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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Sunday evening coming down

Poor Joanne! She has to get up extremely early in the morning tomorrow to report for Jury duty downtown in Jacksonville, as she is still a registered voter in Duval. She called the appointed number tonight to make sure she needed to show up and the message said all those contacted must 8:30 a.m. They park at the football stadium and are shuttled over to the courthouse, having to be front and center for duty promptly at 8:30! That means she has to leave home at least by 7:00 a.m.! Joanne plans to go to bed early so she can get up easily in the a.m. You sure don't want to mess with City Hall, or the courthouse!
This a.m. I picked up the beautiful cake and table decorations for the New Member Welcome, plus three cases of soda, at Publix. Spring green was my color of choice and looked quite festive when completely set up. The three new members posed with the cake and then it was cut and served. I had a helper come to move the line along after the kids were done picking out which piece they wanted, with my "emergency cake" not needed to be cut into. I was concerned the 1/4 sheet wouldn't go all the way around, but it did, just barely!
Janet was waiting less than patiently for these festivities to be over so the room could be set up for our 60 ladies coming that afternoon for the Mother/Daughter event. Tables were set up and chairs put in place. Judy J. was my "mom" and we were allowed to sit at the "VIP" table because I was the one leading the prayer. We had ladies from the sistering congregations there, too, which was wonderful. We had all finger foods, no silverware, including sandwiches, mini quiche, and desserts. The fashion show was a hoot, with funny outfits made up. For instance, a T-shirt with tea bags attached to the bottom of a shirt; a "ball gown" which was a formal with all sorts of different balls attached to it; an "evening gown" with nothing but stars decorating the dress...see the pattern? It was just a hoot with little girls and no longer young women serving as models.
Just prior to the event getting underway, Kathy B. got a phone call from the school where she teaches, reporting that there was no school for the next two days because of the flu! She did not know if it was preventative or if a case has been discovered, but Lynn, our Pastor's wife, was so relieved to have two days off! She also teaches and has been working some long hours recently, getting things ready to wrap up for the end of the year. She said she was going to sleep all day tomorrow....or at least late! Kathy B. is joining us for lunch but not Bible study because she, too, wants to sleep! I have such a good life, sleeping anytime I want to----well, almost anyway!
The choir sang twice today, once singing the psalm with the congregation plus the response after the 2nd reading. Suzanne said when she was singing the words as part of worship, she got a bit choked up. Guess I am rubbing off on people! "Every knee shall bow, every tongue shall sing that Jesus Christ is Lord!" We also sang "Draw Near" as the first communion distribution hymn, followed by "I Am Jesus' Little Lamb", since it was Good Shepherd Sunday. Oh, dear! Carol knew it was a funeral hymn and she came to sit down next to me. She reached over to pull out a hymnal and said, "We can do this...." and proceeded to sing along. Nothing came out of me but tears, and then it was my turn to go up for communion. I was mopping as I made my way from the pew and up the aisle, and Janet reached over to squeeze my hand as we stood to go to the rail. Kristi was behind me and patted my shoulders. It was under control through the Sacrament and when I got back to my row, I reached over to get a tissue from the MIDI speaker. Kristi came along and gave me a giant hug, and then, when Suzanne came back, she hugged me, too.
I just cannot help it, and I imagine folks think "Isn't she over this yet?" or similar thoughts. Though Timmy died just over 8 years ago, but it feels like yesterday sometimes. I certainly know I have nothing to fear for my child, he is safe with the Lord, as Jesus' little lamb, but I still miss him terribly. And am sad he is gone from me. "....and when my short life if ended, by His angel host attended, He shall fold me to His breast, there within His arms to rest." And some might wonder why this makes me cry? REALLY??? I am also quite moved by the expressions of love, comfort and concern from my friends, and that is why I love them all so much!!!


Kim Lahaie Day said...

My brother-in-law sent this to me last night, to soothe the savage breast, as it were....He is a musician and made the recording himself. Please enjoy!

Anonymous said...

I am glad that Joanne is willing to do her time with the jury. So many people try to get out of it because it is an inconvenience for them. I am giving you a mental hug for yesterday. I get teary eyed at that song too. Not just for Timmy but also for my grandsons. it is time to finish getting ready for the day. Sunny May hugs!

Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Jill!!

Joanne was telling how different people were trying to give her suggstions for getting out of serving. She told them she was not going to lie, it is her civic responsibility to do so, etc. Good for her!

About the hymn: At first my memory told me Justin chose this hymn but now thinking back, it was Roger who suggested this one, because it is so perfect and fitting. Those who were there that day know the value of it, or those who know the words recognize the message it delivers for the living as well as those gone ahead. I really was doing better before Carol came to sit with me, but she must never know that!

Hugs and blessings,


Anonymous said...

Hi; wish I could get what David sent you. It's alright to cry about Timothy's funeral songs....I do.....especially when I'm next to Lynn....we aren't crying because he's in Heaven, but the words are so beautiful.....we can look forward to heaven. Mom

Suzanne Chappell said...

How could anyone ever say, "isn't she over it yet?" You don't get OVER it, you can only learn how to live your days on earth without him, knowing that he is with our Savior, and we will one day join them both! "Be still, and know that I AM God!"

On an up note, the Spring Fling was an absolute blast! I had so much fun, I burst my zipper! I hope we can start a tradition! But I don't want to bust another zipper!

Love and more hugs my dear friend!

Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Mom!

I doubt you can open that youtube thing from David, but someday, when we are at Jill's or somewhere, I will play it for you. It is the song "Simple Gifts" played on the dulcimer, with "Amazing Grace" woven through it. Typical David music, but all you see of him are his hands strumming away.

You are right about crying about missing Timmy, especially when we sing the "funeral songs", like on Easter Sunday and the day before when the ladies were rehearsing. It is the picture of heaven and knowing what he experiences as "Jesus' Little Lamb" and how much we miss him that prompts the tears. Pastor told me it is a gift, to be able to openly express sentiment...not a German thing at all!



Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Suzanne,

Thanks for saying what you did about "getting over it". I wonder to myself sometimes, what if I never experienced these things in my life---how sensitive would I be to other people......? I certainly is eye and heart opening.

Speaking of openings---you wardrobe malfunction yesterday was just a hoot! Those Chinese seamstresses are just yukking it up somewhere, knowing it was only a matter of time before that zipper was going to blow! Who thought it would be at a Spring Fling??? Next year, our new tradition, wear something pullover to avoid this from happening!!!

You know, when an event was this wonderful the first time out, it will be difficult to reproduce again next that a challenge or what?

Ladies' Group tonight....can you make it?

