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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Cindy to the rescue!

This morning was good news/not so good news day for me. Not so good news first is that I must have the housekeepers return and finish the job started yesterday. I figured I'd use them one more time before my funds are reduced (so far so good in that department) and wanted a nice, clean environ for when Judy arrives. In the afternoon when Joanne was here I noticed chair marks yet in the rug in the river room which normally would have been removed by the vacuum cleaner. Oh well, no biggie, I guess.

Well. last evening when Jacqueline was up here, I noticed the dining room floor must have been missed also because there were schnibbles (sorry for the rough language, Lisa!) from scrapbooking on the floor. Okay, the first rug was an oops, but the other rug and the hardwood, not so much. And the sun shines directly into the kitchen and onto the face of my stove, my new best friend, and it looked wretched. I called their office and apologized right off the bat for being a complainer BUT this, not good.
The manager is having my usual cleaner, Angela, come by as soon as she comes in to make the corrections. I am glad it's her because then she can see and report that I was not being too fussy or anything. I had Angela's former partner and a new girl yesterday since Angela has a new team. In my room around my desk and such, no problem, because I make this mess prohibitive to cleaning but not those wide open spaces, as I said, should be a breeze, for them! Since it's my turn to clean at church this week, I decided to spare my back and use it at church instead of here. Wonder how much they'd charge me to clean at church??????????????????????
The good news, the great news, is that Cindy wants to try to save the lemon tree. She has a green thumb and good chemicals, good mojo, to give it a shot. Gotta love that can do spirit!!!! Now I must find a way to haul it to her house for rehab. Cindy is opening a rehab facility for sick and dying trees! Bless you!

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