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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Monday on the river

Yesterday, at church, Jennifer P. asked me about sitting out by the pool, when we discussed whether their pool was warm enough to swim in. She said her boys went in, and then came out to warm themselves on the pavers around the pool where the heat was stored. I told her I had not been poolside this season, except one day in March before my court hearing. She was surprised because I am tan, which I attribute to sitting here in my window with the sun beaming in on me. This does not get my legs any color at all, being under the desk, so I must consider making plans to sit poolside during the day and tan my legs soon!
Last night I stayed up late to write and watch TV in the family room. Joanne came in well after dark, did a bit of cooking before heading to bed because of rising early for jury duty. Normally the family room is her domain and because I had not turned on the A/C since getting home late afternoon, she was too warm to sit in there with me. I told her to turn on the air if she wanted to, which did cool it off enough for her to move out of the river room to where I was. After going to bed, I heard Jo get back up some time later, her thinking that I had gone to bed and left the lights on. But nope, I was still in there, using the laptop to communicate with the world. I doubt she got a full night's sleep, because I suspect she got up again later, since the TV channel was set this a.m. to the Weather Channel, which I swear I was not watching when I shut it off! Sometimes, the harder you try to go to sleep, the worse it is to actually do it!
This a.m. I did lie in bed a whole lot longer than normally would, due in part to staying up so late last night. When I woke up the last time, I heard the 'parting music' to "Monk" playing on my TV, which means it was after 8:00 a.m.! Wow, that is late for me. I got myself showered, dressed and ready for the day just in time to leave for Bible study. Kathy B. and I established that she was to be called when we finished class so she could join us for lunch. She had no school today or tomorrow because the school where she teaches is being 'sanitized' due to a student testing positive for the H1N1 flu. Yippee! A free day off! She did join us for lunch and is spending the balance of her day taking care of things around the house, making good use of her 'snow day'. Lynn K., our pastor's wife, thought she was off today too but not so. She very much looked forward to having a couple free days, as well, but it was not to be.
When I got home from the restaurant, carrying my to-go box with me across the parking lot, the maintenance lady, Connie, yelled to me. I must have looked startled because she apologized for making it sound scary....She asked me if my neighbor, Donna, had said anything to me about the snake. No, what snake??? Connie told me she was hosing off the promenades and courtyards on Friday, and when she got to my door, she noticed a long, grey snake intertwined in the bars on the kitchen door!!!! AAAAHHHHH! I could not believe it and have to wonder just how long it had been there, and why I didn't see it. What if I had? What would I have done about it???? Piled chairs against the inside wood door to keep it out, I guess. Connie used an extension rod to coax it to wrap around the stick and one of the young men downstairs escorted it to the island in the basin. Yikes! Here is the bad, scary part---my kitchen door, the wood one, was not quite closed tightly, which means that wicked serpent could have found its way into my house. She suggested we no longer keep the house doors open (what???) so no snakes come in. How did it get up there in the first place???? Oh, honestly!


Suzanne Chappell said...

The snake heard you didn't have a cat anymore, so he figured it was safe to try to come in!

I do not like snakes one bit! At least I only had a turtle to deal with! (I have had a snake in the house though, courtesy of the cats!)


Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Suzanne!

I sort of thought the same thing, like: who do you think you are coming around here? Just because I don't have a cat anymore doesn't mean you can just wrap yourself around my door any time you feel like it!!!!

That was after the screaming stopped, of course!



Anonymous said...

That is so scary about the snake. If it had been me I would be moving as we speak. You know how I am about things like that. Wonder if it has anything to do with being chased with worms. Were you in on that or was that just Kerry? I am glad that it was sent to a new home. Must go now. Have a great day! Now I have the creepies. Love Jill

Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Jill,

Sorry, but I do not remember the worm chasing event, probably if I was not on the receiving end of the chase!

Talk about creepies! Joanne said something along the lines of "big deal!" and said she would catch any snakes that got into the house because she is not one bit afraid of them! So there!!! Gulp!

You know if it was a mouse what the story would be, don't you? No sleep, ever watchful, and a house full of cats for security purposes!

Love and hugs,
