"I'm going to keep trying all these different font types to see which ones I prefer. Boy, this blog thing is a real hoot! I nearly missed going to dinner tonight because time got away from me. I have some "real" work to do so I shouldn't write too much tonight, but just wanted to let folks know that you can write back to me by clicking "comments" at the bottom of this blog, and then we can volley words back and forth with each each. Dolly, isn't this going to be fun?
In April, some plans are being made for a "Kim Tour" to the Frozen Tundra---oh, I know, I know, it won't be frozen any longer, or at least, it had better not be. My elevator is due to be replaced sometime in April so it's a great time for me to go north. I don't care who you are, 20 days is a long time to be hauling my soda cases up the stairs, to say nothing of the doggie bags and to-go boxes! While I hate to miss some of that lovely month in Florida, I'll be heading to MN to attend The Jersey Boys show with Lori and some of her friends, plus finding some time to visit with Judy in Winona, and other fun spots and such in MN and WI. Might even go see the Habeck's again, who live near Lori. Judy is my heart and it's going to be great to spend some face time together, rather than using written form to communicate all the time. Lori has great places to go shopping and such, plus David's band sometimes practices there so much to look forward to in Holmen and Winona.
In April, some plans are being made for a "Kim Tour" to the Frozen Tundra---oh, I know, I know, it won't be frozen any longer, or at least, it had better not be. My elevator is due to be replaced sometime in April so it's a great time for me to go north. I don't care who you are, 20 days is a long time to be hauling my soda cases up the stairs, to say nothing of the doggie bags and to-go boxes! While I hate to miss some of that lovely month in Florida, I'll be heading to MN to attend The Jersey Boys show with Lori and some of her friends, plus finding some time to visit with Judy in Winona, and other fun spots and such in MN and WI. Might even go see the Habeck's again, who live near Lori. Judy is my heart and it's going to be great to spend some face time together, rather than using written form to communicate all the time. Lori has great places to go shopping and such, plus David's band sometimes practices there so much to look forward to in Holmen and Winona.
Probably after that I'll head down to see Bryson, my newest great-nephew, and his family near Madison, and then head up "home" to Manty. Besides my blood family there, I'll also find some time for Linda, my other heart, and Dolly over in 'Trivers. If time allows, a trip down to Morton Grove and area might be in order, as the only museum I've ever visited was to see King Tut in December 2006 at the Field Museum. Didn't see much more of the museum than that display. That will certainly take much of the month, but am not sure if I'll be staying until Manny's 3rd birthday or not. My whirlwind tour starts the first weekend already and with a newsletter due by the end of the month.......I just don't know if I can stay for the birthday celebration. Boo hoo! 
Isn't he just the most adorable little feller?? Oh, I am getting hungry so must go re-heat something from the fridge selection of boxes. Besides, I have some work to do around here before going to bed, so good night all, and have a blessed day tomorrow. Thanks to all for the lovely cards and phone calls. They mean the world to me, believe me!!!
....serve the Lord with gladness!

Isn't he just the most adorable little feller?? Oh, I am getting hungry so must go re-heat something from the fridge selection of boxes. Besides, I have some work to do around here before going to bed, so good night all, and have a blessed day tomorrow. Thanks to all for the lovely cards and phone calls. They mean the world to me, believe me!!!
....serve the Lord with gladness!
1 comment:
What a great picture of Manny. Alayna and I "sat" for kids on Saturday and they are such a joy. I told Lynn that sometimes Manny would look so sad and then it would be like the sun coming out from behind the clouds when his face lights up with that smile. It just melts my heart. He taught me how to color and fingerpaint as I did not know that all you need to do now is rub a plastic marker over the pages in a coloring book and the color is already in the paper and that fingerpaints are a clear, vaseline-like substance that turn to colors once it hits the page. He was very patient me and was impressed with new abilities.
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