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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Some photos from the weekend

In the foyer of the Club, Olivia posted this sign to welcome her guests. Many of the other debs had their parties in more elegant settings and she felt this best spoke of her choice of halls for the Low Country Boil. Many of the guests have visited this Camp or the surrounding lake, including my new best friend, Ms. Huntley, who spent much time at this O Club when her husband was in the Army. She was saying the Army was secondary to the Navy in this area so this was a good place to spend time, loaded with memories for her!
This is a photo of the celebratory cake, again using the theme of "Redneck". The meal was absolutely delicious, especially for those who eat the fish/seafood that is in the boil. I had wanted an ear of corn but by the time I got into line to eat, the corn was gone. There were red potatoes in the mix so I had one of those, some white rice, plus the meat ball appetizer and little hot dogs in a wrap. One of the best parts was the machine which makes margaritas. Too bad they are so expensive to rent or I'd have one for my parties some time! Linda J. told me she won a margarita machine at a silent auction so she'll have to demonstrate for me when I come up to Manty for a visit!

All the debs have been introduced, minus one who couldn't make it to the party. I believe this first girl in line is attending the Air Force Academy, following in the footsteps of both her parents and an older brother. I wish the pictures had turned out brighter but this is the best I could get this one. I worked on the photos much of the afternoon yesterday, and my "mouse" finger was so stiff from manipulating the pictures. When it came time to type something later on, my pointer finger was uncooperative! Who'd have thought?

Olivia was visiting with her many guests, including her dear friend, Elise. Coming up to say "hi" was Ms. Booth, who was Timmy's teacher, followed by her daughter, Caitlyn, who was in his class. How can she be such a grown up looking young lady, when in my mind she should be only 5? Many of the guests were from the St. Johns family because their daughters graduated together, or they were teachers of these debs. I can really get used to attending these parties every weekend, but wonder if the debs will weary of it. Owen was happy to see some of his old friends, one whom he introduced to me as his "dad". I fell for it, too. Only old friends can yuk around like that, isn't that lovely??? Some of the co-workers from Sandy's nursing days were present, too, plus a good representation of family members, the "real" kind, not like Owen's!

This is a sample of the table and hall decorations the Hilchey's used in getting ready for the Low Country Boil. The tables were dressed with fishnets and little stars which I found stuck to my arms. Those at my table had good fun making the stars stick to their faces, started by Ms. Huntley! I got mine to stay by putting a little spit on it....gross! Don't you just love the blue eyes on this crab? He doesn't look so crabby to me!!!!

As often happens at these gatherings, the dancing is slow in getting started. Owen begged and begged me to come dance with him, as he saw me doing my famous hip shimmying (or was I just walking???). I refused, but eventually he got Ms. Huntley to dance with him, as well as Sandy and Olivia. The disc jockey led some of the dancers through a line-dance routine, which I consider countrified disco, and that got more folks to their feet. Just before we left, a couple took the floor who really knew what they were doing and it was very neat. They even looked the part, wearing their cowboy-style clothing and perhaps even boots, but I was too far away to see. It was a great, great party and I am thrilled to have played even a small part in it!


Peter Prange said...


I have an idea for getting rid of your skin condition...quit putting spit on your face! :)


Kim Lahaie Day said...

Oh, now that is just too funny! Who knew?