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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I should be outside right now!

It's so beautiful outside today, cloudy with a warm breeze. I did a lot of reading poolside last week and should do the same today. I am working on a document for the BOD president for use at a big meeting on the 20th but am taking a break now to jot a few lines.
I am halfway through The Shack, a book which seems to be the rage these days. Not normally a rage reader, or a reader at all, Judy R. said I should read this, with filters, of course, and hang on for dear life. The premise is a man, in mid-life, revisits, at invitation, the shack where his young daughter lost her life several years ago. The invite, we are lead to believe, is from God, to help this man deal with his "Great Sadness" which he wears on his heart and spirit. The Trinity is working with Mack to see clearly how all things work within God's control and to see the meaning, the value, if you will, of the sorrow and joy in our lives. Like Judy suggested, I hang on for dear, dear life as I read. Filters in place, of course.
On a much lighter note, one of my favorite TV commercials was just on, where a plumber is installing all these funky things in a shower: heat control, numerous heads, and gorgeous opera music playing. Once adjusted, he comes into the room, still tucking in, to report the shower is ready to go. I just love the idea of the plumber showering and listening to opera. Go Kohler!
I had to go close the patio doors a bit because the wind was whipping my hanging lanterns into a frenzy, causing them to smack against the frame or the ceiling or each other! They look so good there but it's not the best situation when the wind is actually blowing like it is today. It appears to be raining in Mandarin which might account for the crazy wind switch. I meant to report on Sunday that the dredging barge was back in place, arriving Saturday night at dark. But, today, it has pulled up and left the basin again. Wish I knew what was going on with that business out there. I know once the marina is built, people will buy a slip and bring their boats in, and I'll rejoice listening to the clink, clink, clink of sail hardware. Al, the man who told me last week that I lift his spirits, used to have his sailboat anchored at my house on the lake and I'd awaken to happy boat noises every morning. I never got a ride on his sailboat, it just didn't work out, probably since I loved my jet boat so much more!

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