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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

My tummy hurts!

In waking early this morning, my tummy was just growling and growling away. It is not an unusual occurrence after eating later in the evening to be extra hungry in the morning. Since the remainder of my delicious white mountain bread took a furry green glow and had to be disposed of yesterday morning, I knew toast was not an option for breakfast. Normally I eat 'breakfast' mid- to late- morning, not 7:30, but I was going to make an exception to the unwritten rule. Aha! I had leftover apple dumpling from my nearly missed dinner plans with the church ladies (when I didn't get the memo!), so I tippy-toed to the kitchen to re-heat the dumpling (you are what you eat!!!) without waking Joanne. It was more than half which means I barely made a dent in my dumpling Tuesday, but did eat the ice cream off the top to soothe my tongue which I'd burned on my chili the night before. Medicinal purposes, for burned tongues and snake bite!
There was just too much discussion on Fox and Friends today about the upcoming events in Washington DC so I decided I needed a "fix" from my friends on "Seinfeld". There is a complete episode guide that came with the boxed set to help find the particular show which I did find---known as "The Clip Show". I needed that! I just laughed and laughed while eating my dumpling in the warmth of my bed. So, does my tummy hurt from eating apple dumpling or from laughing??????

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