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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Things are really looking UP....

....which is what we should have been doing all along, I guess. Last night I spent some time on the phone and some through e-mail as I spoke with one of our young parents from church. Her hubby and she went through BIC, which I also go through often with prospects, to get to know them better and help with assimilation into the church family. This couple needed no help from me! Married in 2005, they now have two little ones, with their daughter being our youngest member. Every Sunday I think to myself: "I need to get a photo of Joe Z. holding Sadie"--our oldest and youngest members!
Kristin is enthusiastically attempting to put together a group similar to the Pioneers for the infant to pre-K children in the congregation, and eventually as outreach to our neighbors and the parents of our preschoolers with younger ones. This idea began with Kristin calling me in late January to pick my brain. She had been told by the preschool teacher about the program we used to have called "Moms 'n More" which sort of faded away for a couple reasons, so she felt I was the person to call first with her idea. I directed her to the Education Elder so this could be handled through the proper avenues. Brian was helpful and also excited, connecting her with other parents and those with education backgrounds to brainstorm. This is so exciting!
She contacted me last night for the names and ages of parents with young ones which I sent to her as we spoke, and I also offered a name for the group: Little Lambs! This group of kids will naturally flow, then, into Precious Lambs Preschool, we pray. Last week I had found some information and other useful literature on the Synod's website which I had forwarded, and Pastor had told Kristin about an infant to pre-k program through another publishing house to use. I cannot tell you how inspiring this is, to have a number of our newer members taking the bull by the horns on projects----first the auction baskets by the two ladies who attend Tuesday night Bible study and then this program for the little lambs! Hey, Linda J.!---who do I talk to get a template of the lamb from the baptism board at F. G.??? Birdie??
My home is extra warm today as I have flipped the switch and am cleaning my oven from three rooms away! I cannot remember if I have cleaned this oven before or not, but Tarren, I am thinking of you as I do it. Remember the story about the woman's oven door exploding, and her stove was just like mine??? I am hesitant to go into the kitchen in case that sucker decides to blow!
This brings to mind another funny story from last night----Sunday I had made some pork ribs in the oven, using golden mushroom soup instead of bbq sauce and made the most delicious dinner for myself. Well, since the Ladies' Group meeting was cancelled, I decided to stay home and re-heat the ribs once more in the oven. When they had, I figured, sufficiently reheated, I took the roaster from the oven and removed the cover. Just as I was about to poke in and grab a piece, POP!, the thing spit at me! I got splashed with some hotness on my face a bit, but mostly my shirt took the brunt of the spit. Well! There was no call for violence! Later, though, as I talked on the phone with Kristin, I was running my fingers through my lengthy locks and felt something. What the....? As I picked and pulled, here came a chunk of pork which had lodged itself in my hair and I never even realized it! First I smelled like bleach and now like pork!


Anonymous said...

I'm not sure what Kari has at F.G. but it is with babies or childen to young for pre-school etc.I believe it is a Sun. morning thing.....maybe she could help you....Kathy W. has had requests for a class of some kind for Mom' with little kids....a good trend.Remember Lori had some kind of Moms'&more group going at one time although I think that was more Mom

Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Mom!

That must be the group Alayna is going to be observing so can perhaps sit in to help with the lessons. At F. G. it is Christ-based and I do think Lori's was more a social outlet for the mom's, but I should not say for sure, they may have had Bible time as well. I know they prayed for me when Roger left the first time, because Lori told me so.

Kristin sees a need for some organized Jesus' instruction at a younger age and I think she will make sure it happens. She said I can be the marketing manager!



Anonymous said...

Good morning,
I am laughing out loud, you with pork in your hair!! If you want me to check on the pattern for the lambs. I think Kevin's neighbor does them, but I'm not sure.
I am thinking of you this morning, and praying all goes well!!
Love and hugs,

Suzanne Chappell said...

The pork in your hair really made me laugh! You certainly could have come over to enjoy some spaghetti, but you would have missed Kristin's call.. so, you had to stay home! Even if you have passed on two invites for meals with the Chappells, in as many days! :)

I'm very proud of Kristin taking this project on. It is obvious that she has put a lot of thought and research into it! Can't wait to see it blossom!

Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Linda!

And here we are trying to cut the "pork" from our lives and I have to pull it out of my hair. Does that make it pulled pork?????

If you can find the template, that would be most I told Kristin last night, I am not above "borrowing ideas" from others. Why re-invent the wheel??

Thanks for your good and caring thoughts! I can always depend on you and my peeps for support!

Love and hugs,


Suzanne Chappell said...

Is Joe really the oldest member? Not Evelyn or Iva? I would have thought Iva for sure is the oldest!

Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Suzanne!

Just as I read your line about "blossom"ing, the portion of "In Christ Alone" played "....and bursting forth in glorious song" came on, and made me smile loudly!

I am terribly sorry for missing the dinner with you last night, but then, I would not have had the pulled pork story!

Love and hugs,


Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi again!

Joe is slightly older than Iva, but both are 90; Evelyn is not that old yet. I was thinking of giving Evelyn a call to see how she is doing. I miss her!



Anonymous said...

Hi Kim--That pork recipe with the mushroom sounds hummy--but not in your hair. Delighted you are taking care of yourself and get all the testing done; I have mammos every year. Both my mom and sister died of cancer. I had thyroid cancer back in '88--not sure you were at GS then--but I'm doing fine--thanks to my heavenly Father. My thyroid or lack thereof is regulated with a daily dose of synthroid. To be continued....

Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Rosalie!

Oh, it is a wonderful recipe but you just have to stand back for a little while or you get pig spit on you! And in your hair!!

I did know about your thyroid cancer even if we were not there when it happened. A couple of my friends use synthroid and have to be monitored for proper levels and such. Yes, thanks be to God for the health we do have and want to keep!

In hopes of getting off of prescription medications, I had postponed going to the doctor but guess my world is shaken by my friend's illness. Seems like this is the week for sucking it up and doing it!

