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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Monday, February 23, 2009

A new morning, perhaps a renewed attitude

Already I am in the window with the sun shining on my face and arm, with the river quiet. The palms are stirring only the tiniest bit in the breeze---no huge gusts to stir things up. It might be lovely day after all!
So far Linda is the only one to comment on my posting after the meeting yesterday, but several people have discussed this with me via Facebook. Jen wrote that she liked the blog posting because it told her more than her hubby did after being at the meeting. He might have been prepared for the what the Team showed us, after spending the time with them on Saturday, having a better feel. As I mentioned, it is not so much the answer to our question, as we knew it would be pretty much a yes or no thing, but more the facing of the facts the Team presented to us. Our property is not presentable, it takes us too long to do things, we have a lack of unity and male leadership, a 'no one is in charge' sentiment, struggles with worship and leadership (again). Not a pretty picture looking back at us in the "mirror" Greg held up. Let's get up, dust ourselves off, and get moving in the right direction starting NOW!!!
Originally Joanne and I had planned to watch the Oscars together last night but her dad ended up in the hospital so she was with him until after 9:00 pm. He has a respiratory problem and had to be admitted overnight. She just called from there, having left quite early this a.m., to report he has torn out his IV's, removed the telemetry leads from his body which allow the staff to monitor his heart and oxygen, removed the oxygen tubes from his nose, and dressed himself to go home! He is giving her a very hard time, in his state of confusion and Alzheimer condition, so she is wondering if they will need to sedate and then restrain him in order to get his mess under control. She might transfer him to another hospital but this one is so convenient to our shared home that it makes sense to keep him here and not confuse him even more.
Justin was going to watch the Oscar's, too, but then sort of backed off, expecting it to be "too political" a show, especially with "Milk" and "Frost/Nixon" in the running. Mostly he wanted to see if Heath Ledger would earn an award for "The Dark Knight", which Ledger did win, but felt like creatures such as Penn would taint the event. On F & F this a.m., the comment was made about having Hugh Jackman serve as host curtailed the political chatter, much to my delight. Certainly the fashion show portion will continue ad nauseum for a week or so on cable channels as well as on the Internet so I can catch up on that later.
Twila is able to get in and out of cars these days so I am picking her up for Bible study this a.m. Jean, her sister-in-law, drove her yesterday but has to work today so I have the privilege of driving Miss Daisy, as Gretchen likes to call it. I had better allow plenty of time for the drive over there and then back again so will dress myself for the day and leave further writing until later!


Anonymous said...

We talked for an hour yesterdy so I had no comments left to know how I feel about that little church and the people in it.....I'm sorry things went the way they did. Give my love to the luncheon ladies. Mom

Suzanne Chappell said...

Hi Kim,
I've looked at your blog and facebook several times, yet haven't been able to comment, only because I've been struggling with issues that came about during this whole process. Interesting, John spoke with Mike and Judy yesterday, and neither told them anything about the report. Thank YOU for reporting!

It is sad that we cannot move forward with the school, but it is certainly not news to me! I made a comment to one of my friends afterwards, maybe we need to address the "elephant in the room" before we can move forward. Amazingly they weren't aware there was a problem. Hmm...Sometimes, we're faced to look at ourselves in the mirror, and don't like what we see!

Anonymous said...

Hi Kim,
I am afraid we will have to look in the mirror here at FG. We will be starting the Parish Assistance program here soon. I hope people are prepared to deal with what they will hear!! We have a lot of the same things to face as you do at GS. Pray, pray, pray!!!
Love and hugs,

Anonymous said...

I do not like the fashion critics after these shows. Lisa Rinna was not so great at this event yet she will criticize others. I personally do not care what these celebrities are wearing.

Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Mom!

Yes, I know you have good feelings about the church family at Good Shepherd but even you would saddened to see the condition of the property, etc. I know it's about what is inside the doors, but we also must get folks past those nasty looking doors in order for them to hear the Word of Salvation!

I will tell them all hello from you on Wednesday night!



Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Suzanne!

How odd that neither of those two had anything to say about the meeting to John....How do you account for this? Write to me and tell me about the issues which came up via the process that distressed you, I am truly interested. You are welcome for my posting, had to get it off my chest, you know?

Like I said yesterday, just because the Team says "not right now", not starting does not mean we stop! We must get going on our property and projects, to get them finished. Then fill those Sunday school rooms to overflowing!



Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Linda!

Yes, I am sure it will be same as our church being faced with what is what, what is real vs. what is hoped. I am all about hope and confidence, but sometimes......I would love to see your paperwork from the first visit with the Parish Assistance Team....share it with me when you think about it, okay?

Praying to the Lord and asking Him for guidance and thanking Him for His blessings in the past----great advice, my friend. Thanks!



Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Jill,

I can't say I recognize the name of the person you mentioned, but I do find it fun to see and hear what the critics have to say. Guess I like the glamour of Hollywood but not always the garbage that comes out of it!



Anonymous said...

Hi Kim--Sorry to hear about the school--Christian Ed. is so important these days. It sounds as though the team did there homework and came up with a WAIT plan which doesn't mean STOP. It took 10 years to build VOTL. You know who would be disappointed to hear the property is neglected. You're in my prayers. I, too, have a "Miss Daisy" taking me to bible study on Wednesdays, in addition to assisting me with my errands. In between we do lunch--must nourish our bodies! I'm very grateful.

Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Rosalie!

You would not believe how often I often I think about Hal when I look at the lawn, or weeds it might be.

I have spent hours talking to others about the conclusion and the dealing therewith. Lots of work in front of us now as we move forward with our efforts!

Love and hugs,


Kim Lahaie Day said...

For clarification purposes, let me embellish upon the previous comment:

I am talking with folks about dealing with conclusion which the LES Team came to upon finishing their research, etc.