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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Sunday, November 23, 2014

A long day for me

It was a long day for several of us, with me just a short while ago getting home from a worship meeting at church. Apparently we are in a time crunch now to get our 'Vision' stuff ready to be presented to the leadership before the next quarterly meeting. I would personally like to talk this stuff to pieces, it's so very important, and fear making a mistake in our determinations. Sigh...We have one whole 'big idea' we haven't touched on yet but hope to do so in the New Year. It's about Bible studies and I am all about that!

I am envious of Linda and some of my family as they have up to 5 opportunities, depending upon the week, for Bible study. Linda goes on Sunday morning, Monday nights to help with the Hmong class, Tuesday afternoon with a lay leader, Thursday evening with the same lay leader but different subject matter, plus every other Friday and Saturday mornings, one with Pastor and one with a lay leader. Mom and Lynn join her on Sunday, Friday, and Saturday for those classes. They are so blessed with study opportunities!

Back to my day---It began with Bible study and worship on this Christ the King Sunday. It's hard to believe we are facing the new year already---Advent! Justin was able to join our regular group, minus Terri and Betty, for lunch at Chili's this week, watching the Jaguar game once home. It was hard to watch but at least the Packers won. Gretchen didn't come to church today. She rides now with Ethel and Darwin, and since they were staying for the soup pot luck which was after worship, she knew she wouldn't get home in time to watch the game. Oh, that Gretchen!

I had my homework done for the meeting tonight but took the time to try to organize the paperwork so I know what is what. In speaking earlier in the week with Kristi, we shared our being buried in papers for this project, and not being sure of what to keep and what to toss. I think I got it figured out. Print outs of other reference materials I collect have been marked with post-it notes so I can pull out what I need to help with my case. Didn't get to do much of that tonight as much is already pretty cut 'n dried. But, I encouraged Kristi, our official note taker, to make sure she wrote "let the record show..." as I stressed that my name is going to affixed to this final document. When I was leaving the church, I texted Justin to let him know, telling him I'll just have dessert and a strong drink when I got home. I gave it my best!

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