeping and I had failed to verify that my laptop still contained the downloaded TV sitcom to lull me to sleep. Nuts! Linda assured me it was okay to keep the TV on all night, turned away from the room so the flickering was less. I felt so badly that Linda had to pile pillows on her head that I shut off the TV and then struggled valiantly to go to sleep. I did sleep some (as Linda heard me snoring!) but it was only a couple of hours' worth. Saturday night Linda again assured me it was okay to keep the TV on, and I did believe her, and had a better night. We don't want me to be cranky, do we?

The Saturday sessions were taken up with the presentation by Prof. Deutschlander, and the time simply flew by. At one break, I met a lady I knew, Marlene, who I had met at the Worship Conference in 2011. Linda and I shared our table with Marlene and her mom last year at the LWMS Convention, and now we meet again. She found me in the room by looking for my hair and my orange top! Love it! Marlene finished the rest of Saturday with us, and the other ladies at the table whom she knew quite well. Love that!

This is what the retreats are all about! More tomorrow!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

A private concert

Today was a day with nothing special on the schedule and it ended being full of special! Mom had Ladies' Aid on her calendar, an afternoon outing. A friend from church picks her up for this and I didn't really feel like going along. I have gone in the past and it's okay, but not all that interesting. 

In the morning, I got a message via Facebook, from Naomi's gentleman friend, David, who was in town for a visit on their spring break. Naomi was shadowing at Immanuel Lutheran but David was available to play the organ at First German. He offered to pick me up and take me along to FG, so I went out to stand on the street  corner for him to more easily find me. I was getting a personal concert!
We had only 30 minutes before the children's choir was coming to rehearse so we made good use of it. At first I asked David to play some of his favorites, which were also mine. Then, I went through my list of favorites, including some from my funeral list. David is a skilled organist, gifted, I would say, and played that old pipe organ beautifully. I asked him if it did any harm to crank it up, so to speak, and he assured me that the most harm to this organ is it NOT being played!

While we were yet in the balcony, we heard young voices approaching. As I had told David, I had not met my Facebook friend, Natosha, but was going to this morning! Sure enough, before I could get to her, she grabbed me for our introductory hug. She is teaching music and the 7-8 grade, temporary call. She was training her junior choir in antiphonal singing so David and I went downstairs to give them space.

We sat in the church office for a bit, while Linda finished up her volunteer work (now officially retired, she still has work to do for FG). Linda and I were going to have lunch so David was free to go, as he had plans to visit Naomi's mom who had recently had surgery. I had a chance to speak to the two pastors as well, and offer my encouragement to Pastor Schaefer as he considers his recent Call. I told him I could not leave without putting in my two cents' worth, and he appreciated what I offered him.

Linda and I went to Harborside for lunch and they were so kind to make us perch sandwiches, even though they were not on the menu. LOVE these hometown restaurants! For fun we went across the street to say 'hello' to the ladies at Rose Colored Glasses, which was a hoot. So very nice to see them all again.

She dropped me off at Mom's just as her ride was coming to take her to Ladies' Aid. My job that afternoon was to prepare the pork roast which Jill provided. I used the slow cooker and added onion soup mix plus Golden Mushroom Soup. Added some baby carrots to it plus Mom made some instant potatoes to have with our meal. Jill brought leftover sweet potatoes to share. What a wonderful meal it was!

We have a full day tomorrow so I had better rest up! Good night everyone!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Love hearing the organ!

Mom and I just came home from church and the supper afterward. It was a marvelous late afternoon and evening. Lynn took us to church but Jill came back to pick us up since Lynn had to stay for choir rehearsal. We could have stayed and waited for Lynn to be done but then we'd have missed seeing the reigning champ on Jeopardy! be bested by a female. Thanks for the lift, Jill!

Lenten worship was very nice, with the former principal, Kevin, playing the organ for the service. Linda sat with our family since Tommy wasn't there. The hymns were beautiful as well, and the organ such a welcome sound, particularly the offeratory which included the chimes on "Just as I Am", Mom's favorite.

It was great to talk to the church folks again and to get a warm hug from Pastor Schaefer, who was working in the kitchen, serving the food. Don't worry, he had his gloves on! I met the new pastor serving at the high school, and his wife and kids. They are making FG their church home. I saw their newborn being passed around, already at home!
Mom, Lynn, and I decided to not go for pedicures on this particularly cold day, not a good day for flip flop wearing. Instead we went to lunch at The Charcoal Grille where I had the wonderful rib eye steak sandwich---oh yum! From there we went over to Festival Foods where I stocked up on Diet Coke and got my delicious caramel corn. And my first hot cross buns of the season, as well. Frankly, the Publix ones are better, but these will do in a pinch!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Getting settled in

My lunch yesterday at Perkins was the full portion of potato pancakes, when I usually order the 'senior' serving. Wow, what a plateful it was! My first to-go box came home to Mom's with me. Last night for dinner, Lynn, Jill, Danny, and I went to The Green Street for dinner. There, I had my favorite perch plate, leaving the broasted potatoes and the balance of the cheese curds to come home with me in a foam box. Yes, less than one day and already two foam boxes in Mom's frig!
Linda picked me up late morning as we were having lunch before attending Bible study. She let me pick the place, with me at first suggesting The Charcoal Grille, which is always delicious. But then, I saw an ad for The Courthouse Pub and made that suggestion. Linda was all about it and the choice was a good one. I had a very tasty steak sandwich there, not as good as those at Charcoal Grille, but good nonetheless.

