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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

What happened to my gang?

Well, I was there but no one else was! Hmmm....good thing Agnes told me to write it down or I would have messed up the date and time for our Sprint luncheon---oh, wait! I did write it down. I checked my note where I did write it down, as directed, and sure enough, I was right! It was disappointing to not find them there, with the Host and I walking through to look for familiar faces. He even called the Fleming Island store to see if perhaps I goofed on the location, but there was no group of ladies up there waiting for me. Huh, well, even though I was quite hungry, I opted to simply move on to the grocery store for my ingredients.
Oh, the store smelled so wonderful with the roasted chicken and fresh baked bread aroma! Remember, I was hungry! Fortunately I got all I needed and little else, then headed for home. In the meantime, Christine called me to report that she was using my kitchen to prepare her chicken enchilladas. So my kitchen was going to smell good, too! She was gone by the time I got back here and yes, it did smell good in here! Except for my fridge: we are having a problem in there with a stench. Yesterday I took everything out of the fridge and wiped it off, threw out that which was questionable, washed the shelves and sniffed everything. Relieved that nothing smelled like fish any longer, I put it all back in, nice 'n neat. Later I came back to get a soda and ta da! Fish smell again!!!! Let the record show that I do not buy or eat fish, so............
Bible study at Victory was again a delight, today's "tour" taking us through "Unio Mystica", the mystery of being one with our heavenly Father. It is quite wonderful to realize the Word dwells in us richly, we are to be examples of God's new creation. From Ephesians 3: 26-29--You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise. Pastor Hoyer is going to use this video and it's subject matter as his summer sermon series, tying the morning Bible study into the sermon message. I hope Justin makes sure he gets to church to hear these lessons, and it would be lovely if he arrived in time for Bible study. When it is time for the Sociology tour, about relationships, I would love to be there for that Bible study and sermon. Wow, that was such a powerful message in the class.
Time to go make the taco salad! I can smell the good aroma eminating from my kitchen now-----hopefully will cover the smell of fish!


Anonymous said...

HI Kim,
I was smelling taco salad all morning! its what's for lunch today at FG!!! I just might have to make it for supper tonight!!!
Sorry your friends didn't show up for lunch! They better have a good excuse, right!

Have fun tonight
Linda J.

Suzanne Chappell said...

Hi Kim!
Those fridge smells can be tricky! If you put an Arm & Hammer baking soda fridge box in the fridge and freezer section, it should be gone in a day.. assuming you've got the offender out!



Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Suzanne!

I have a box of baking soda in the fridge right now and I think there might be one in the freezer, of this I am not sure. There is no fish in the fridge and I certainly hope none in the freezer. For goodness sake, what more can I do? It could be worse---could be worms, right?



Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Linda J.:

Oh, my! That must have been something else, to be smelling that wonderful scent all day...Did you go down to have a sample? Are you making tacos or salad for supper? I would like to make tacos some day but not just for myself, might have to ask someone over to share with me!!

Yeah, I wonder what happened to Agnes and the ladies...I left a message for Agnes at home and am anxious to hear what the scoop was. Hopefully they will ask me again some time!

Blessings and adios!


Anonymous said...

we can make tacos when I come visit!!! I can just see us eating them in the river room, watching the activities on the river!!!

Can't wait,
Linda J.

Anonymous said...

Sorry that you didn't get to have lunch with your former co workers. Dan has to write journals for Religion every week. He has to read chapters and then summarize them and then give his opinion on them. He has a sheet from which he can choose which chapters to do. We started yesterday and the first one was Ephesians 3 and 4. Now you had it in Bible study. You could havve helped him with that one. Got to finsih up soem cleaning. Warm and tired hugs tonight! P.S. I want taco salad!

Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Linda,

I love that idea! Let's do it!!

Looking forward to it...counting the days until November. Not really, too soon to be doing that!!

Love and ole!


Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Jill,

What an exciting project for Danny! I really like reading from Ephesians and Galatian, and of course, my funeral chapter of Phil. 4!!! I would like to see what he comes up with....

Hotter hugs than yours (93 today),
