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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Quieting the evening at home

Which brings me to now......the furnace is running and running, trying to warm my room and me! I had such a big lunch that eating supper was not foremost on my list until just now. When I got home this afternoon, I had determined I was going to take a rest but that never happened. Let me back up a bit....
After leaving Great Hang Ups, the Rosses and I went to have lunch at Longhorn across the street. Jen was hungry for a steak so Rick relented and agreed to Longhorn instead of Mongo's, where Leoni's used to be. It was cold in the restaurant and even though the Manager turned up the temp, it never seemed to improve. It felt better almost outside than in, only because the sun was shining on us. This cold snap is really getting old, and I apologize to my northern readers for saying this!
Longhorn had a new sandwich on the menu which I opted to try, forgoing my usual chicken tenders. Knowing the sandwich would be large, I asked Christopher if he'd like to share with me, which he did. I told him he was taking Justin's place as my designated eater! At O'Charley's for Mem's birthday Chris helped me with my dinner, too. After our lunch, I headed to church to set up for the Lord's Supper tomorrow. Carol was just leaving when I pulled up and she told me she had put the tables in place already so all I needed to do was fill the glasses, etc. That was easy! A meeting for the tuberous sclerosis group meets in our Fellowship hall once a month and today was their day. I tried to be as unobtrusive as possible but one of our members who is also part of this group called out to me. I was forced to interact! What can I say?
Once done with the setting up, I headed back home, forgetting all about stopping at Office Max for the ink cartridges----again! On the way home, near Blanding, I saw what must have been a funeral procession lead by a motorcycle cop, only the limos used were the long, white "prom"-style cars, two of them, followed by the rest of the mourners. Quite impressive looking but yet out of place. Hmmmm.......
So, now I will settle back with my book, Grandma Speaks, until my eyes refuse to read any longer. Have a great evening all, and think about my friend, Suzanne, who is camping this weekend, despite the cold weather......I am warm!


Anonymous said...

Just got home a short while ago from Luigi's. Went there with my firnds Jeff and Laurie. Jeff used to be the maintenance man at work a few years ago. It was enjoyable time. Now I plan to play a few games on the puter and then finish going through papers. I finally cleaned out my desk and I can start on other areas. On the 24th I am having a birthday party for Dan want to come. It may be warmer here than there. LOL! He is going to be 16. Where did all that time go? Love Jill

Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Jill,

It sounds as though you had a rather nice day today! Glad to hear it! Yes, indeed, a good question about where the time goes....."like smoke through a keyhole", as they said on The Bucket List.



Anonymous said...

Reading what has the world of Kim come to. So is there a movie to follow? ;)

Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Jennifer,

Yes, reading! It is a quick and easy read but rich with Word and blessings! No movie as far as I know!