It was wonderful to be together with Linda again. Though we talk with other almost every day in one form or another, face to face is always best. People ask me what we do when I am in WI and my answer is "church and perch". We did that today! Ladies Bible class was held in FG's Heritage Hall, with our subject matter being II Samuel. It is an extremely thorough look at the book, beginning with the death of King Saul. Looking forward to next week's class already! 

Monday, March 10, 2014

I have Internet!

Your brief break from me is over! Thanks to Justin's idea, I was able to tap into my sister, Jill's, Uverse from her apartment to my mom's. Imagine that! Justin and I can't do that even laterally in our concrete block constructed condo but in this frame structure, no problem! Thanks, Jill! This changes everything! No need now to go to church to work on the newsletter and send it off, can do that right from this kitchen table. I haven't tried the connection yet from the bedroom...

I arrived with no complications into MKE, landing right about 10:30 and collected by my mom and sister, Lynn. We stopped to have an early lunch/late breakfast at Perkins, very near the airport. Gave the two ladies a chance to stretch their legs and use the restroom, as well having our meals. I was hungry since Justin had taken me to the airport at 5:30 in the morning! Only a package of cookies on the plane to hold me over!
As we flew between Chicago and MKE, I took this photo from my plane window. It was a sight like I've never seen before and found it amazing. I even stirred the man next to me (I'm sure he appreciated that!) to look at this amazing view. On the local news tonight I heard a report that 93% of the lake had been iced over which is not typical, but in some areas the ships are at last finally to get back out on the water and working. What a winter! And what a blessing the weather was when I got here, highs in the 40''re welcome, Manitowoc!

Sunday, March 9, 2014

I'll be baaacckk!

My end of week was just a mess time-wise and I lost one entire day (Saturday) with the LWMS Rally and then not feeling well in the afternoon and upon getting home. To head off the struggles of the time change, at least I think I can, I went to bed extremely early last night. 

When getting home from the Rally, I went to sleep for about an hour and then woke up for a bit when Justin came home from work. He worked almost 11 hours to make up for the rained out Thursday. He left to go play board games with his friends, though he was quite worn from the long day's work, and I got myself ready for bed. First, I reset the clocks in the kitchen to make sure they were ready for the lost hour.

We had Bible study and worship this a.m., Justin riding with me and going for coffee while I was in Bible class. After church was a quarterly voters/congregational meeting which went a bit long, looking at the proposal from the vision task force. We got to Chili's late, only 5 of us today due to the meeting. Guess Justin will enjoy my leftovers...

Tonight, Justin made a little dinner for us, not wanting our last meal together for a few weeks to be leftovers. I would not have minded but it meant something to him, and who am I to disagree? We watched the 2nd half of a documentary together as we ate, which made me sad to watch. 

I will be less able to update the blog being in WI unless I get access to my sister's WiFi from her apartment in Mom's building. Otherwise, it's a bit of a challenge for me to post. You might remember from my Christmas visit that I would write the blog on Word, e-mail it to myself and then post it from the e-mail to the blog on my cell phone. It's doable, just not a simple process. Hope I can do it, though, otherwise, look for me on Facebook!  I will be at a hotel in Oshkosh for the retreat with Linda which might have Internet available so I can post from there possibly, or from Linda's house. See you around, y'all!

Friday, March 7, 2014

I can swallow again!

The new dryer is in place, taking care of a load of clothes for Justin, clanging the zippers and other attachments on his garments as it rolls around. A whole week we were without a working dryer and it now has some catching up to do. My laundry can wait, but Justin's cannot as he needs them for work, and they NEED washing. I was given the time frame of delivery of Wednesday between the hours of 4 and 8 pm. Nuts! It's Ash Wednesday and I never miss church that night...except this year. I had to be here for it, though, as I would never be able to calmly be away from home when my washer was involved. 

As it turned out, Justin was home and cleaned up before the truck ever pulled in, the driver needing those pesky added directions that the GPS never shows to find The Palace. Justin had thought that once the washer was pulled out, the guys could hook up the dryer while he changed the hoses on the washer. BUT, the guys could not loosen the hose from the faucet on the hot water side, nor would the faucet turn. Oh, that's not good....

Justin shut off the water supply using our 2010 valve which had been replaced the day of the Great Flood. Yikes! He could replace one of the hoses, though the installer found that they were still in very good condition.  He did say the stainless steel ones are more sure to last, so I have at least one with staying power. The hot water one will have to stay and since we don't use the hot, we will simply hope nothing happens with it EVER!

All the while they were working on the installation and shuffling the machinery around, my mouth was so dry I couldn't even swallow. Justin kept himself busy sweeping up the mess under the machines while also staying out of their way. The guy, Nick, was amused at how Justin could go in one door and come out another. Every room in our house allows that except for the back bedroom. Nick also opted to not switch out the vent, finding it also in excellent condition. I was told I had to replace it to validate the warranty but Nick, a GE installer, said that was not true. He used my dusting wand to clean out the vent and we were good to go.
I gave them each a tip, which was warmly accepted, since they had to mess around extra with my machines, moving them in, out, and around. Nick said that rarely happened and then asked me if we, by chance, had anything cold to drink. I had 30 cases of soda!  I told him I was going to offer them a drink, telling Nick that this was a "Seinfeld" episode---always offer the delivery men a drink! I know I needed one! They left my house about 7:30 pm, with one more stop yet before their night was over. That's a long day for them, and I was glad it was over for me!