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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Change of plans today

My head was full of ideas about what to write about, as I am rarely without them, but now, something changed my mind.....
My e-mail this morning brought an interesting note from the fiance of my nephew, Tommy, who died at his own hand in late January this year. Jeana finally got his personal effects back from the police and found my e-mail address in Tommy's telephone. She told me I was the only family member he ever mentioned besides his mom (deceased) and father, and the only one she could find information on. This touched my heart, and broke it at the same time. How sad and tragic!!!
Please, people, please, I implore you----take good care of your families and extended families so this type of thing never happens to you!! Let people know how you are, keep them up-to-date on happenings, and remind them how you feel about them as often you can.
Anyway, I asked this young lady if any of Tommy's personal items contained pictures from his first wedding as there might be some photos of my kids in them, including Timmy, who had a good time running around the dance floor. She said she will look to see, and I sent her photos so she knows who she is looking for. Jeana also told me how Tommy made the recipe he asked me for and that no one liked it but him! Hamburger Corn Pone Pie, which I was surprised I could find in my recipe box after all these years! He asked me for it last fall, when we talked for an hour, or rather, he talked for an hour! Just like his mother used to do, saying a whole lot of nothing for an hour and a half!
When I was reading the e-mail, my mouth just went dry because I was so sad by what little information was available about family, and how desperate Tommy was to be part of a family. Jeans describes Tommy as having "demons" inside of him and this was not a surprise to me at all. This topic of family is especially valuable to me since I just got home from spending good times with my family and I miss them terribly already. Some claim to miss me, too!


Anonymous said...

I miss you! It seems that time went by so fast now. We sure did have a good time at the wedding, didn't we? Not to mention how great your supper was, the pork and sauerkraut one you made.

I am glad that Tommy's fiancee contacted you and gave you that information on how you were talked about by Tommy.

I must go get ready for work. I am defrosting a freezer so must go in earlier.

It sounds as if the hot weather is coming after you go home.



Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Jill!

Yes, it was quite touching, as I said, to receive that message from Jeana.

After Judy died, I encouraged "the other side of the family" NOT to let that type of situation happen again, not to let relationships (I don't like that word!) go unattended, etc. Sadly, I fear my admonishment is going unheeded!

If you consider the 70's to be "hot", you won't last 10 minutes around here right now! We are expecting highs near or at 100 this weekend! Sunday I have been invited to go to Joe's Crab Shack after church so will be beach-side eating my lunch!

Have a freezing day today!
