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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Friday, August 29, 2008

Such excellent periodicals from our Synod!

As I sit here watching reruns, of course, of W.N.T.W. and see another poorly dressed woman shamed before all the world, I am also reading the most recent "Forward in Christ". On the back cover is an article written by a mom sending her son off to college and tears rolled. My little one, Justin, just turned 21 years old and is beginning his third year of being a college student. Notice I didn't say he was a Junior, though, just in his 3rd year. Evidently he doesn't have enough credits accumulated to earn the "Junior" designation. On the bright side, again today he reiterated how much he is enjoying his classes!

The mentioned article could have been written by me, or by any other mums who have to say "good-bye" to their offspring, whether they are going away to college or off to boot camp or simply relocating for the sake of doing so. Most of you know my son lives in the next county over and passes my street many times each week, although less now that classes have resumed. It's not the same as sending a child several states away and seeing them only on holidays and vacations, and even then, not so much. My own friend "complains" about her grandson coming home from school on occasional weekends and hardly being around to have a conversation. He's more interested in seeing his friends and doing "boy things" than hanging with Grandmaw.

I rejoice that Justin is NOT hesitant to hug me and plant a smooch on me, remembers his manners, and I pray, behaves himself when he's not with me. Lynn made a remark to Gabe about how nice Justin is to his mama. I hope I appreciate what a nice boy I have and not take him for granted. It bothers me when things go badly or sadly for him, but then also remember he's a big boy and should be developing skills for handling things himself. In my mind I'll compare where his father and I were at his age and furrow my brow at how simple his "problems" are compared to what we dealt with between working and remodeling and moving......

When I was 21 I was working full time at the old folks home and been married for almost 3 years. And I was so homesick when I first moved an hour and a half away from home and my peoples!!!!! In a year's time we'd remodeled our 4 family in Milwaukee, sold it, and moved back to Manty. Some people never go home again, in their hearts or with their bodies. This F.I.C. articles really hit the nail on the head about the conglomeration of emotions swimming around in a mama's head, and what a blessing this author could spill them onto paper for the rest of us to share with her!

The recent Mission Connection was awesome, too! Monday at Bible study I encouraged the group to be sure to read through it, because there was so much to absorb in that paper. Mom wrote to tell me my dear friend, Pete, wrote some of the Meditations in the recent edition and this made me regret not subscribing. I'll check on-line to see if it's available. I shared the Jerusalem website address with some ladies from church so they can give an ear to his sermons. They were wishing archives were available in our church library of recorded messages but only written ones can be gotten. They want something to listen to on their commute, and I thought perhaps they could record off the computer so they can listen on their long drive to work. Electronics!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Just wanted to let you know that I am still here. Just busy with homeworka dn my job. I totally understand how that mom feels.Even though Jamie was moving only to Milwaukee it seemed like the moon to me. Someone told me this is what we raise our kids to do is to leave home but they nevere said dit would be easy.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kim,
I read that article too! at the office, Pastor Rosenow came in and caught me with tears. He totally understood, and said he would be sure Ellen read it. their kids all just went back to school.
what do you think of Mcain's VP pick?

Love and Hugs,

Kim Lahaie Day said...

Oh, yes, Linda, when you think about the parents who are sending their kids all over the place to college or schools like Rosenows are doing--wow! My one city away looks like walking distance! God bless them for being able to do that!

I love the VP choice but fear for what terrible things will be put forth about her. One lady in the building says Palin has no experience in dealing with international politics but other jumped to her defense about her ability to negotiate and manage. These discussions were among women who'd you'd expect to be more "Hillary-minded", who had no international experience either! Should be interesting.......

Love and squeezes and tissues for the tears,
