My photo
No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Monday, May 4, 2009

I had a fling!

Oh, my! Look at the delicious strawberries and chocolate sensations before us! Now this is what I call a Spring Fling! Judy C. is removing the protective covers from the dessert spread as we are ready to begin our fun afternoon. Janet called upon me to lead the prayer and I was honored to do so! On the wall above where Judy is working you can see a framed piece, The Lord's Prayer, which was a gift to us from my sister, Lori, when Timmy died. The brass plaque reads: The Big One, which is what Timmy called The Lord's Prayer.

The ladies wait for the next fashion model to come out with her up-to-date outfit on. Kathy B. is on the left in blue, behind her is Ethel, and across from Ethel is Gretchen. At the end of the table is Carol D. and her daughter, Laurie.

In the foreground here is Twila Squared, Twila's (in the yellow top) granddaughter. In pink is Donna W. and her daughter-in-law next to her, with her mom behind her, next to Twila.

Here is Anna in her lovely "Ball Gown", all decorated in every sort of orb! Such great fun this fashion show was! It seems that Anna did not mind one bit serving as a model for the show, which makes my heart quite pleased!

These fine ladies joined us from Victory Lutheran, where I attend Bible study and occasionally worship on Saturdays with Justin. Bonnie, in the black top, is the church secretary; next to her is Nancy M., a fellow scrapbooker, and next to her is Marilyn, who is a former co-worker with Terri T., the person who helped me dish up the cake for the New Member Welcome. It was great for these two ladies to get together again, a wonderful surprise for Terri! In front of Marilyn is our party favor, a clay flower pot with decorated cup cakes stuck inside. The "flowers" are actually mini marshmallows!

This table of young ladies came to us from another end of the county, Christ Lutheran, in Keystone Heights. We will be serving as a joint ministry with this congregation as their pastor is retiring and the congregation can no longer afford a pastor. Ours will serve them with worship at 1:30 in the afternoons on Sunday three times a month, with one of our members, a former Lutheran school teacher, being Certified as a Staff Minister, to help serve both congregations. This will begin soon so it was nice to have these people come up to make our acquaintence. Some of us plan to go down there to worship on occasion, too, to lend moral and "sisterly" support to Christ Lutheran.
Here is the line up of models from the fashion show, with Janet, our hostess supreme: Far left is Janet; next is her daughter, Tamara, sporting her "14 carrot" ring (mini carrots fashioned into a ring!); Tam's friend, Jennifer who wore the turtles around her neck earlier; Lynn K. in her "evening gown", covered in stars; her daughter, Anna, in the ball gown; and Judy C. in her "sack dress"!
This is a "before" picture of the sandwich and appetizer table, before the guests devoured it. At the end were finger sandwiches and mini-quiches. All was delicious and the company amazing. We are pleased to have 60 ladies attend, some with daughters, in-laws, moms, sisters, or simply with their sisters in Christ! I borrowed a mom, Judy J., and am glad she came. She had a great time, lots of laughs and good fellowship. This will be a difficult show to follow, if it happens again next year---I suspect it will!


Anonymous said...

Hi Kim,
It looks like everyone had a great time at Spring Fling!! I enjoyed the pictures, lots of familiar faces!!! Be sure to say hello to everyone for me!!!
I just read your post from yesterday, about the snake!!! YIKES!! I don't like snakes!

Have a blessed day!
Love and springy hugs,
Linda J

Kim Lahaie Day said...

God morning, Linda!

Can you even know how much I love it that you recognzie people in the photos??? That is so delightful, we share people so many miles there such a thing as a stranger???

Did you notice Suzanne's remark about the snake knowing there was no guard cat here to keep him out? Funny! I am sure it will never happen again, but on the other hand.....precautions will be taken!

Hugs and going to the beach blessings,


p.s. Kathy B. and I are going to Joe's, with a cooler!!!!

Anonymous said...

Good morning,
I don't even want to think what our cats would do with a snake! They would probably think it was a toy.
Have fun at Joe's! Did you get one of those riding coolers?

wishing I was there hugs!!!
Linda J

PS. It feels like the beach in here today, it is 80 degrees above zero in my office!!!

Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Linda J.:

Ye, that is probably what my cat would have done that, too, or run the other way! The vet had asked me if she possibly swollowed a lizard or bug, and I said Lynx was too skittish to do that. What would she do with a snake???

About Joe's: Kathy B. has never been there so we are going out, after my dental appointment, to have a bite and a drink. She wants to go pick up shark teeth and I like to sit on the chair, so off she can go and leave to absorb the rays!

I might not take the riding cooler this time...short stay!



Anonymous said...

Hi;somehow I missed the story about the snake....thought I was all caught up but missed that one until to-day.Now for sure I will never darken your door way again. Remember our other snake episode? I too like Linda enjoyed seeing the familiar faces of the Good Shepherd ladies.Hello to everyone. Mom

Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Mom!

Yes, a snake wrapped, intertwined itself in my metal doors until "rescued" by Connie! How I wish I did not know about this!

I will say hi to all who know you and even those who do not. Your photo appeared in our church newsletter somehow or another........I will send it to you via e-mail, only the page in question so as not to plug your system!



Anonymous said...

I wish it had been 80 above zero today at work. It was cool at work today. Good thing I have a sweater on hand. Doesn't help that I am by the back door and right across from the air vent. After the end of this year the back door won't be used so much. They are putting an end to smoking on the property. So the employees won't be going out that door to smoke. I would sy 90% of the employees smoke. So glad that I guit. I couldn't afford them though. Eyes are getting droopy so good night and talk to you again.

Kim Lahaie Day said...

God morning, Jill!

That will be so nice for you when the smoking is gone. Soon you will be working hard enough to keep yourself good 'n warm, all the hustling serving the mint chocolate chip ice cream in a cup please.....

Have an awesome, smoke-free day!


Anonymous said...

I already plan to have M.C.C. ice cream here when you come. Probably get some down by Jamie's too at Woodman's. Just a few more weeks and I am going to be a mom in law. Hope I can be a good one. Hugs!

Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Jill!

I had to laugh at myself for a second, because when you mention getting ice cream down by Jamie's, I thought of my friend, Jami, who also likes mint chocolate chip! I remember telling you about that once. Funny!

You will be fine mom-in-law, don't you worry about that!

