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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

The lemon tree is.............

...........nothing but a stub. I am pretty sure it's dead and now I feel that way, too. A little bit anyway. One last ditch effort is to totally re-pot it and stir a systemic into the soil in hope of killing the beasties that killed my precious precious tree!
Not being totally without hope, in my freezer, I do have two of the lemons produced by the tree which I could cut open to salvage seeds to try planting. I would risk only one of the two lemons in order to at least have something as a remembrance. Nuts! His father has a seedling I grew from a seed but only one, which I couldn't take back, that wouldn't be nice.
Here is some good news! My friend, Joanne, is back in town!!! She's been gone over 5 months taking care of her dad and getting his house ready for sale in MI. She came over for a bit this afternoon and it was grand to have her back.
Joanne has some properties she's trying to market about an hour south of here and is going to stay on the property there as a true site agent. She'll be there 'round the clock for a month or so to try to move some properties. I don't know what kind of Realtor she thinks she is because Joanne is NOT in favor of selling my place!!!! Joanne is of the opinion that this condo speaks my name and that I need to stick it out here until I absolutely cannot any longer. Okay then! Dee is of the same opinion, in her words, "I want you in this condo!". Not one down the street or in the next county or in WI---here!!
This afternoon after she left, I got busy opening the huge boxes which held the purchases people made at the Southern Living party I had. Many of them would be at Pat's party tonight so I waited for today to open them. Such a mess of boxes and packing paper! At least I was able to rid myself of one box because I filled it back up with peoples' purchases to haul down to Pat's. Now Pat has to deal with it instead! Justin could probably use the box in his move in a couple weeks but that's okay, since there are two more in my family room!
At the party I got to see many of our mutual friends, including Sharon who did Lynn's facial which was her birthday gift from me. Tracy came a bit late but it was great to see her. She lives below me but I hadn't seen or heard (hardly) from her since the last Board meeting. She asked me to breakfast on Saturday and I accepted. Justin is coming either Friday afternoon or sometime Saturday to help me with a couple things but I'll be done with breakfast before he'd get here anyway.
After the party, one of the guests, Jacqueline, came upstairs to see my place, because I have many of the pieces from the catalog in my home. Plus she wanted to see my place. The Units are similar in size and layout yet each one has specific differences, uniquenesses. She loved my place, trying to figure out why my rooms don't match Pat's layout. I told her mine was more like the one next door to Pat's but unless you see them all, it's hard to explain. Another of the neighbors, a new lady and her daughter, also came to the Southern Living party, my first time to meet them. The daughter is in 6th grade at St. Johns and has been there since pre-k. I mentioned that I had a son who died while at St. Johns in pre-k, and the mom asked, "The drowning?", and I said, "Yes." She got visibly upset and expressed her sympathy, which I accepted, and then she said her daughter was a year after Timmy. Elaine said, "I love the little angel by the bench." I thanked her and told her the tree there is also planted in his memory, moved from behind the old pre-k building to the new middle school building, in a prominent place. It's been a while since I've been over to school to see the tree, the bench or the little angel. I think that means something, don't you?


Anonymous said...

Hey Girlfriend!

Would you let me try to save the lemon tree? I can repot it, give it the minerals it might need, spray it it with bug killer for leaf miners and such. I still have the plant from church that was put outside when they made the fellowship hall into a pre school. My Sister In Law gave me cuttings from one of her plants when we first got married and it's still going strong 30 years later. I can't promise it will live but I can't let it go without trying. If you can bring it to church today I can work on it over the weekend. I didn't know the tree was so sick! Please let me try to help, and it must be ASAP if we can try to save it!

Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Cindy!

First, let me ask you this: did you post a comment about the curry chicken the other day? I didn't know if it was from you or Christine or who....

Thanks very much for the offer! Sure, I'll take you up on it but it's not something I can simply pick up and carry around. I could remove it from the pot, I guess, but would it be okay if it's not in soil for a length of time? Justin might be coming by this afternoon, maybe between the two of us we could get it into my car and I could bring it your house. You are a gem!



Anonymous said...

Good morning Kim,
I just finished reading the Shack a couple days ago. I agree, WOW!
I was telling Pastor R about it and would like him to read it. I can't wait to compare notes with you. Hope you can save the lemon tree!

Love & Hugs

kathy b said...

You CANNOT leave the condo!!

Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Linda!

Thanks for sending the picture of the perfect man, that was just what I needed!

I didn't know you were reading The Shack!!!! Did you have to hang on for dear life? You can see why I had to, but WOW, what a ride that was! The pictures of what's before as painted by the author/storyteller are incredible but the souls dancing in the meadow in color.....
"I know not, oh, I know not what joys await us there. What radiancy of glory, what bliss beyond compare!"

See you in person in December!!!!!

Love you big time!


Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Kathy!

I guess I have to put a tick in the NO column for leaving the condo! Thanks for weighing in! We might have a fundraiser at church to help me stay in "joy center" here above the river!

Please send me your e-mail address again, my short-term memory loss is acting up today.....



kathy b said...

Hugs to you, too. I'm going to have to get a copy of The Shack. I checked out the website and that, along with your comments, makes me anxious to dive right in! My email address: Remember, I'm not always good at checking it and I'm blocked from using it at work :(.

Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Kathy!

You can read my copy of the book if you'd like....even though it's all marked up with toward the back. I'd love to share and have someone else to talk about it with. My friend, Linda, is encouraging her pastor to read it, too. I didn't even know she was reading it so that makes it more special to me.
Enjoy the trip and make sure you read the Introduction, it's important.



kathy b said...

That would be great to borrow your copy of The Shack! Thanks so much - you're the best!

Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Kathy!

I am honored to lend you my copy! I'll bring it along tonight!

